While playing on my mm I was thinking that I would like to have more ranged minions rather than a vampiric horror and Fleshy that run into a firestorm or meteor shower, or not even attack at all.There was a bone hoorror then a bone fiend and now a vamp horror, what about a vamp fiend,or even a variation on bone minions so that you can make ranged bone minions as well. I would like a Vampiric Fiend at aleast or even, perhaps, a flesh golem that's ranged. Is anyone else in support of this idea?
Further Ideas or Criticisms welcome.
More ranged Minions anyone?
Chaco Nautzi
Dr Strangelove
A vampiric fiend or something with the striking power of a flesh golem from range would be ridiculously overpowered. Bone fiends do much more damage than horrors, and you pay for it with an extra 10 energy. In the same way, you pay for vampiric horrors with 10 energy and a long recharge. A vampiric fiend would need what, a 35 energy cost and 30 second recharge to be balanced?
Keep in mind here, I love my MM, but I don't agree to this. Like The Doc said, it would be overpowered. Even vampiric ones would be too much, considering they can get in more attacks than a melee one that actually has to run up to it's target.
For now, I say keep the accessible minions the way they are.
Keep in mind here, I love my MM, but I don't agree to this. Like The Doc said, it would be overpowered. Even vampiric ones would be too much, considering they can get in more attacks than a melee one that actually has to run up to it's target.
For now, I say keep the accessible minions the way they are.
Aki Soyokaze
Minion Seige Turtle?...
Minion Masters are already powerful enough as is.
Minion Masters are already powerful enough as is.
I imagine they will add new skills to the base classes in every expansion, in which case the problem becomes, how do you add new skills every 6 months without overpowering it?
It would be nice if they made another ranged minion, but perhaps not an overpowered one. Maybe they can make another minion like flesh golem which is limited to one, but powerful, or some powerful ranged minons that are limited to 2 or 3, but they could also go with weaker minoins that could be used in greater mass, or perhaps ranged minions who are simular but can only attack at 50% range.
If they add one new undead animation in each chapter it is going to be a frenzy of undead options, I would perfer a few more reasonable ones, and wouldn't be opposed to omitting new undead animations in a few chapters to keep the number of these kinds of skills down, or make some parallels to exsisting minions, even with 2 copies of the same undead, you would be able to cast them more often. With 2 different bone fiend skills you could basicly cast the skill one after the other nearly back to back.
It would be nice if they made another ranged minion, but perhaps not an overpowered one. Maybe they can make another minion like flesh golem which is limited to one, but powerful, or some powerful ranged minons that are limited to 2 or 3, but they could also go with weaker minoins that could be used in greater mass, or perhaps ranged minions who are simular but can only attack at 50% range.
If they add one new undead animation in each chapter it is going to be a frenzy of undead options, I would perfer a few more reasonable ones, and wouldn't be opposed to omitting new undead animations in a few chapters to keep the number of these kinds of skills down, or make some parallels to exsisting minions, even with 2 copies of the same undead, you would be able to cast them more often. With 2 different bone fiend skills you could basicly cast the skill one after the other nearly back to back.