Who Is The Fortune Teller?



Join Date: Jul 2005


Originally Posted by Haung Yu
The assassin (vizu) was there for a reason. Since she seems to be the only person who can kill Shiro, the Emperor organised for her to come to the Harvest Ceremony and kill Shiro inside the temple. The only problem is that the Emperor wasn't aware of Shiro's encounter with the fortune teller. By the time Vizu arrived, the Emperor was already dead.
she didn't kill Shiro. she wasn't there because the Emperor asked her to be there. she was there because she was a loyal subject to the Emperor. then, she had her "premonition", which lead her to Shadow Step to the top of the temple. things progress from there (Vizu stabs Shiro in the back, Shiro drops his blades. Archemorous and Viktor take his blades and slice up Shiro. Shiro whines and the whole place 'splodes.)...yeah.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006



Originally Posted by MrGuildBoi
This is the fortune teller...
No she is not, she just looks like her. Remember that the Necro Headmaster at shing jea also looks like her.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006


Well, afetr going through this thread, i understand that the general feeling is the the fortune teller can either be glint or gwen (gwen??!!! omg?!?!!). One thing bothers me though - if she was so good why can't she foresee that Shiro was gonna kill her?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006

it was destiny...

Numa Pompilius

Numa Pompilius

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Who says Shiro killed her? He just ran a sword through her - wouldn't be much of a supernatural entity if that killed her...

Pick Me

Forge Runner

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Thornill, ON, Canada



Shiro shows powers we all like to have. The ability to wield 2 swords. The ability to meditate and ignore all the annoyances of the world, then when we awaken from our mediation, we see the dead bodies of the annoying ones, and we thank "god" that they were smited down.

The Fortune Teller is a tool, to set things in motion. She is not Glint, Glint is smart, she stay away and gets others to move the prophecies along. The FT gets herself killed because she either:

a) didn't see it coming... she sees only things she was ment to see;
b) she knew what was coming and wanted to die before Shiro took control of her soul and mutalated her body (turning it into an Afflicted);
c) she was old, no one else would listen to her, so she would wanted to die in the presence of the only person who would listen to her; or
d) her usefulness was over as a tool, so this brings closure.

It wouldn't surprise me if Glint sent the prophicies to the FT through the crystal ball.

And for the record, Vizu's dagger was the implement of Shiro's demise, but Vizu admits it wasn't her that struck the final blow.

Numa Pompilius

Numa Pompilius

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At an Insit.. Intis... a house.

Live Forever Or Die Trying [GLHF]


While I do see Glint as a master puppeteer, and I do consider her to have orchestrated all the events in Prophecies through her prophecies (and the occasional judicious finger on the scales of fate), and while I could well see her trying to extend her reach after becoming the one remaining Power in Tyria.... I don't really see her involvment in Factions.

Yes, it's a bit suspicious that a mere mortals death wail turns the better part of a continent to _crystal_, which we know Glint is partial for, and yes the Shiro'ken are similar to Glints Enchanted Armors, but other than that there isn't really anything implicating Glint. For instance Glint hasn't been associated with corruption of creatures (the Afflicted).

I think Shiro was played, but not by either Glint or Kuunavang, and especially not Gwen. I don't think we've seen the puppeteer yet.

Omega X

Omega X

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Glint was a charge of the Gods themselves. Why would she challenge their power after 3000 years of devotion?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006

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Originally Posted by Avarre

We still don't know what the change of plans was in the Harvest temple. Personally I doubt it was to kill him, the 4 ritualists didn't stand a chance against him and the emperor is hardly that much of a fighter. If shiro did nothing, it is possible the prediction would have simply passed without having effect, or another situation would have arisen. Remember that Shiro is the most powerful of the canthan soldiers, he would likely have smashed his way out of the temple if it was not for Vizu hitting him from behind.
Ever heard of Doom or Spirit Rift? 4 Rits can easily take Shiro, "IF" he wasnt expecting it. THats a BIG if. And I think that The Emperor was secretly training Nika (sp?) and her mad skills when she disarmed Shiro. The Emperor is defenitley an Assassin, see? so covert you didnt even notice.




Wilds Pathfinder

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Originally Posted by MaglorD
Dunno but the emperor also looked evil with eye shadow and black lipstick...
Ah, a bit they missed out is the emperor was a goth.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Dragon's Lair



I think its Shiro's mom, thats why he was so mad when he killed her


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2009


Originally Posted by Avarre View Post
I never even once considered Shiro to be an assassin class... he wields two weapons, and that's it. Shiroken warriors wield 4

He was appointed as a bodyguard (tank) to the emperor... who tells him in teh cutscene 'arise warrior, and take your place as my personal bodyguard.' He was a soldier in the army, walks straight without hiding, and stands out. Plus he talks like a neanderthal... warrior for sure!
Na, he's an assassin. The prima guide states it several times. His blades are also giant daggers. I'm leaning more towards him being an A/N



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2005


A/Rt. Those powers that being an assassin don't cover for generally deal with the spirit world in some fashion. (Both professions have lifesteal of one form or another.)

Konig Des Todes

Konig Des Todes

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I think his spirit world powers is because he was an Envoy. Some skills seem to be a combination of Assassin and Warrior skills, and he drops an assassin tome. I think he's an A/W/En(voy) or Awen.

Neo Atomisk

Neo Atomisk

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Ultracheese used Rebirth!
A Critical Hit!

anyways we know that the fortune teller was/is an agent of Abbadon, so could there be any... wait no how'd Abbadon get a hold of (her?)

and just because I have nothing to do, just to beat Konig on Awen
