Can you remove runes from armor?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

Yeah, like the title already says, is it possible to remove runes from armor once you've already applied it? Maybe a stupid question, but I'm really not sure.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

Guild Wars

Yes, just use a superior salvage kit (not always guarenteed tho). Make sure you try the seach button before you ask btw.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006

House of Caeruleous [HoC]


He might also mean to "strip" a rune off of an armor w/o salvaging it. In that case, no, you cant. The only way to get a rune back is to salvage it. If you want to keep the armor and separate the rune, its impossible. When you try to apply another rune on top of it, its gets overwriten by the new one.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

If you want to keep the rune but not the armor, use an expert salvage.

If you want to keep the armor but not the rune, buy whatever minor rune for your class is cheapest and slap it on the armor to overwrite the old one.

If you want to keep the rune and the armor, you're out of luck.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Even though you can that NatalieD, I still think it would be cool if you could just remove the rune without having the worry to salvage.

But the minor runes do help if you need to change stuff up.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006

derby, england

all you need is [bud] {{{looking for new members


if u wont the armor and wont to change the rune thats easy, just aply like normal and it will ask u if u wont to add it and not keep other then click yes and i wull replace it, but if u wont both armor and run then no im sorry u carnt do that