Are you guys serious? it seemed to me like Anet always placed Luxons at a more favorable position. They always manage to cap all their shrines on their side MUCH faster and more accessible to their spawns. Maybe its time you finally admit that the majority of players in GW went kurzick and along that population, a great deal of great pvp players, could be possible you know

I've played all maps, and the only times the map seem to "favor" kurzick is when good players are on kurzick and overwhelm the luxons. Its not about which map favors, blame it on the players.
Also, the whole kurzick vs luxon is just a concept really, as there really isn't anything to be gotten out of it. I mean yeah, kurzick invade luxon territory, so what? its just more blue dots on the map.. does it do anything? no... seriously its all design crap. When you invade a town, generally you own it and have everything accessible to you. All Luxon NPCs will be presumably ransacked/killed and replaced w/ kurzick NPCs, while offering the same luxon items but accessible to kurzick aligned individuals.