Why... oh why doesn't it let me ignore them from the local channel!? Why should I have to leave a district just because someone is spamming the channel? This is ridiculous - the ignore feature should let me ignore them, period. Not just in Whisper channels.
And why is the Friend/Ignore list merged? The maximum limit should be idependant - 25 for friends, 25 for ignore.... but noooo~ 25 for friends and ignore! It doesn't take too much memory to increase it just by a bit... I feel it was simply laziness.
The Ignore Feature in this game sucks.
Agreed, I tried to use /ignore to avoid getting spammed by a guy hawking his stuff at Lion's Arch. He spammed three lines of : WTS <something> every two seconds. In the end I had to move to another district.
I don't like having to turn off local chat. Granted, most of it is drivel but some of it isn't and I like to be able to hear what others are saying. Sometimes people need advice that I can give and vice versa. It's a shame that the ignore list can't be longer.
It should also be easier to place someone on an ignore list too.
It should also be easier to place someone on an ignore list too.
Eet GnomeSmasher
Yeah the limit for the Friend/Ignore list being merged is kind of stupid. It makes you have to decide whether you want to keep a friend or keep that harrassing idiot out of your face.
crazy diamond
From what I recall from another thread it seems that they were unaware that the ignore wasn't functioning properly.
Seconding the bigger lst thing too.
Seconding the bigger lst thing too.
I'm sure they are aware of the current state by now...
The other problem with ignore is that it tells the person being ignored. This usually causes them to bring their retardation to the other channels. And again, ignoring someone should ignore them in all channels, and not just in PMs.
Also, the ignore list could completely be client-side, not server-side. A nice little ignore.txt file with everyone who you want to ignore's name would do the trick. All the client has to do is not display those lines said by anyone on the list.
Also, the ignore list could completely be client-side, not server-side. A nice little ignore.txt file with everyone who you want to ignore's name would do the trick. All the client has to do is not display those lines said by anyone on the list.