More Farms
!!! aa !!!!
When america doesn not have favor there is nothing to do...
SF drops nothing good...
All TOMBS need is b/p and it takes forever...can an actually good/fun farming center come out that is not based on green items? meaning it has some-what decent chest and gives a decent number of gold drops...
Also, if it cvould be made for balanced groups that would be great so everyone could play it (=
SF drops nothing good...
All TOMBS need is b/p and it takes forever...can an actually good/fun farming center come out that is not based on green items? meaning it has some-what decent chest and gives a decent number of gold drops...
Also, if it cvould be made for balanced groups that would be great so everyone could play it (=
The Deep
But the Deep is supposed to be so hard, no casuel player can handel it, you have to be "elite" to get past the first room etc etc etc ..................
Dr Strangelove
Um, you can farm anywhere in the game. Most of the uber-easy places to make money have been nerfed because the unbalanced everything else.
Originally Posted by Stockholm
But the Deep is supposed to be so hard, no casuel player can handel it, you have to be "elite" to get past the first room etc etc etc ..................
"omg noes, you can't handle this mission, its elite.. degen, unholy degen!!eleven!!!!"
and now it's as difficult as a B/P friday night at tombs.
And the junk coming out of it, is common as heck anyhow. I really don't see why people are still paying 100+ ecto for them. Tip folks, save your gold.
Originally Posted by Stockholm
But the Deep is supposed to be so hard, no casuel player can handel it, you have to be "elite" to get past the first room etc etc etc ..................
Lord Cooper
Originally Posted by !!! aa !!!!
When america doesn not have favor there is nothing to do...
there are plenty of places to farm already, introducing more places with high level drops would just flood the market and destabilise the economy. there is more to this game than farming. play pvp gvg help out guildies run people power level people get drunk whatever
America can do everything europe can do except UW/FoW....and those 2 spots are obviously not the only places to farm.
The Deep is so easy it's sad.
Dr Strangelove
Originally Posted by fiery
The Deep is so easy it's sad.
Yeah, the Deep is pretty hard.
What if you get err7 while waiting HOURS for the other teams to finish their room? Oh no!
What if you get err7 while waiting HOURS for the other teams to finish their room? Oh no!
Originally Posted by NinjaKai
I'm a casual player. And I manage to get through it just fine. I mean you have a team of 12. Its not like your going to try and solo it.
Originally Posted by NinjaKai
I'm a casual player. And I manage to get through it just fine. I mean you have a team of 12. Its not like your going to try and solo it.
Deep is easy, but it's hella long.
Shorter elite missions please.
Some of us are older and have families, we can't play a 3+ hour mission hardly ever.
Shorter elite missions please.
Some of us are older and have families, we can't play a 3+ hour mission hardly ever.
!!! aa !!!!
is the deep factions? i decided not to waste 50 bucks...neways i cleered mineral springs with henchmen and my best drop was a max damage hammer...where else in tyrian can i go? where i wont get a green (They ruin the game whenever i get one i decide not to pick it up) and can actually get decent items
Stupid Shizno
You could farm HA and sell your fame points to "R2 150 fame!" people.
!!! aa !!!!
Originally Posted by Death3D
You could farm HA and sell your fame points to "R2 150 fame!" people.
Originally Posted by !!! aa !!!!
uhmm where is ha
You ran out of places to farm so you went to clear Mineral Springs????????? I seriously don't understand why your complaining that everything dropped in SF and Tombs are nearly worthless and then go farm Mineral Springs where EVERYTHING is worthless and nothing down there can kill your henchman except 6 Fierce groups as AI sucks. Its hardly a challenge.
Something tells me you want more time with the favour so you can farm UW with your 55 monk... to be honest, the last i saw America where getting the favour quite alot more than before.
I would like more places to visit though, Tyria has UW/FoW, SF and the Tombs. All either require a very fast barrage/pet team, a slow balanced team, or an extremely slow 5man team.
Has any actually tried a Barrage team to UW? Since i'd imagine the Flesh Golem would make an excellent tank. Just as i'm sure someone can bring Barbed Trap to snare them.
Something tells me you want more time with the favour so you can farm UW with your 55 monk... to be honest, the last i saw America where getting the favour quite alot more than before.
I would like more places to visit though, Tyria has UW/FoW, SF and the Tombs. All either require a very fast barrage/pet team, a slow balanced team, or an extremely slow 5man team.
Has any actually tried a Barrage team to UW? Since i'd imagine the Flesh Golem would make an excellent tank. Just as i'm sure someone can bring Barbed Trap to snare them.
Stupid Shizno
Originally Posted by Evilsod
Has any actually tried a Barrage team to UW? Since i'd imagine the Flesh Golem would make an excellent tank. Just as i'm sure someone can bring Barbed Trap to snare them.
copied skills ftw.
Is the game called Farm Wars?
Is the game called Farm Wars?
Originally Posted by master_of_puppets
Is the game called Farm Wars?
the Guild wars where long over when the storyline starts, has nothing at all to do with the gameplay.
The Guild Wars started in 1013 AE and ended in 1070 AE
storyline starts in 1072 AE(page 34)
!!! aa !!!!
[QUOTE=Evilsod]You ran out of places to farm so you went to clear Mineral Springs????????? I seriously don't understand why your complaining that everything dropped in SF and Tombs are nearly worthless and then go farm Mineral Springs where EVERYTHING is worthless and nothing down there can kill your henchman except 6 Fierce groups as AI sucks. Its hardly a challenge.
Something tells me you want more time with the favour so you can farm UW with your 55 monk... to be honest, the last i saw America where getting the favour quite alot more than before.
I would like more places to visit though, Tyria has UW/FoW, SF and the Tombs. All either require a very fast barrage/pet team, a slow balanced team, or an extremely slow 5man team.
I do not 55 monk lol! and i cleared mineral springs cuz im a pathfinder hehe shulda made that more clear...i dont SF or TOMBS because i dislike the fact that greens even exist, which i said earlier, so i do not wield one nor do I bother wasting the time to pick them up...And i do 5-man fissure with:
Stance Tank
Healing Monk
SS Necro
-.- just should be a farming place like it that is always accessable (Without the shards/ecto so favor would still be better)
Something tells me you want more time with the favour so you can farm UW with your 55 monk... to be honest, the last i saw America where getting the favour quite alot more than before.
I would like more places to visit though, Tyria has UW/FoW, SF and the Tombs. All either require a very fast barrage/pet team, a slow balanced team, or an extremely slow 5man team.
I do not 55 monk lol! and i cleared mineral springs cuz im a pathfinder hehe shulda made that more clear...i dont SF or TOMBS because i dislike the fact that greens even exist, which i said earlier, so i do not wield one nor do I bother wasting the time to pick them up...And i do 5-man fissure with:
Stance Tank
Healing Monk
SS Necro
-.- just should be a farming place like it that is always accessable (Without the shards/ecto so favor would still be better)
Originally Posted by Death3D
I believe theirs even a trap called 'Snare Trap' now.
copied skills ftw. |
Something tells me it was late, friday night, everyone wanted to go home and couldn't think of another Ranger skill to make it 30. So they just chucked that piece of crap in...
I really do think they had no idea what to do with new ranger skills. Half of them either suck, are copies of old ones or derivatives of each other!
Aren't you sorta limiting yourself? You despise greens, so won't farm them. Even the elite missions have Greens in them.
There are some new farms, right outside Tsumei Village. Theres even a few quests around them for easy XP and money. My favorite being Cash Crops. I highly recommend that quest to everyone.
/signed for more places to farm
SF and Tombs used to be great to farm and a lot of fun too. But ANet has the attitude of "Here, have this place to farm." Once people get a good build going ANet decides, "Let's see how they like us nerfing all of this!"
The Deep and Urgoz are lame. Three hours for a very slim chance to get a drop, and the missions have tons of error 7 chances and buggy rooms.
SF and Tombs used to be great to farm and a lot of fun too. But ANet has the attitude of "Here, have this place to farm." Once people get a good build going ANet decides, "Let's see how they like us nerfing all of this!"
The Deep and Urgoz are lame. Three hours for a very slim chance to get a drop, and the missions have tons of error 7 chances and buggy rooms.
Dr Strangelove
Originally Posted by Vilaptca
There are some new farms, right outside Tsumei Village. Theres even a few quests around them for easy XP and money. My favorite being Cash Crops. I highly recommend that quest to everyone.
!!! aa !!!!
Originally Posted by Vilaptca
There are some new farms, right outside Tsumei Village. Theres even a few quests around them for easy XP and money. My favorite being Cash Crops. I highly recommend that quest to everyone.
Depending on what profession you are playing there are plenty of spots to
farm in Prophecies, and greens are great, easy way to get a max weapon
or two or three.......
My most used bow, is the Ell's longbow from tombs, throw on apply poison
and practiced stance and you can poison ppl all day long.
Try farming Ettins, drakes, fire imps, easy and decent drops, or goto the
troll cave, do the ice imps, Tundra giants, sand worms, etc, etc, farming
in Prophecies is alot better than Factions, so fell lucky.
farm in Prophecies, and greens are great, easy way to get a max weapon
or two or three.......
My most used bow, is the Ell's longbow from tombs, throw on apply poison
and practiced stance and you can poison ppl all day long.
Try farming Ettins, drakes, fire imps, easy and decent drops, or goto the
troll cave, do the ice imps, Tundra giants, sand worms, etc, etc, farming
in Prophecies is alot better than Factions, so fell lucky.
Tien ak
I agree more farming locations would be cool...
Can you remeber Griffin and Minotor farming before it was nerfed -sigh- such good times....GOD DAMN BOTS
I don't think much will be added though I think they day give us back our desert was loads fun...-sigh-
Can you remeber Griffin and Minotor farming before it was nerfed -sigh- such good times....GOD DAMN BOTS
I don't think much will be added though I think they day give us back our desert was loads fun...-sigh-
Dr Strangelove
Originally Posted by !!! aa !!!!
hmm...i said i don't have factions and I should not be forced to spend 50 dollars to be able to farm...
!!! aa !!!!
Originally Posted by SirShadowrunner
Depending on what profession you are playing there are plenty of spots to
farm in Prophecies, and greens are great, easy way to get a max weapon or two or three....... My most used bow, is the Ell's longbow from tombs, throw on apply poison and practiced stance and you can poison ppl all day long. Try farming Ettins, drakes, fire imps, easy and decent drops, or goto the troll cave, do the ice imps, Tundra giants, sand worms, etc, etc, farming in Prophecies is alot better than Factions, so fell lucky. -Sirshadowrunner |
Originally Posted by !!! aa !!!!
haha i said i dont pick up greens (= they ruin the game
Originally Posted by !!! aa !!!!
is the deep factions? i decided not to waste 50 bucks.
if all ya have to do is farm goto ebay at least ya wont have to buy factions.
!!! aa !!!!
Originally Posted by anonymous
Elaborate on how greens ruined the game. I dont think they did.
Dr Strangelove
Originally Posted by !!! aa !!!!
they ruined the game because they took the value out of gold items and now there is no point in farming...and everyone in pvp now has perfect well as everyone in pve...also you can get a perfect staff for 5k (green) so wut will that make a super rare gold staff that is perfect be worth (Not a lot compared to what it would be worth without green items) Also, everyone has gold now days and they can be terrible (Such as a tank that doesnt block, or a monk with 55 health)
1) Farming is alive and well. See the fancy new farming section in the forums for more on that.
2) It's called Guild Wars, not Binky's Farming Adventure. If farming doesn't matter, who cares?
3)Everyone in PvP has perfect items because PvP character have perfect items. To be able to compete, PvE characters need perfect items. It's kind of silly to complain abou when perfect items were par for the course before green items.
4) There's nothing wrong with casual players having acceptable items to play with. It's kind of silly that you would need to farm for hours on end to get weapons just to be able to play the game normally.
5) Market prices dropped because people weren't forced to buy golds and mods anymore. It's still alive and well, though. There's a sword in the auction section for sale for 16 million gold. Zodiac items and mods routinely get high prices. Heck, the greens themselves can sell for quite a lot. I sold a green sword today for 70k.
6) It's called a 55 monk, it's a versatile farming build.
7)As much of a waste of tie as it may seem, attending your English class *does* pay off in the end.
!!! aa !!!!
7)As much of a waste of tie as it may seem, attending your English class *does* pay off in the end....
hmm...i said i don't have factions and I should not be forced to spend 50 dollars to be able to farm... |
haha i said i dont pick up greens (= they ruin the game |
they ruined the game because they took the value out of gold items and now there is no point in farming... |
Turn off your computer a little bit.... go for a walk..... take some air.......
!!! aa !!!!
Turn Off You Computer And Go On A Jog!