Take out the Arenas for 100% Map Completion

Basher of Scroteums

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2006



I was just looking at the 100% completed map (good job btw) and I realized that I haven't explored the Shing Jea Arena area (which is about 0.1-0.2% of the map...argh... ) and I think that is almost stupid that you are restricted to getting the exploration title only because of the fact that you aree too high of a level to enter the 10 and below arena.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006



You don't need Shing Jea arena to get 100% Canthan Explorer's. There are multiple Tyrians with full Canthan maps, and they haven't been to the inaccessible areas (Monastary Outlook and Shing Jea Arena)...

!!! aa !!!!

!!! aa !!!!


Join Date: Jun 2006

Aeser Mages [AM]


Agreed..I also don't like the under lvl 10 pvp thing lol!!! i can't get it onless i delete a char


Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005



It is completely unfair that new characters get a massive advantage in achieving the mapping titles because they know to go to pointless low-level arenas that the old characters didn't know they should have gone to when they were low level. This includes Ascalon Arena too.

The fog in any and all level-restricted areas should be removed for everyone by default.

This is the only way to make it an even playing field when it comes to achieving the mapping titles.


Site Contributor

Join Date: Sep 2005

38??16′ N 140??52′ E


Alternate idea: open up the areas to all characters (non-combat zones, explorable areas). Add a NPC like the gate NPCs in Factions) or something that will allow you to enter the old PvP arenas and uncover stuff.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006



Originally Posted by koneko
Alternate idea: open up the areas to all characters (non-combat zones, explorable areas). Add a NPC like the gate NPCs in Factions) or something that will allow you to enter the old PvP arenas and uncover stuff.
Some kind of tour NPC perhaps, that offers tours at the 'arenas of the past' and their staging areas.. Wouldn't be very hard to implement I presume, an NPC at Lion's Arch, and at each now instanced staging area for exploring, in a similar way people can look at Guild Halls.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

I don't see the point. Tyrian chars can already get 100% in Cantha without the Arena/Monastery Outlook.


Site Contributor

Join Date: Sep 2005

38??16′ N 140??52′ E


It supposedly "evens the playing field"...or something.

Me, I'd like to access the locked arenas to get a totally fog-free map...even after I pick up the title. Just for kicks. Little things like that annoy me.

Dr Strangelove

Dr Strangelove

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Dec 2005

Wasting away again in Margaritaville



Open those suckers up

!!! aa !!!!

!!! aa !!!!


Join Date: Jun 2006

Aeser Mages [AM]



i really hope this passes (Not fair that i cannot get into the lower than lvl 10 arena so i can never get 100%%)



Hall Hero

Join Date: Aug 2005


/not signed

Are all you people who are signing not reading the posts above yours? All PvP arenas do not count towards map exploration. It is right there is the 2nd post. It has been that way the whole time. Just look at people with 100% Tyrian Cartographer who have never entered ascalon arena. That .1%-.2% you are missing Basher is somewhere else.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005


The point is the Ascalon Arena etc. still counts too, so people who knew to have went there (ie: new players who bought the game after this info was made public) have an unfair advantage in getting to 100%. Those with the PVP arenas uncovered don't have to work as hard/pixel hunt as much to get 100% - that's unfair.




Join Date: Dec 2005

On the Beach


It's ridiculous to include areas to the exploration title that you can't even Reach.

Aarroe of Gilgamesh

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

Friedberg, Germany

We Came, We Saw, We Drank [Tea]

well i have 96% of both maps and for tyria that means i should be missing a lot because that whole area beyond the walls in dunes of despair only gave me 1.2, if someone know someone that got 100% completion on a character that was created after the implementation of the battle isles, i would really like to know. until then, that you can get 100% without completion of arenas will remain a myth. i know for a fact that the anon noob arenas/challenge missions do count toward map completion with the exception of dragons throat.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006


When trying to achieve the grandmaster cartographer title in tyria I was frustrated along these same lines. I had never played in the lower level arenas when I could and I started GW in january so I missed the old arena areas.

That being said, I was still able to get the title in Tyria. It probably took more work because I had to hit areas that perhaps some people who had the arena areas mapped could bypass. It was a long process to trim the edges of all the maps and get every possible spot but in the end I was able to get the title.

So to those trying to get to 100% in Tyria and have missed the arena areas, don't give up hope. You can still get the title without those spots.

I cannot speak for cantha since I have yet to purchase Factions.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by Navaros
... a massive advantage...
Well, I think all the areas combined do not make up more than 0,5 percent of the map, so, I wouldn't call it a massive advantage.

There is enough leeway in the way of 100% exploration. I am a GM Cartographer of Tyria and I know that there are at least 10 unexplored tiny corners and 2 unexplored arenas on my map.

That said, I agree that areas with restrictions should not be counting towards exploration, however I wouldn't lose sleep over it. Especially considering any change to current system probably would steal precious developer time that could be put to better use for an auction house

/nodded approvingly but passed by without signing lest the government come after me.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Why does everything have to be so easy. I have a Tyrian char who is GM of Tyria and Cantha. As do many others I am sure.
Yes it was hard to get Canthan GM, but it's a maxed title, it's supposed to be hard and take long to get. Deal with it.