Shiro's banishment...



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006

South Philly slums

Don't wanna be bothered with one


What the hell does it take to get Shiro to banish you?

I've been ripping my hair out for hours attempting to get him to banish me with no luck. Before you ask, the reason is because I was told that the banish spots count as part of the map completion (if that's untrue then the person who told me should die).

Don't tell me it's random because it's obviously not.

I've gone in with various different combinations of henchies, even limiting the number I bring with me. Party of 2, party of 3, party of 5, party of matter what, I'm never the one banished.

I've tried letting loose those stupid celestial thingies, no effect it seems.

The only logical explaination I can possibly think of is that if you have henchies in that mission, he's going to target them with it first. I just really need some clarification here before what's left of my sanity goes out the window.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Correct, If you're with henches you will not get banished. It would be instant loss if he did.

EDIT: Good suggestion Mokone, but the operating word here is "pug"; OP was trying to do it with henches and that can't be done...




Join Date: May 2006

get some sup runes, as far as it looks, he banishes the 'weakest' one.

i usually have around 300 hp when i go beat shiro with a pug with my monk, and get banished like 5 times in a row if the time lets me. kills bound monk, i come back, he immediately banishes me, rofl. O_o shame i never have enough time to explore since they make me come back so fast



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006

South Philly slums

Don't wanna be bothered with one


You guys saved me alot of frustration, many thanks.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006


i love it when new guys to the "kill shiro Mission" get banished.
all u see in the text box is " wtf ". i wet meself laughing.




Join Date: Nov 2005

Northern California



the 'wtf' person would be first time with my SS'er and 1 sup rune. I got banished TWICE

second time with my war....none

I'm thinking there is some steam to the low hp ppl get banished theory