the blood that binds us: book 1: the pool of genosis
heya, i am a part time writer in the real world so i thought i better attempt forum writing. this is the first book of a saga based on the ever changing world of guild wars enjoy!
Ezekial stood firmly, in one hand he clutched the long wooden shaft of a flag, and in the other, his fabled hand axe. He stuck the shaft end into the ground, and tied up the cheek pieces on his helmet. Then he let loose a mighty roar, which was echoed by his die-hard band of warriors.
He then charged down the hill, followed by his brothers in arms, screaming wildly. the Naga didnt have a chance to react, as they had just awoken and had quickly scrambled for their equipment. Ezekial cheered and leapt into a small crowd of tired warriors, swinging his axe wildly, cutting through the thick scaley skin of his enemies. Behind him his warriors where encircling the camp, making sure none escaped. Ezekial laughed, then ducked at an oncoming spear shaft. Then, rising up, he landed a perfect uppercut axe blow on the neck of his attacker. The Naga warrior gurgled as thick black blood poured from his mouth and into Ezekial's face, but he just laughed and wiped it off. He heaved the axe out of the slumping corpse, then spun around with perfect grace. The camp had become a killing ground, the stench of blood hung thick in the air and the sound of burning was dominant in his ears. he threw his axe up in the air, caught it then hurled it straight at a raincaller attempting to soothe the fires, splitting his skull instantly. Ezekial then roared, and proceeded unarmed....
Ezekial stood firmly, in one hand he clutched the long wooden shaft of a flag, and in the other, his fabled hand axe. He stuck the shaft end into the ground, and tied up the cheek pieces on his helmet. Then he let loose a mighty roar, which was echoed by his die-hard band of warriors.
He then charged down the hill, followed by his brothers in arms, screaming wildly. the Naga didnt have a chance to react, as they had just awoken and had quickly scrambled for their equipment. Ezekial cheered and leapt into a small crowd of tired warriors, swinging his axe wildly, cutting through the thick scaley skin of his enemies. Behind him his warriors where encircling the camp, making sure none escaped. Ezekial laughed, then ducked at an oncoming spear shaft. Then, rising up, he landed a perfect uppercut axe blow on the neck of his attacker. The Naga warrior gurgled as thick black blood poured from his mouth and into Ezekial's face, but he just laughed and wiped it off. He heaved the axe out of the slumping corpse, then spun around with perfect grace. The camp had become a killing ground, the stench of blood hung thick in the air and the sound of burning was dominant in his ears. he threw his axe up in the air, caught it then hurled it straight at a raincaller attempting to soothe the fires, splitting his skull instantly. Ezekial then roared, and proceeded unarmed....
He had driven himself into a bloody frenzy, ripping limbs with his bare hands. He chuckled unmercifully, and landed a heel kick into yet another Naga warrior. He then placed his foot onto the segmented body of the Naga and sneered.
"Scum." he simply said and rose his foot.
then gasped in pain and slumped to the floor...
his hands fumbled clumsily with the hole in his stomach, and he found a large war spear, covered in gore and blood, had impaled him. He clumsily picked himself up and removed the spear. with his last burst of strength he roared out a terrible death scream. And thats when, the feared, the hated, the legendary Lord Ezekial had died...
and though even the Gods did not know it, this act would mark the birth of undeniable evil...
"Scum." he simply said and rose his foot.
then gasped in pain and slumped to the floor...
his hands fumbled clumsily with the hole in his stomach, and he found a large war spear, covered in gore and blood, had impaled him. He clumsily picked himself up and removed the spear. with his last burst of strength he roared out a terrible death scream. And thats when, the feared, the hated, the legendary Lord Ezekial had died...
and though even the Gods did not know it, this act would mark the birth of undeniable evil...
Tempus let out a breath of relaxation. the atmosphere was good, the fire was warming and the music being played by the travelling bard was fine. It was times like these that he re-considered his lifestyle. He reached for his mug and took in a long swig of ale, then sighed again. beside his chair was his long warbow, which he had claimed off a crimson skull by the name of Jin awhile back.
He reached for his bag and took out a long, slender instrument, similar to a flute. it had been crafted by silver, with 3 slender leaves ornately decorating it. It was a simple Kurzick instrument, one which he was quite good at playing. He played a quick paced tune, and from the window came a raven, which landed squarely on his hand. He broke off a peace of bread, dipped it into his beef stew and fed it to the blackbird.
A shadow had darkened the colour of his ale. he looked up to see a rather large, gruff figure. strapped to this persons belt was a rather large schimitar, a weapon used commonly by the sand tribes of the amnoon.
"could i help you?" Tempus asked, curiously but warily. his hand slowly reached for a tiny silver dart in his face mask.
"i dont like birds" the imposing man said. his accent was perculiar, and his face was adorned with all sorts of tribal scars. Tempus put his hands on the table, subtly placing the dart inside the kurzick flute.
"im sorry?" Tempus asked, quite innocently.
"I said i dont like birds." The man said again, undrawing his schimitar. In a flash Tempus snatched up the Kurzick flute and blew hardly, sending the tiny silver dart into the neck, dead on the carotid vein. The attacker gurgled and Tempus used this oppurtunity to throw 3 knives , each landing in the chest of this thug. the body crumpled to the floor, and Tempus checked the body for anything of value. a perculiar instrument, some kind of wind pipe, a necklace, decorated with moa feathers. and quite disturbingly, a sketched picture of Tempus, with his name, whereabouts and traits written on the back. tied to this was a small purse full of platinum bars.
"someone wants me dead" he thought solomnly to himself. calling his bird to his shoulder, he picked up his long bow and slung it over his over shoulder, leaving the tavern behind with a large crowd of stunned people...
He reached for his bag and took out a long, slender instrument, similar to a flute. it had been crafted by silver, with 3 slender leaves ornately decorating it. It was a simple Kurzick instrument, one which he was quite good at playing. He played a quick paced tune, and from the window came a raven, which landed squarely on his hand. He broke off a peace of bread, dipped it into his beef stew and fed it to the blackbird.
A shadow had darkened the colour of his ale. he looked up to see a rather large, gruff figure. strapped to this persons belt was a rather large schimitar, a weapon used commonly by the sand tribes of the amnoon.
"could i help you?" Tempus asked, curiously but warily. his hand slowly reached for a tiny silver dart in his face mask.
"i dont like birds" the imposing man said. his accent was perculiar, and his face was adorned with all sorts of tribal scars. Tempus put his hands on the table, subtly placing the dart inside the kurzick flute.
"im sorry?" Tempus asked, quite innocently.
"I said i dont like birds." The man said again, undrawing his schimitar. In a flash Tempus snatched up the Kurzick flute and blew hardly, sending the tiny silver dart into the neck, dead on the carotid vein. The attacker gurgled and Tempus used this oppurtunity to throw 3 knives , each landing in the chest of this thug. the body crumpled to the floor, and Tempus checked the body for anything of value. a perculiar instrument, some kind of wind pipe, a necklace, decorated with moa feathers. and quite disturbingly, a sketched picture of Tempus, with his name, whereabouts and traits written on the back. tied to this was a small purse full of platinum bars.
"someone wants me dead" he thought solomnly to himself. calling his bird to his shoulder, he picked up his long bow and slung it over his over shoulder, leaving the tavern behind with a large crowd of stunned people...
Tempus left the buzzing atmosphere of the tavern to the cold, quiet one of the night. the moon was only waxing, and the stars where hidden by a veil of darkness from the heavens. a cold breeze drifted lazily through the alleyway, and the sound of merry laughter from the tavern was slowly drowning out. He placed the necklace he had taken from his "assasin" on his neck, and inspected the wind pipe. it was made from bamboo poles, and there was 5 of them, ranging from a long one to a short one, strapped together. He gently blew into the instrument and it made a pleasant sound. he softly grunted in delight, and stowed it into his belt pouch.
gotta go to bed now bye! write more tomorrow
heya im back. please feel free to leave commens, as i like to know how im doing

a crow squawked once, disturbing the veil of ultimate silence over the desolate landscape. it flew down swiftly, and landed ontop of a rusted shield and began pecking at the little flesh that hadnt rotted.
masses of Naga bodies had merged with the small mercenary group's bodies. There where no survivors, as after Ezekial had died, his troop had lost all morale. Ezekial's carcass was still there, slowly decomposing, his mouth still wide open as if he was still screaming his death. the spear that was stuck in his corpse was now a dirty maroon colour, partly because of rust and partly because of the dried blood and gore that had settled there.
a small group clad entirely in black, excepting the red trim on their hoods, made their way slowly down the slope of the hill. As they where doing so, each member where spreading black rose petals, as if it was confetti. they chanted softly, in a language old and seldom heard.
They approached the Body of Ezekial, and slowly circled it, each withdrawing a black candle with a white wick. they continued spreading black rose petals, and chanted slightly louder, and became more energetic in their movements. Then, one took down their hood and disparted from the group, kneeling at the body of Ezekial in the middle of the circle. In one knife she clutched a sacrificial knife, and in the other a small ceremonial cauldron. She spoke, as one would to reassure a child.
"Grenth, we thank you, give us this our daily blessing, and let our blood become yours. we beseech thee to come forth, for now is your time. we, your undying guardians now commit the ultimate sacrifice unto you, so that you may be reborn into mortal form. come forth, mighty Grenth, we pray that our offering will not be unheard. Give us this honour, before we enter your realm and you enter ours."
and with that last sentence she levelled the knife with her wrist, and slashed forward. from the wound blood poured into cauldron like a macabre kettle. she then slit her other wrist, and done the same. the chanting grew louder, and the movements became more energetic.
"and now, i commit the final sacrifice." she spoke, with tears in her eyes. she tied her long, red hair back and clutched the knife with both hands. She then cut a small line from her stomach to her neck, letting her robes fall to the floor as the cord had been cut. Then with a last cry the swiftly cut her own throat and slumped to the floor, allowing the blood to mix with the cauldron.
at that point the others stopped and sank to their knees. they each lit their candle and waited eagerly over the body of Ezekial...
Then, a swift wind cut through the crowd, extinguishing the candles one by one. the blood in the cauldron began to bubble, and rise up on its own accord to form a small fountain of blood. It seeped into the ground and it was as if the whole of nature had screamed, as it poisoned the surrounding leylines. It spread deep into the earth, and from the earth erupted a even larger fountain of blood. Then, spiralling out of control it fell into the corpse of Ezekial, and reformed new veins, new flesh. it reformed broken and decayed bones, and patched the hole in its stomach. the eyes bulged and burst, being reformed with new eyes. the hair grew back to its full length, except white. pure white. this reforming body levitiated upwards in the maelstrom of blood, with his arms stretched outwite and his eyes glowing red. His armour shattered from such magical pressure, and then it stopped. and the corpse fell to onto the floor.
except thats what a corpse would do. when it dropped to the floor it stretched its arms and legs out, on all fours. It then picked itself up and laughed. a laugh beyond mortal vocal cords.
his followers gasped in his unholy beauty. no this was not supposed to happen. Grenth was the god of death, but he wasnt inherently evil, yet this figure gave of a whole wave of unholy intentions.
the seemingly animate corpse of Ezekial opened his mouth, and as if there where to people inside him, one with Ezekial's voice and one with another voice, so dark and so malicous that it was not ment for mortal hearing.
"I am free..... I AM ASMODUS!." the world seemed to freeze as the shocked followers heard what he had said. was it possible that in hopes of communing with Grenth, lord of death that they had actually communed with him!
they tried to flee, but couldnt. Asmodus had outstretched his hands, and from the corpses of the Naga and the mercenary troop, bone nightmares rose up, blocking their path. Asmodus laughed and closed his hands together, making all the swords rise up from the piles of flesh that wasnt animated, and fly towards the small troop of followers, butchering them horribly. for he wasnt the god of death, the natural way of all things coming to an end. no he was evil, he was unholy, he was the god of forbidden pleasures. grenths counterpart, grenths son
masses of Naga bodies had merged with the small mercenary group's bodies. There where no survivors, as after Ezekial had died, his troop had lost all morale. Ezekial's carcass was still there, slowly decomposing, his mouth still wide open as if he was still screaming his death. the spear that was stuck in his corpse was now a dirty maroon colour, partly because of rust and partly because of the dried blood and gore that had settled there.
a small group clad entirely in black, excepting the red trim on their hoods, made their way slowly down the slope of the hill. As they where doing so, each member where spreading black rose petals, as if it was confetti. they chanted softly, in a language old and seldom heard.
They approached the Body of Ezekial, and slowly circled it, each withdrawing a black candle with a white wick. they continued spreading black rose petals, and chanted slightly louder, and became more energetic in their movements. Then, one took down their hood and disparted from the group, kneeling at the body of Ezekial in the middle of the circle. In one knife she clutched a sacrificial knife, and in the other a small ceremonial cauldron. She spoke, as one would to reassure a child.
"Grenth, we thank you, give us this our daily blessing, and let our blood become yours. we beseech thee to come forth, for now is your time. we, your undying guardians now commit the ultimate sacrifice unto you, so that you may be reborn into mortal form. come forth, mighty Grenth, we pray that our offering will not be unheard. Give us this honour, before we enter your realm and you enter ours."
and with that last sentence she levelled the knife with her wrist, and slashed forward. from the wound blood poured into cauldron like a macabre kettle. she then slit her other wrist, and done the same. the chanting grew louder, and the movements became more energetic.
"and now, i commit the final sacrifice." she spoke, with tears in her eyes. she tied her long, red hair back and clutched the knife with both hands. She then cut a small line from her stomach to her neck, letting her robes fall to the floor as the cord had been cut. Then with a last cry the swiftly cut her own throat and slumped to the floor, allowing the blood to mix with the cauldron.
at that point the others stopped and sank to their knees. they each lit their candle and waited eagerly over the body of Ezekial...
Then, a swift wind cut through the crowd, extinguishing the candles one by one. the blood in the cauldron began to bubble, and rise up on its own accord to form a small fountain of blood. It seeped into the ground and it was as if the whole of nature had screamed, as it poisoned the surrounding leylines. It spread deep into the earth, and from the earth erupted a even larger fountain of blood. Then, spiralling out of control it fell into the corpse of Ezekial, and reformed new veins, new flesh. it reformed broken and decayed bones, and patched the hole in its stomach. the eyes bulged and burst, being reformed with new eyes. the hair grew back to its full length, except white. pure white. this reforming body levitiated upwards in the maelstrom of blood, with his arms stretched outwite and his eyes glowing red. His armour shattered from such magical pressure, and then it stopped. and the corpse fell to onto the floor.
except thats what a corpse would do. when it dropped to the floor it stretched its arms and legs out, on all fours. It then picked itself up and laughed. a laugh beyond mortal vocal cords.
his followers gasped in his unholy beauty. no this was not supposed to happen. Grenth was the god of death, but he wasnt inherently evil, yet this figure gave of a whole wave of unholy intentions.
the seemingly animate corpse of Ezekial opened his mouth, and as if there where to people inside him, one with Ezekial's voice and one with another voice, so dark and so malicous that it was not ment for mortal hearing.
"I am free..... I AM ASMODUS!." the world seemed to freeze as the shocked followers heard what he had said. was it possible that in hopes of communing with Grenth, lord of death that they had actually communed with him!
they tried to flee, but couldnt. Asmodus had outstretched his hands, and from the corpses of the Naga and the mercenary troop, bone nightmares rose up, blocking their path. Asmodus laughed and closed his hands together, making all the swords rise up from the piles of flesh that wasnt animated, and fly towards the small troop of followers, butchering them horribly. for he wasnt the god of death, the natural way of all things coming to an end. no he was evil, he was unholy, he was the god of forbidden pleasures. grenths counterpart, grenths son
Tempus awoke. the sun glinted through the leaves illuminating his aged features, and the sounds of birds filled his ears. He stretched his arms and dropped out of the tree, landing on all fours with perfect grace. He took out his Kurzick flute and called his raven. The bird fell from a formation of hawks and landed on Tempus's wrist Then, picking up his bow and stowing his flute away, he set off for the lagoon.
He hung his long cloak and his ranger garments on a nearb rock, and told his raven to circle the cave mouth. he then jumped straight first into the icy rock pool, spitting out water and relaxing peacefully. It felt good to have a shower he thought. He hadnt had one in months. life on the road could be hard, tough and dirty. He swam too the pool edge, and fished out a sharp knife and a elonian mirror from his rucksack, and carefully shaved his beard, and trimmed his long hair, so now it fell to his shoulder blades instead of his hips. brown hair floated upwards in the pool as he cut through his tough hair. he looked at himself in the mirror, carefully making sure not to slice his own neck off as so many of his friends have done. his green eyes where now aged, and his hair was showing signs of grey.
he emerged from the pool, drying himself off with his fur cloak for winter, and slipped back into his garments. He then proceeded outside and called for his familiar, his raven.
"good girl" he said , affectionatly stroking the small birds head. the raven chirped in joy, then hovered around her master.
all of a sudden, an arrow sped from the small wood and bounced clumsily off the cavern wall behind him. He ducked and slung his bow into his hand, drawing a ornately feathered arrow from his quiver. another arrow emerged from the wood and he twirled out of its way, then let loose a powerful shot in the direction. sucessivly he heard a thump as the body hit the floor, but that may not of been the only one. he quickly examined the arrows fired at him and cursed "skulls."
skulls seldom hunted alone, in fact they usually hunted in large groups. these where probably a small raiding group, not too much to worry about, but they would give away his position if they found him. he ducked from another arrow, and fired two more in the trajectory path, whatever he hit he didnt kill it because he could still hear muffled sounds of pain. he fired two more arrows, to make sure whatever he hit got killed. He drew two small daggers and slid silently into the woods, surveying the scene. there where broken twigs leading up to a small collection of closely packed trees, so that was probably where they where based. he focused and moved as a shadow onto the trees, stepping behind them. one of them turned around to see him and almost gasped, but before he could finish it a dagger had seperated his throat from his vocal chords. he threw his other dagger at the other raider, who had just turned around to see what the commotion was.
"well that didnt take too long" he said to himself...
He hung his long cloak and his ranger garments on a nearb rock, and told his raven to circle the cave mouth. he then jumped straight first into the icy rock pool, spitting out water and relaxing peacefully. It felt good to have a shower he thought. He hadnt had one in months. life on the road could be hard, tough and dirty. He swam too the pool edge, and fished out a sharp knife and a elonian mirror from his rucksack, and carefully shaved his beard, and trimmed his long hair, so now it fell to his shoulder blades instead of his hips. brown hair floated upwards in the pool as he cut through his tough hair. he looked at himself in the mirror, carefully making sure not to slice his own neck off as so many of his friends have done. his green eyes where now aged, and his hair was showing signs of grey.
he emerged from the pool, drying himself off with his fur cloak for winter, and slipped back into his garments. He then proceeded outside and called for his familiar, his raven.
"good girl" he said , affectionatly stroking the small birds head. the raven chirped in joy, then hovered around her master.
all of a sudden, an arrow sped from the small wood and bounced clumsily off the cavern wall behind him. He ducked and slung his bow into his hand, drawing a ornately feathered arrow from his quiver. another arrow emerged from the wood and he twirled out of its way, then let loose a powerful shot in the direction. sucessivly he heard a thump as the body hit the floor, but that may not of been the only one. he quickly examined the arrows fired at him and cursed "skulls."
skulls seldom hunted alone, in fact they usually hunted in large groups. these where probably a small raiding group, not too much to worry about, but they would give away his position if they found him. he ducked from another arrow, and fired two more in the trajectory path, whatever he hit he didnt kill it because he could still hear muffled sounds of pain. he fired two more arrows, to make sure whatever he hit got killed. He drew two small daggers and slid silently into the woods, surveying the scene. there where broken twigs leading up to a small collection of closely packed trees, so that was probably where they where based. he focused and moved as a shadow onto the trees, stepping behind them. one of them turned around to see him and almost gasped, but before he could finish it a dagger had seperated his throat from his vocal chords. he threw his other dagger at the other raider, who had just turned around to see what the commotion was.
"well that didnt take too long" he said to himself...
Asmodus stood there amongst the mayhem and destruction. the corpse of the woman who had summoned him lay at his feet, with the knife in one hand and the cauldron in the other. Asmodus smiled. pitiful fool, sacrificing your life, for a false god. i have taken his place now, and i will ravage this world, reshaping it into my glorious image. i better start here. the leylines are poisoned with darkness, this would be the perfect place to construct my tower
He rose his arms into the air, and focused, drawing on the dark power in the soil. he felt his veins connect into the veins of darkness that ran through the ground, and shared his power with them, allowing himself to act like a conduit. he channeled this unholy power through his system, and let loose a powerful wave of dark magic, making every bone, every corpse, every pint of spilt blood come together. he made the bones construct into a small hut, and threw the corpses together to form a macabre thatching affect. the soil around the circular hut rose up, revealing a sinister lake of blood.
"cosy, i like it. but it will grow once i have more bodies, it will suffice for now." Asmodus said aloud, to no one in particular.
"thats feeling in a twisted version of want and pain...strange, i havnt been in a mortal body for millenia, i have forgotten the mortal desires. hunger i think it is. well i better get used to this sensation. theres bound to be a small town somewhere near here." again speaking to himself. the robes from the group of Grenth followers where caught in the wall of bone. using a quick burst of power he pulled one set of robes into his hand, clad them and releasing a impossible amount of magic, he pushed himself into the air in search of a town...
************************************************** *******
Tempus had found himself, in the small town of Volksraad. the sky was a dim grey colour and a cool breeze swept through the town. all around him people made small talk and went about their daily chores. He had left his bow in the inn room, and missed the weight of it on his shoulder. he still had the two short swords he salvaged of the skulls, and his daggers. he had told his raven to circle him in the sky.
Just ahead of him, he could see a large crowd of people eagerly watching a sporting event. the land was sprinkled in sand and he could hear bets and wagers being made. it seemed like a gladitorial event.
He came just in time to see a short, fast woman to topple a giant man. it looked like basic hand to hand combat, and the woman gladiator had floored the giant.
"any challengers?" she spoke with a perculiar accent, much like his hitman from a couple of nights before. here skin was a half cast colour and her hair was a dark brown. her eyes where a wild, ferocious green, she looked powerfully beautiful.
He was about to raise his hand, when he heard a terrible scream. He spun his head and clutched one of his short swords quickly. just up the road was a black clad, pale faced man. in front of him was a crumpled body of what looked like a milk maiden. the pale figure sneered, and rose his hands. the milkmaiden arose from death, like a sinister puppet. Two distinguishable bite marks where visible on her neck.
Anarchy spread about Tempus, and he drew his two short swords. it was a rangers sworn duty to protect the innocent. Focusing, he shadow stepped behind the figure and swiped at him, cutting a large wound into his back. the obviously powerful necromancer swung his arms down like a conductor, and spun around, sneering. The puppet was hovering above him, suspended in a green glow. Tempus went to strike again, but the necromancer moved out of the way and placed one hand on his shoulder, sending a shock down Tempus' spine and sending him flying into a wooden wall. cursing, tempus got up on his feet and rolled forward through this necromancers knees, cutting into his legs, and from the wound sprung a watery, black liquid.
"silly mortal. your weapons of steel and iron cannot hurt me. I am Asmodus, and you are nothing." the puppet spoke in perfect conjunction with Asmodus. Tempus didnt believe this character was a God, or immortal. powerful , yes, immortal, no. throwing his short swords to the floor, and proceeded unarmed. if this thing was immune to steel and iron, perhaps he was subject to physical pain. He ran forward and attempted to palm strike him in the stomach, but was flung forward by an invisible force. the world went black and fuzzy....
He rose his arms into the air, and focused, drawing on the dark power in the soil. he felt his veins connect into the veins of darkness that ran through the ground, and shared his power with them, allowing himself to act like a conduit. he channeled this unholy power through his system, and let loose a powerful wave of dark magic, making every bone, every corpse, every pint of spilt blood come together. he made the bones construct into a small hut, and threw the corpses together to form a macabre thatching affect. the soil around the circular hut rose up, revealing a sinister lake of blood.
"cosy, i like it. but it will grow once i have more bodies, it will suffice for now." Asmodus said aloud, to no one in particular.
"thats feeling in a twisted version of want and pain...strange, i havnt been in a mortal body for millenia, i have forgotten the mortal desires. hunger i think it is. well i better get used to this sensation. theres bound to be a small town somewhere near here." again speaking to himself. the robes from the group of Grenth followers where caught in the wall of bone. using a quick burst of power he pulled one set of robes into his hand, clad them and releasing a impossible amount of magic, he pushed himself into the air in search of a town...
************************************************** *******
Tempus had found himself, in the small town of Volksraad. the sky was a dim grey colour and a cool breeze swept through the town. all around him people made small talk and went about their daily chores. He had left his bow in the inn room, and missed the weight of it on his shoulder. he still had the two short swords he salvaged of the skulls, and his daggers. he had told his raven to circle him in the sky.
Just ahead of him, he could see a large crowd of people eagerly watching a sporting event. the land was sprinkled in sand and he could hear bets and wagers being made. it seemed like a gladitorial event.
He came just in time to see a short, fast woman to topple a giant man. it looked like basic hand to hand combat, and the woman gladiator had floored the giant.
"any challengers?" she spoke with a perculiar accent, much like his hitman from a couple of nights before. here skin was a half cast colour and her hair was a dark brown. her eyes where a wild, ferocious green, she looked powerfully beautiful.
He was about to raise his hand, when he heard a terrible scream. He spun his head and clutched one of his short swords quickly. just up the road was a black clad, pale faced man. in front of him was a crumpled body of what looked like a milk maiden. the pale figure sneered, and rose his hands. the milkmaiden arose from death, like a sinister puppet. Two distinguishable bite marks where visible on her neck.
Anarchy spread about Tempus, and he drew his two short swords. it was a rangers sworn duty to protect the innocent. Focusing, he shadow stepped behind the figure and swiped at him, cutting a large wound into his back. the obviously powerful necromancer swung his arms down like a conductor, and spun around, sneering. The puppet was hovering above him, suspended in a green glow. Tempus went to strike again, but the necromancer moved out of the way and placed one hand on his shoulder, sending a shock down Tempus' spine and sending him flying into a wooden wall. cursing, tempus got up on his feet and rolled forward through this necromancers knees, cutting into his legs, and from the wound sprung a watery, black liquid.
"silly mortal. your weapons of steel and iron cannot hurt me. I am Asmodus, and you are nothing." the puppet spoke in perfect conjunction with Asmodus. Tempus didnt believe this character was a God, or immortal. powerful , yes, immortal, no. throwing his short swords to the floor, and proceeded unarmed. if this thing was immune to steel and iron, perhaps he was subject to physical pain. He ran forward and attempted to palm strike him in the stomach, but was flung forward by an invisible force. the world went black and fuzzy....
Lol, it's funny because your the only one posting.........good story though.
ooh thx
Tempus opened one eye lid cautiously. memories of what happened flashed back into his mind. There was blood on the streets and the constant sound of screaming, he had to get back to his apartement to get his bow. he quickly fiddled around in his bag and pulled out a small brown bottle labelled "troll ungeunt" he downed it, and using this medicinal boost he pushed himself up from the rubble.
He could see corpses.....lots of corpses.... most of which had their chests horribly ripped to pieces. stealthily moving his way to across the alley, he peeked his head around the corner, clear he thought. he then dashed down the street and jumped behind a fallen sign. Tempus used this oppurtunity to play a simple tune on his flute. he waited, and then saw a small black figure coming towards his direction. His raven had survived, he breathed a breath of silent relief. As his raven landed squarely on his shoulder, he noticed something odd.
none of these corpses looked like they had any bones....they all seemed like pieces of discarded flesh....
He then jumped up on a wall of rubble, flipped forward to a flagpole and swung his way over to the balcony of his apartement, and there in the corner sat his bow. he strapped the quiver on his thigh, tweaked the bow string to its tightest and prepared a fresh bottle of poison...
this bastard was going down....
He could see corpses.....lots of corpses.... most of which had their chests horribly ripped to pieces. stealthily moving his way to across the alley, he peeked his head around the corner, clear he thought. he then dashed down the street and jumped behind a fallen sign. Tempus used this oppurtunity to play a simple tune on his flute. he waited, and then saw a small black figure coming towards his direction. His raven had survived, he breathed a breath of silent relief. As his raven landed squarely on his shoulder, he noticed something odd.
none of these corpses looked like they had any bones....they all seemed like pieces of discarded flesh....
He then jumped up on a wall of rubble, flipped forward to a flagpole and swung his way over to the balcony of his apartement, and there in the corner sat his bow. he strapped the quiver on his thigh, tweaked the bow string to its tightest and prepared a fresh bottle of poison...
this bastard was going down....
Asmodus laughed as the body of that pathetic ranger flung into a wall. He then turned his scarred head menacingly towards the mass of fleeing peasants. Laughing cruelly, he flung the puppet in front of them, then focusing the power of death he blew the body up in front of them, wounding many in a torrent of bone and flesh.
He laughed and rose his hands, as if sucking the blood out of the wounds. one such peasant screamed, his body slowly shirvelling and disintergrating, his veins becoming more and more visible. They aged at a unbeliavle rate, and Asmodus laughed louder and louder.
Suddenly, a half cast woman from the crowd ran up to him and attempting to subdue him. He laughed as she attempted to heel kick him, and grabbed her leg. then with a blast of unnatural power he flung her into the sky and flew up towards her at high speed and knocked her back down again. then, drawing on the blood from the others, he sent a wave of blood at her falling body, or should i say corpse....
He laughed and rose his hands, as if sucking the blood out of the wounds. one such peasant screamed, his body slowly shirvelling and disintergrating, his veins becoming more and more visible. They aged at a unbeliavle rate, and Asmodus laughed louder and louder.
Suddenly, a half cast woman from the crowd ran up to him and attempting to subdue him. He laughed as she attempted to heel kick him, and grabbed her leg. then with a blast of unnatural power he flung her into the sky and flew up towards her at high speed and knocked her back down again. then, drawing on the blood from the others, he sent a wave of blood at her falling body, or should i say corpse....
he laughed cruelly, as the wave crashed through a building. timber and rubble collapsed to the floor, and he rose his hands up again, so the blood went shooting up into the sky. He then pulled his hands down and shut his palms, and the blood surrounded him, and absorbed into his skin.
He then gently floated down and opened his fists into flat palms. the bodies of the peasants started to squirm and fidget, and from them their bones burst out of their body, in an orgy of blood and gore. the bones then rose up, and followed Asmodus as if on an invisible cart. He then screamed a scream so powerful, that entire buildings just collapsed on the spot. Then, releasing his energy, he set off for the lake of blood..
he arrived shortly, with the bones still hovering about him. flicking his wrists up, he made the bones fly and up, and he built a second story on his newly coming tower. floating to examine the new tower, Asmodus checked for any faults, and tore out a skull from the wall. then, producing a sharp knife of bone he gently carved into the skull with glyphs, and then carved it into a sinister helmet. He then placed it onto his head and grinned sadistically.
just one more story. then i can raise my army and destroy this pitiful plane
He then stepped inside his small tower, for the first time...
he stepped inside... the inside walls where charred black and the staircase was seemingly made out of different bones. In the middle of the room was a large (bone) font, that was filled with blood. excellent he thought an acess point to the lake, from here i will be able to manipulate blood to my will
and not all the warriors in the empire could save cantha from this threat....
He then gently floated down and opened his fists into flat palms. the bodies of the peasants started to squirm and fidget, and from them their bones burst out of their body, in an orgy of blood and gore. the bones then rose up, and followed Asmodus as if on an invisible cart. He then screamed a scream so powerful, that entire buildings just collapsed on the spot. Then, releasing his energy, he set off for the lake of blood..
he arrived shortly, with the bones still hovering about him. flicking his wrists up, he made the bones fly and up, and he built a second story on his newly coming tower. floating to examine the new tower, Asmodus checked for any faults, and tore out a skull from the wall. then, producing a sharp knife of bone he gently carved into the skull with glyphs, and then carved it into a sinister helmet. He then placed it onto his head and grinned sadistically.
just one more story. then i can raise my army and destroy this pitiful plane
He then stepped inside his small tower, for the first time...
he stepped inside... the inside walls where charred black and the staircase was seemingly made out of different bones. In the middle of the room was a large (bone) font, that was filled with blood. excellent he thought an acess point to the lake, from here i will be able to manipulate blood to my will
and not all the warriors in the empire could save cantha from this threat....
Your story is very dark, sadictive, cruel and captures the true spirit of a necromancer. Good work.

Nellas Tiwele
Ooo. Morbid and creepifying. Just the way I like it. Very interesting story. Nice job.

I like it alot more now that i have read it over. It's even better than I thought. Very dark, good job.
Tempus vaulted over the crumbling balcony and into the street. there was no doubt that the envoys had claimed these souls to the mists, for no soul could survive being ripped to shreds. but there must be some survivors...
Tempus scanned the streets, but only found the same exploded corpses. His boots where thick with blood, and his aged face bore a grim look. he called his raven forward, and stroked her beautiful black wings.
"iza, my love, search these for a body that has not been maimed." he then clapped his hands and the Iza took air, circling the rubble that was once Volksraad.
after what seemed like hours, He heard his raven shriek. he pulled an arrow from its quiver and placed it on the bowstring, then dashed towards the place where the sound came from. His raven was sitting idily on a dead body of the half cast champion that had beaten that giant of a man. Her face bore a horrified expression and her hair and skin was dyed a sickly maroon colour. her bones where, differently still in her body. He hastily dropped his bow, letting an arrow fly into the wall behind the corpse, and scrambled around with his beltpouch. he drew a tiny stone, emblazoned with a golden hawk. He pressed it against the dead body and prayed.
nothing happened.
Tempus threw the rock against the wall, and stared at it. This necromancer was more powerful then your average run of the mill insane dark magic user. this one was experienced, experienced enough to cheat the golden hawk...
that wasnt on the stone...
excitedly he spun around and pulled another bottle of troll ungeunt out. He tipped her neck upward and poured the thick brown liquid down her throat. Her eyes fluttered slightly, then opened.... followed by a flat palmed blow in Tempus's stomach. startled, he fell backwards clutching his stomach.
"Your welcome..." he said sarcastically...
"oh i am sorry." the woman said. her voice was smooth and low. "What happened to this town? last thing i remember is falling....and a wave of blood... the peasants...theyre all dead..."
"yes. this is a powerful necromancer we are dealing with here" tempus replied
"no...not a necromancer...something bigger, darker. when he, when it took my life, i felt something dark grasp hold of me, i felt like a part slipped away from me, and into him." The woman spoke
"He said his name was Asmodus....i will have to find out more about him. what is your name?" Tempus asked
"Mira" the woman replied
"well it looked like you could handle a weapon. would you help me to defeat him?"
"I have nothing else to do. everything and everybody i lived for is now dead."
"well then...we have to fight death..." Tempus said, and with that they both left...
Tempus scanned the streets, but only found the same exploded corpses. His boots where thick with blood, and his aged face bore a grim look. he called his raven forward, and stroked her beautiful black wings.
"iza, my love, search these for a body that has not been maimed." he then clapped his hands and the Iza took air, circling the rubble that was once Volksraad.
after what seemed like hours, He heard his raven shriek. he pulled an arrow from its quiver and placed it on the bowstring, then dashed towards the place where the sound came from. His raven was sitting idily on a dead body of the half cast champion that had beaten that giant of a man. Her face bore a horrified expression and her hair and skin was dyed a sickly maroon colour. her bones where, differently still in her body. He hastily dropped his bow, letting an arrow fly into the wall behind the corpse, and scrambled around with his beltpouch. he drew a tiny stone, emblazoned with a golden hawk. He pressed it against the dead body and prayed.
nothing happened.
Tempus threw the rock against the wall, and stared at it. This necromancer was more powerful then your average run of the mill insane dark magic user. this one was experienced, experienced enough to cheat the golden hawk...
that wasnt on the stone...
excitedly he spun around and pulled another bottle of troll ungeunt out. He tipped her neck upward and poured the thick brown liquid down her throat. Her eyes fluttered slightly, then opened.... followed by a flat palmed blow in Tempus's stomach. startled, he fell backwards clutching his stomach.
"Your welcome..." he said sarcastically...
"oh i am sorry." the woman said. her voice was smooth and low. "What happened to this town? last thing i remember is falling....and a wave of blood... the peasants...theyre all dead..."
"yes. this is a powerful necromancer we are dealing with here" tempus replied
"no...not a necromancer...something bigger, darker. when he, when it took my life, i felt something dark grasp hold of me, i felt like a part slipped away from me, and into him." The woman spoke
"He said his name was Asmodus....i will have to find out more about him. what is your name?" Tempus asked
"Mira" the woman replied
"well it looked like you could handle a weapon. would you help me to defeat him?"
"I have nothing else to do. everything and everybody i lived for is now dead."
"well then...we have to fight death..." Tempus said, and with that they both left...
Asmodus looked up at his new story, yes it was a tower now. a big, looking tower, looking over everything around it. he thought back to that naga settlement whelps, they make fine archiecture though.
He studied the lake around the tower, it had grown to massive proportions. He smiled and bent low, taking a sip from the blood.
"rejuvenating.." he said to himself.
"and now here comes the time, where i forge my army of darkness from the pit of the mists, this is now a new age, an age of deceit, pleasure and darkness, for now i forge my hammer, that will in turn forge my world."
he turned to the left over bodies of peasants he didnt forge into the tower. raising one hand simply, he let stream a powerful wave of death magic, making the peasant rise up like a puppet. He then did the same with the over hand, mutating the corpse, making it Ghoulish in appearance. He then clapped his hands together, and the animate corpse fell to the floor, alive.
"the first of many..." Asmodus chuckled to himself. The ghoul stood there at attention, not moving a muscle but standing up straight.
"go...bring me more corpses." Asmodus commanded, and as the ghoul marched of he turned around to the rest of the corpses, laughing sinisterly...
He studied the lake around the tower, it had grown to massive proportions. He smiled and bent low, taking a sip from the blood.
"rejuvenating.." he said to himself.
"and now here comes the time, where i forge my army of darkness from the pit of the mists, this is now a new age, an age of deceit, pleasure and darkness, for now i forge my hammer, that will in turn forge my world."
he turned to the left over bodies of peasants he didnt forge into the tower. raising one hand simply, he let stream a powerful wave of death magic, making the peasant rise up like a puppet. He then did the same with the over hand, mutating the corpse, making it Ghoulish in appearance. He then clapped his hands together, and the animate corpse fell to the floor, alive.
"the first of many..." Asmodus chuckled to himself. The ghoul stood there at attention, not moving a muscle but standing up straight.
"go...bring me more corpses." Asmodus commanded, and as the ghoul marched of he turned around to the rest of the corpses, laughing sinisterly...
Fugit's head nodded forward, then jerked back up in suprise. Night watch wasnt easy, especially clad in the heavy armour, holding the suprisingly heavy spear.
behind him, the others where laughing, and sitting around the campfire..
just ten more minutes to go he thought cheerily to himself. He turned his head around on his shoulder, to see what was happening. Chun was telling his famous jokes, and Tilo was cooking rabbit on the open fire. he loved them as brothers, for theyre mother had taken him in as a baby. He would do anything for them.
Then, he noticed two pail hands come out from the growth behind Chun, He went to shout warning but it was all over to quickly, the hands moved at lightening speed, twisting Chun's neck one way, then the other, making a horrible crunching sound... Chun lay dead on the floor with blood flowing from his mouth.
Fugit jumped forward, swinging his spear at the bush, but finding nothing there. he heard a cry of pain and spun around, to see a pale figure lying on top of Tilo, completely mauling him. Tilo kept screaming, his face half torn off and his hands struggling to get free. Fugit swung his heavy war spear at the pale figure, but it was too late....tilo was dead and the figure had disappeared.
Fugit fell to his knees and sobbed deeply into the ground. he dropped his spear and pounded the floor with his fist, He then tilted his head up and shouted "WH-" but before he could finish his sentence, he found two pale hands had cut straight through his stomach, like a blade made from flesh. He screamed as the hands made a quick movement and ripped Fugit into two, blood dripping from all places. the woods where never quiet again...
behind him, the others where laughing, and sitting around the campfire..
just ten more minutes to go he thought cheerily to himself. He turned his head around on his shoulder, to see what was happening. Chun was telling his famous jokes, and Tilo was cooking rabbit on the open fire. he loved them as brothers, for theyre mother had taken him in as a baby. He would do anything for them.
Then, he noticed two pail hands come out from the growth behind Chun, He went to shout warning but it was all over to quickly, the hands moved at lightening speed, twisting Chun's neck one way, then the other, making a horrible crunching sound... Chun lay dead on the floor with blood flowing from his mouth.
Fugit jumped forward, swinging his spear at the bush, but finding nothing there. he heard a cry of pain and spun around, to see a pale figure lying on top of Tilo, completely mauling him. Tilo kept screaming, his face half torn off and his hands struggling to get free. Fugit swung his heavy war spear at the pale figure, but it was too late....tilo was dead and the figure had disappeared.
Fugit fell to his knees and sobbed deeply into the ground. he dropped his spear and pounded the floor with his fist, He then tilted his head up and shouted "WH-" but before he could finish his sentence, he found two pale hands had cut straight through his stomach, like a blade made from flesh. He screamed as the hands made a quick movement and ripped Fugit into two, blood dripping from all places. the woods where never quiet again...