Will GW run on my Pc?
I would just like to know before i buy it if the game will work.
1694 Mhz processor
Avance AC97 Audio
NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 model64/model 64pro - graphics card
Total physical memory 250Mb Available - 64 mb
1694 Mhz processor
Avance AC97 Audio
NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 model64/model 64pro - graphics card
Total physical memory 250Mb Available - 64 mb
I had a 1.7ghz and a geforce 2 400mx with 256 ram.
It was pretty bad. My system would lock up if I tried looking at an open field so I had to keep the view close to my character. Cutscenes were a horror all together.
But that tnt2 sounds much worse than my card.
Honestly, if it does run, I don't think you are going to enjoy the game very much.
It was pretty bad. My system would lock up if I tried looking at an open field so I had to keep the view close to my character. Cutscenes were a horror all together.
But that tnt2 sounds much worse than my card.
Honestly, if it does run, I don't think you are going to enjoy the game very much.
ok thanks

anyone else?

anyone else?
Originally Posted by skyblu
ok thanks
anyone else? |

this is microsofts ultimate answer.
follow directions and it will tell you if it will run and about how well.
I'm going with him on this one. Not only is GW and all of its expansions now DX9, instead of DX8...GW is also a bit of a memory hog. Sorry to tell you, but your system isn't quite up to par with the requirements.
Originally Posted by Lurid
I'm going with him on this one. Not only is GW and all of its expansions now DX9, instead of DX8...GW is also a bit of a memory hog. Sorry to tell you, but your system isn't quite up to par with the requirements.
Surely DX 9 will come with the game?
Heres the answer i got with that game advisor
Can't be right..
Can't be right..
DX 9 is free to download, its just that your card runs DX 7 or DX 8, I can't remember. So...its not going to support many, if any of the features of DX 9...
When i downloaded the client, it said that my graphics
NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 model64/model 64pro
card was not supported
but it still continued to the main menu where it was fine.
And that website that was posted says my pc will run the game fine.
NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 model64/model 64pro
card was not supported
but it still continued to the main menu where it was fine.
And that website that was posted says my pc will run the game fine.
Originally Posted by skyblu
When i downloaded the client, it said that my graphics
NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 model64/model 64pro card was not supported but it still continued to the main menu where it was fine. And that website that was posted says my pc will run the game fine. |

look at the people making it run on 2 year old intel integrated graphics chips.
Futuremark (used to be MAD ONION) is the top benchmark site around so if they say it will work it will.
where on the graph at the bottom of the test page was your mark?
that shows relatively what your performance will be
edit for sp
I'm not saying that it won't run, i'm just saying that your not going to like the results most likely. As i've played on roughly the same specs from a computer, at school. We had them laying around in class, so I hooked one up, fdisk'd and reinstalled. Thought i'd see how GW ran on it...I had no armor, only silver and it took forever to load a map..etc...
Do you mean for Guild Wars or my general Pc
For guild wars the minimum was on the 3rd bar and my pc was top
does this link work?
For guild wars the minimum was on the 3rd bar and my pc was top
does this link work?
That link says
Sorry, but your computer is not able to run City of Villains™. |
musn't have worked then.
You're probably gonna make that old TNT card scream in agony. I would also upgrade to about 512mb of RAM. Here's some some requirements to take in mind, I would go with the recommended and not the minimum.
Minimum System Specs: * Windows XP/2000/ME/98 * Intel Pentium III 800 Mhz or equivalent * 256 MB RAM * CD-ROM Drive * 2 GB Available HDD Space * ATI Radeon 8500 or GeForce 3 or 4 MX Series Video Card with 32MB of VRAM * 16-bit Sound Card * Internet connection * Keyboard and mouse Recommended System Specs: * Windows XP/2000/ME/98 * Intel Pentium III 1GHz or equivalent * 512 MB RAM * CD-ROM Drive * 2 GB Available HDD Space * ATI Radeon 9000 or GeForce 4 Ti Series Video Card with 64MB of VRAM * 16-bit Sound Card * Internet connection * Keyboard and mouse |
any idea of how much it would cost me to uprade the graphics card & RAM?
Depends on what graphics card you go with, but RAM would be the least expensive. Maybe close to $150? Just a guess.
Well My RAM 1024mb cost 120$ and my graphic card 128mb for like 120$ to(can get better for same price now) So it will go on like 240$ if u want it to run perfect! :P
I'm from the Uk and i have been scouting around the websites and i can get a 128mb graphics card and a 512 mb of Ram for around £60 is that about $95?
I'm not to good on computers so i think i will pay the extra to let someone fit the stuff for me.
I have ordered the game so if it works hopeless on this pc will save it for the newly upgraded one
Thanks for the help you lot!
I'm not to good on computers so i think i will pay the extra to let someone fit the stuff for me.
I have ordered the game so if it works hopeless on this pc will save it for the newly upgraded one

Thanks for the help you lot!
He's already got 256mb on his system, he could just upgrade by adding another 256mb of the same type, which wouldn't be costly. Then the graphics card doesn't have to be top of the line or anything, just something that's DX9 compatible and meets the recommended specs.
Originally Posted by skyblu
any idea of how much it would cost me to uprade the graphics card & RAM?
check if your pc will take 512 mb per slot
512mb by itself will help a lot
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...e=& maxPrice=
Teh Diablo
I played GW on a...
AMD Anthlon 900mhz
128mb of RAM
Nvidia GeForce 5200 AGP 128mb
HORRIBLE, constant lag like freeze for like 10 seconds then move a little bit, then freeze again, and so on.
I'm not familiar with your video card specs but I think you will have a rough time with GW on it.
AMD Anthlon 900mhz
128mb of RAM
Nvidia GeForce 5200 AGP 128mb
HORRIBLE, constant lag like freeze for like 10 seconds then move a little bit, then freeze again, and so on.
I'm not familiar with your video card specs but I think you will have a rough time with GW on it.
For graphics I suggest something like a GeForce 5700 or a ATi 9200, as they are cheap and generally effective.
you were all right it is slow and unplayable. to sort this out will a new 128mb graphics card do the trick?
i was thinking about this:
i was thinking about this:
or would this be better?
http://www.cclonline.com/product-inf...actu rer_id=0 is a better card and cheaper
http://www.cclonline.com/product-inf...actu rer_id=0 is a better card and cheaper
sorry to refresh but will it do?
Originally Posted by skyblu
or would this be better?
http://www.cclonline.com/product-inf...actu rer_id=0 is a better card and cheaper |