How to beat the turtles.
So we were doing Eternal Grove, and we discovered a way to easily defeat the siege turtles.
You simple push them over the edge.
You simple push them over the edge.
ROFL pwned :P
Oh Noes!~!! Not The Wee Turtles!!!
ROFL good luck with that. Pushing a 2,000+ pound turtle over a cliff might not exactly be easy
Ventius Hozza
distracting shot.
Sai of Winter
Looks like John is using all of his might to push that turtle over.
Criminally Sane
Yeah... thank god for echo'd mending. And who says Strength is a useless primary attribute? ;p
Originally Posted by Sai of Winterland
Looks like John is using all of his might to push that turtle over.
I'm using Shove! on Siege Turtle. He wasn't but would have been funny.
Mister Muhkuh
Cyan The Archer
That will teach the Luxons to come with a more heavy weapon!
storm of daeth
pft screw the kurzicks long live the luxons!! but that is a cool pic though i love it when my war stabs juggernautsb in the nuts with his sword
After that episode of the pushed turtle, we are developing a new flying turtle and another T/A with Aura of Displacement. GG
And a Siege Turtle with a real GvG brand Catapult on it, 700 dmg comming your way.