Thread closed for breaking the rules.
Mod Edit - posting names is against the forum guidelines. and this isn;t the place to make your personal whine/rant about someone scamming you or such.
I agree with wanderer, its so pathetic that GW and this site protect players who do things like this, why protect them!! whats wrong with giving us who get duped some protection, let us name and shame the wankers who do these things so all GW players are wary. But then this would highlight Anets inability - or more likely unwillingness to actually change the game engione to stop this kind of thing being possible...
and to all you who post thiongs like jmj102 and corinthian, you guys are worse than the dupers, your saying duping is fine stop moaning about it, IMO your no better than the dupers. Get over yourselves, some people play GW fairly and by all the rules, and things like this happening leave a bad taste in the mouth, players like you two making comments like you have on this thread only show you care very little about fair players. Get over yourselves, and try backing up the ones who get duped rather than the dupers you tools!
Mod Edit - Beeline scammed me!!! I was selling a Gold crystaline sword and she scammed me and only paid me 100g!!! scammer!!
This is why we don't allow names. We are *NOT* protecting scammers. We are protecting innocent people who might be called scammers or anything bad by someone who doesn't like them, has a vendetta against them, etc. It stops false accusations going around and people's names being sullied by these false accusations. All we have to go by is your word they scammed you - how do we know that it wasn't you who tried to scam them and they wouldn't fall for it so your comming here to sully their name in revengfe or in spite? We don't. Thus we don't know, nor can we verify the accuracy of any claim of scamming, theft, etc and thus we don't allow people to post other's names without their strict approval.
and to all you who post thiongs like jmj102 and corinthian, you guys are worse than the dupers, your saying duping is fine stop moaning about it, IMO your no better than the dupers. Get over yourselves, some people play GW fairly and by all the rules, and things like this happening leave a bad taste in the mouth, players like you two making comments like you have on this thread only show you care very little about fair players. Get over yourselves, and try backing up the ones who get duped rather than the dupers you tools!
Mod Edit - Beeline scammed me!!! I was selling a Gold crystaline sword and she scammed me and only paid me 100g!!! scammer!!
This is why we don't allow names. We are *NOT* protecting scammers. We are protecting innocent people who might be called scammers or anything bad by someone who doesn't like them, has a vendetta against them, etc. It stops false accusations going around and people's names being sullied by these false accusations. All we have to go by is your word they scammed you - how do we know that it wasn't you who tried to scam them and they wouldn't fall for it so your comming here to sully their name in revengfe or in spite? We don't. Thus we don't know, nor can we verify the accuracy of any claim of scamming, theft, etc and thus we don't allow people to post other's names without their strict approval.
Dr Strangelove
The logic behind not posting names is pretty simple. How do you *really* know that someone did something wrong? Screenshots can be doctored and taken out of context. It may have been a simple misunderstanding. In the end, you can never prove that someone did or did not do something wrong unless you work for Anet. Even then, it's not so straightforward.
If there was a "blacklist" how many people do you think would abuse it? Someone gets you banned.. no biggie, just doctor a screenshot and post it on a forum to get him blacklisted.
For all we know, he could have rezzed you immediately after, he may have not had a rez sig, or heck, he could just be lagging.
Just let it go, tell your guildies not to play with him, and move on. People will be dicks, don't stoop to their level.
If there was a "blacklist" how many people do you think would abuse it? Someone gets you banned.. no biggie, just doctor a screenshot and post it on a forum to get him blacklisted.
For all we know, he could have rezzed you immediately after, he may have not had a rez sig, or heck, he could just be lagging.
Just let it go, tell your guildies not to play with him, and move on. People will be dicks, don't stoop to their level.
Maybe he doesn't carry a res?
Reported for blatent forum violations.
Reported for blatent forum violations.
Originally Posted by Caleb The Pontiff
Maybe he doesn't carry a res?
Reported for blatent forum violations. |
'i'm going to ruin you unless you pay up'
rofl, hilarious line.
rofl, hilarious line.
I'm not saying its fine. You gotta be more careful, only do runs with guildies and so forth. If your gonna go with some random guy of course theres a chance he'll scam you.
this thread is gona get closed very soon
Yep, this thread is going to be closed :P
This is not the place to rant or whine. Also, your not allowed to post players names on these boards without their strict permission - and I seriously doubt you have their permission. If you want, post the story in "the biggest jerk" thread, but don't post any names or leave any clues as to who your talking about.
This is not the place to rant or whine. Also, your not allowed to post players names on these boards without their strict permission - and I seriously doubt you have their permission. If you want, post the story in "the biggest jerk" thread, but don't post any names or leave any clues as to who your talking about.