Recently this game has been so bad
constantly gettin Err7/5/59 and what more fun codes there are
and the most annoying of them all is the Err5
were i cant connect to any part of Cantha or my own Guild Hall
everything in Tyria works fine
and before anyone says it, NO its it NOT my connection
everything else works PERFECT
as we r speaking i can only use Tyria, nothing else, not even guild hall
i tried doing diagnostics and got this
Check: 6112 ( --> problem connecting to "", port 80: Unknown error
Check: 6112 ( --> problem connecting to "", port 80: Unknown error
and note i get this error ALOT were i cant go to guild hall
someone else but me has to have the same problem
i live in Sweden so yes it can be some transatlantic connection, still its weird half of GW works but not Cantha+GH
Tired of not even being able to use GH
Miss Eisei
hmm thats not very fun
I live in California and I can't progress in the Sanctum Cay mission. I can hardly get off the boat at the start because the lag zaps me back on it. I get this problem in Tyria. I connect from the America territory.