Originally Posted by Kyosuke
I think anyone who buys Vista right away is a moron. No offense, but people seem to forget how rough and unstable the first releases of XP were... You're better off waitnig abotu 6 months until they get a good stable version of it.
I was running XP (thanks to MSDN) before it was officially released and it was never unstable. 99.9% of stability issues come from drivers, 100% of drivers that cause instability where not certified.
The only time I had an actual BSOD on XP occured when I installed one of the 'beta' NvIdea drivers.
Run any OS with uncertified drivers and you run the risk of instability and system crashes, the second leading cause is poorly coded 3rd party software.
As for GW not supporting other OS'es, since GW uses DX 9 it would require a large scale effort from Anet to support OS X and Linux, considering the marketshare of those particular OS' I highly, highly doubt this would be worth the investment other then from an ideological standpoint. It certainly does not make financial sense.