(Gold) Eternal Shield(req 8 str)
AL 16
Hp+40(while hexed)
wondering what this could go for
PC:Gold Eternal Maxed
I'm not great with shield pricing, but thats a very nice item. Very good req, good armor, mod isn't great but not bad either. I like to think of HP +x while hexed as "reduces effects of hexes," which isnt that bad at all.
Consider this a free bump so that someone who knows what they're talking about can answer =]
Consider this a free bump so that someone who knows what they're talking about can answer =]
u dont see many gold eternals shields from my experiences so yea got an offer for 40k ing would it go higher?
Sorry thought it read while enchanted I am tired from playing so much GW and now I can not read. 40k is good offer
I personally would sell easily at 40k. Not many would love +hp while hexed mods