Guild Wars "Vehicles"
No don't be mislead by the word Vehicles. I simply want to add new depth to the PvP system mainly the 8 vs 8 RP. In the mission known as Fort Aspenwood the Kurzicks have one juggernaut while the Luxons have two siege turtles. Since my first time playing the mission I always thought, how could would it be for a player to control those? So heres my propisition..
Siege Turtles
Before they are sent out, one person can double click the turtle and become a siege turtle commander. In which the person would sit somewhere on the mounted platform. In which his skill bar will swap to that of the siege turtle's and he will be able to over ride the turtle's AI and use it as if it were his character. (The hammer luxon warriors would still remain NPC's) Now I realize that the potential of siege turtles is much better then that of a juggernaut so to balance it out. The person still has a seperate health bar and can easily be killed while on the turtle thus so.
This even fits in with the Kurzick lore. Considering they take a person and turn them into a juggernaut, thats exactly what would happen. Before the match begins the first player to run up to the "Master Gunther Architect" or what ever his name is.. Can ask to become a juggernaut. In which HE will become the juggernaut that is posted outside the last gate. He will not be transfered over until the match begins, but he will be able to move freely and do as he wants. His name will appear yellow on the party menu to let people know whos controling the juggernaut.
In both scenerios it is completely optional.. If no one decides to control one of the either they will remain NPC's. During the battle both teams have the chance to recontrol as many times as they want. For the luxons when the turtles die and respawn, before the turtles are sent out a human player can take over one and for the kurzicks after the juggernaut dies a human player can run up to Master Gunther Architect and ask to become the next juggernaut.
Siege Turtles
Before they are sent out, one person can double click the turtle and become a siege turtle commander. In which the person would sit somewhere on the mounted platform. In which his skill bar will swap to that of the siege turtle's and he will be able to over ride the turtle's AI and use it as if it were his character. (The hammer luxon warriors would still remain NPC's) Now I realize that the potential of siege turtles is much better then that of a juggernaut so to balance it out. The person still has a seperate health bar and can easily be killed while on the turtle thus so.
This even fits in with the Kurzick lore. Considering they take a person and turn them into a juggernaut, thats exactly what would happen. Before the match begins the first player to run up to the "Master Gunther Architect" or what ever his name is.. Can ask to become a juggernaut. In which HE will become the juggernaut that is posted outside the last gate. He will not be transfered over until the match begins, but he will be able to move freely and do as he wants. His name will appear yellow on the party menu to let people know whos controling the juggernaut.
In both scenerios it is completely optional.. If no one decides to control one of the either they will remain NPC's. During the battle both teams have the chance to recontrol as many times as they want. For the luxons when the turtles die and respawn, before the turtles are sent out a human player can take over one and for the kurzicks after the juggernaut dies a human player can run up to Master Gunther Architect and ask to become the next juggernaut.
I won't say using those exact "vehicles" would be good, but the basic concept of it is great. PvP and GvG need more varities, as well as multiple objective, to make it more fun. Controling a important location or item that would grant you bonus power would work... not to say that people always like to ride, or become, a powerful avatar for a bit.
I don't think this sould be added to chapter 2, however it could be added to further chapters. The only problems I see with this are...
-It would be like makeing your team 1 or 2 people short.
-It wouldn't be as much like PvP. It would be to differant from the original game.
-It would be differant from everything else in the game. We have never had anything like riding or controling animals like this before.
I think I have an idea for this. Make the "Creature" follow the first person who talk to it(Kinda like Gwen and the ghostly Hero). Then that person can trade in the seige turtles skills for some of the skills he has(Like takeing Kuumavigs special skill except you'd be adding more than 1). If the player doesn't want to control the turtle any more he just goes back and clicks on it. Also if the turlte or the person crontroling it dies, you lose control of it. This isn't so much like your idea but it would make control, but it would make it better for your team. Because the player that controls the creature doesn't have to just control it all the time. He could still fight for his team as usual. Giveing player complete control over an AI creature would be a large disadvatage as you would be trading a character with 8 skills for a slightly better AI with 4 or less skills.
Brother Gilburt
-It would be like makeing your team 1 or 2 people short.
-It wouldn't be as much like PvP. It would be to differant from the original game.
-It would be differant from everything else in the game. We have never had anything like riding or controling animals like this before.
I think I have an idea for this. Make the "Creature" follow the first person who talk to it(Kinda like Gwen and the ghostly Hero). Then that person can trade in the seige turtles skills for some of the skills he has(Like takeing Kuumavigs special skill except you'd be adding more than 1). If the player doesn't want to control the turtle any more he just goes back and clicks on it. Also if the turlte or the person crontroling it dies, you lose control of it. This isn't so much like your idea but it would make control, but it would make it better for your team. Because the player that controls the creature doesn't have to just control it all the time. He could still fight for his team as usual. Giveing player complete control over an AI creature would be a large disadvatage as you would be trading a character with 8 skills for a slightly better AI with 4 or less skills.
Brother Gilburt
the word is mounts! I have been asking for it along time. it would be great for pvp!
It would be annoying for PvP -_-
I would be so frustrated if a person could direct a giant-ass turtle at me.
I would be so frustrated if a person could direct a giant-ass turtle at me.
What PvP arena have you found yet that would warrant mounts? Even the Alliance Battle maps aren't big enough.
He did mention Fort Aspenwood.
Riding in or becoming the NPC until death gives too much of a disadvantage to your team. Merely having a bit of control over the NPCs would be a great idea. Good ideas as always Brother Gilburt.
this is obsurd. All in all the map would become no more than the size of a city block if you can ride around everywhere. Can you say runner overkill?
it'd be better if there were only certain locations where you could use this if it's in a PvE world... and also disable it when in towns and outposts. Maybe jungle areas only.... but really nice idea.
AW Lore
the word is mounts! I have been asking for it along time. it would be great for pvp! |
it'd be better if there were only certain locations where you could use this if it's in a PvE world... and also disable it when in towns and outposts. Maybe jungle areas only.... but really nice idea. |
regarding the OP idea, it is an interesting idea, but i can see a possible exploit:
when a luxon warrior leroys in behind an amber runner to try and solo the gatekeepers, the juggernaut and the green gates npc will follow him inside, if the gate is closed behind them, the npcs wont be able to return to their original spot.
this happened once, the only thing that was damaging the ele behind the gate was the siegeĀ“s turtle shots, and just in front of the gate there was a massive bone fiend army, 8 enraged luxon warriors, and 8 puzzled luxon players, and my team was using the teleporters to offer yet more corpses to the MM.
with this im trying to say that if a kurzick player opens the gate the juggernaut player can effectively hide behind gunther (or at the res shrine) effectively making the green gate indestructible.
other than that, i would love to become a juggernaut, even if its for a minute

yea know if anet doesnot ever put mounts there will be another company that will. I bet there is another company out there that sees what anet is doing. They are going to improve on it. I bet they would add mounts. There is alot of people who would flock to the other game just for that reason. 
4 things I have always been asking for since beta
ships and wagons, chareits, dunkeys we can own
jump, climb and swim
night and day :P seassons.

4 things I have always been asking for since beta
ships and wagons, chareits, dunkeys we can own
jump, climb and swim
night and day :P seassons.
AW Lore
Originally Posted by dreamhunk
yea know if anet doesnot ever put mounts there will be another company that will. I bet there is another company out there that sees what anet is doing. They are going to improve on it. I bet they would add mounts. There is alot of people who would flock to the other game just for that reason.
![]() 4 things I have always been asking for since beta mounts ships and wagons, chareits, dunkeys we can own jump, climb and swim night and day :P seassons. |
ships, maybe once 5 chapters are released and you have to move from land to land (if that so many chapters require new continents) we might get events like "during the travel you are being atacked by pirates/your opossing faction/insert hostile creatures here, if your team gets defeated you are stranded somewhere, if you succed you get to your destination and maybe get some loot.
jump, climb and swim, unless they are for a minigame or something, not really needed.
night and day... that is interesting, i would love to go through an area that when night falls undead will come out from the inside of the earth.
seassons, there have been already events regarding real life seasons, so they have been added already. also throughout the game you meet this seassons, altough they are stationary.
Let me clear something up...
READ THE POST, I'm not suggesting mounts. <--- Directed to a select few posters.
READ THE POST, I'm not suggesting mounts. <--- Directed to a select few posters.
AW Lore
sorry for going off topic nevin, back to topic:
i actually like the idea, at least it would fit in the kurzick system.
the idea for the luxons is also viable, i would love nothing more than to be able to control a turtle, controlling a turtle with a siege cannon would make me faint of happyness
i thought of something to add to your idea (thats it, if you think it goes along well with your main idea)
once the kurzick juggernaut is killed, instead of just dying, if its controlly by a person, the skin of the juggernaut would burn up, revealing the player that was controlling it and then the player could join the fight right there where he was killed, if he is killed surrounded by the 4 npc luxon warriors... ouchies.
also, something i would like would be to actually add a respawn timer for the juggernaut alone, like once he is killed he willl respawn in 45-60 seconds at master architect gunther (timer can be modified) without regards to the status of the green gate, with this, repairing the green gate would only bring the npc mesmers and ele back to life.
for the player controlling the turtle, maybe removing the separated life bar would be less complicated than having two life bars, as he would only get damage from casters/rangers, warriors would have a harder time reaching him, also the only skill that would need to be rebalanced would be carriers defense, as he could just spam it as soon as a warrior gets close, or even better, he could just run into a gathering of kurzick players and spam it to deal more damage than the siege cannon.
i actually like the idea, at least it would fit in the kurzick system.
the idea for the luxons is also viable, i would love nothing more than to be able to control a turtle, controlling a turtle with a siege cannon would make me faint of happyness

i thought of something to add to your idea (thats it, if you think it goes along well with your main idea)
once the kurzick juggernaut is killed, instead of just dying, if its controlly by a person, the skin of the juggernaut would burn up, revealing the player that was controlling it and then the player could join the fight right there where he was killed, if he is killed surrounded by the 4 npc luxon warriors... ouchies.
also, something i would like would be to actually add a respawn timer for the juggernaut alone, like once he is killed he willl respawn in 45-60 seconds at master architect gunther (timer can be modified) without regards to the status of the green gate, with this, repairing the green gate would only bring the npc mesmers and ele back to life.
for the player controlling the turtle, maybe removing the separated life bar would be less complicated than having two life bars, as he would only get damage from casters/rangers, warriors would have a harder time reaching him, also the only skill that would need to be rebalanced would be carriers defense, as he could just spam it as soon as a warrior gets close, or even better, he could just run into a gathering of kurzick players and spam it to deal more damage than the siege cannon.
ok ok as soon as you start riding any thing it becomes amount! the hole point is to ride cool creatures or ships, chareits, wagons etc.they are the same boat as mounts. Your riding on creature or Vehicle what ever you wnat to alll it.
I have been in debate over this topic. the answer from alot of pvp players no!
the fact remains your riding, your in control.
I love your idea, I support it. I love it but there will be people saying no.
I have been in debate over this topic. the answer from alot of pvp players no!
the fact remains your riding, your in control.
I love your idea, I support it. I love it but there will be people saying no.