Originally Posted by Omni Spirit
I think Faction has destroyed the GW title. Alot of people are quitting in disgust, I must admit that I'm on the verge of doing the same.
Yeah, so this made me laugh out loud. Just a little bit. If you're so disgusted, feel free to quit. No one made you buy Factions. No one is stopping you from playing Prophecies. The thing about episodic chapters rather than monthly fees is that if you don't like one, it doesn't hurt you to skip it. You'll still be just as powerful as anyone else when the next one you like comes out. If you never like any of them after the first, you still get free feature updates when they get around to them because they're nice like that. You only have to pay for the new content you want.
But more to the point, it's pretty hard to destroy a series with a sequel that's outselling any number the original ever managed by a generous margin. Dispite the claims of mass /ragequits throughout various forums, the total number of people buying and playing has increased dramatically. They must have done something right, whether you want to admit it or not. An awful lot of us are playing the game and enjoying it greatly (Somewhat more than Prophecies in my case) rather than making angry posts on forums.
So if you don't like a chapter, don't buy it. Simple as that. Check out the next one and see if it's more to your liking. Stop back every six months or so, see if anything you like is going on. It doesn't hurt you or us a bit for you to disappear whenever you're not liking the latest episode. If they ever make an episode I don't like, I may very well do the same. What I won't be doing is pretending like my preference for the style of one episode over another makes any difference compared to the overwhelming success of the series as a whole.
Only time will tell, of course. If the Guild Wars series crashes and burns because of Factions, I'll freely admit that you told me so. I'm just finding that possible future highly unlikely based on what I see when I back up and look at the big picture.