Currently I'm 'training' an Enemy White Tiger to lvl 15 to let it become Dire. It's at lvl 12 now, but it should have evolved at lvl 11 already, it still shows as lvl 12 White Tiger. Anyone know if enemy pets don't show up as Aggressive or Dire?
Ok, at 13 now. Still no evolution :/.
Do enemy pets evolve noticeably?
The pet's current evolution will not show up until you return to town (merely zoning wont show it).
Oh ok, that would clarify it. It's at lvl 14 now, 1 more to go and I'm charming it.
*Yay! I charmed it at lvl 15 and it turned out to be a Dire White Tiger. Whoopie!
*Yay! I charmed it at lvl 15 and it turned out to be a Dire White Tiger. Whoopie!
Originally Posted by Yendor
The pet's current evolution will not show up until you return to town (merely zoning wont show it).