The "unexplorable" part of Cantha
So I've been thinking, since factions came out. What about the area on the southwest side of the Cantha map that isn't explorable, that just stays hidden. Also the same thign with the island off to the far southwest as well. These areas remain covered and we never get to go to them. Will this land ever be used? or will it always be a clouded unexplorable are?
Macktar Wang
There are some areas on the Canthan and Tyrian map that are unmappable. We can't go everywhere. Check out a map pic posted by someone with the 100% Canthan Cartographer title. That'll show you where you can and cannot go.
Well there's equally much area clouded in Prophecies as well.
Doubt they will enlarge the existing area much, a small place like Sorrow's Furnace is possible, but somewhat unlikely as well.
Doubt they will enlarge the existing area much, a small place like Sorrow's Furnace is possible, but somewhat unlikely as well.
I wouldnt mind checking out those mountains in the North East either. Thats a bug chunk, maybe 1/8 of the map right there. Could have some cool mountain and valley scenery like Pong Mei, Mount Qinkai, and Jaya Bluffs. And no afflicted I hope .
eternal pho
The island southwest that mentioned is accessible. It's actually the pre-searing of cantha. You can access it from "The Marketplace".
Actually,Didn't A.Net specifically say there wasnt going to be additional content for Factions?
Or perhaps I just dreamed that.
Or perhaps I just dreamed that.
Originally Posted by eternal pho
The island southwest that mentioned is accessible. It's actually the pre-searing of cantha. You can access it from "The Marketplace".
Count to Potato
Yeah near the Great Basin is inaccesbile, and alot of desert to, in Cantha left of amatz basin is inacceslbile and right of imperial sanctum
dont worry, soon enough i will find more reason top suspect another threat in areas we cannot access. Its gonna be the same as north of beetletun. Read the description of beetletun, the devs like to get you thinking. People have yet to discover what little secrets the devs have laid out for us yet.
Misc Merik
dont worry, soon enough i will find more reason top suspect another threat in areas we cannot access. Its gonna be the same as north of beetletun. Read the description of beetletun, the devs like to get you thinking. People have yet to discover what little secrets the devs have laid out for us yet. |
and laughing
They're bound to eventually add more content, and I'm sure some of this new content will be explorable land.