OK, i have an HP computer >.< and it is on itsa last leg, (i got it in 2000) i have updated the heck out of it, and now it is dying. And, whenever I play GW after a while it minimizes randomly and the support info (serial #, model #, that kind of stuff) pops up, is there any way to fix this, anyone have a ny ideas...
Dont say- get a new computer (im working on it )
get a new power supply (HP cases are weird and small @.@)
thanks for your help
GW minimizing
If it's not an error message, but just some annoying "contact HP support" junk, you could click start the run, then type in msconfig, click the startup tab, and disable whatever HP help programs are starting up with your computer by taking out the check mark next to them.
Either that, or find a way to disable them in the control panel.
Either that, or find a way to disable them in the control panel.
thanks a bunch, i hope it works
specifically: uncheck hpcmpmgr it's the most annoying thing EVER....randomly minimized GW every 25-30 minutes...
More information about the computer and operating system would be nice.