super intense, their monks held up the priest FOREVER, I think fun was had by all.
Notice the time.
Probably should have been shorter but the "Leader" kept calling the priest and only the priest.
smiles all around, I hope, was most fun.
Best Battle ever!!...for me :)
just rude
Grats, might wanna blank out the names in chat and the targeted player though
I would hardly call a 25 minute game 'getting smeared by a pug'. But well done all the same.
omgz you pwn. 25 mins = smear? I must be playing a totally different game then. ggkthxbai
just rude
Originally Posted by talon
omgz you pwn. 25 mins = smear? I must be playing a totally different game then. ggkthxbai
I didn't write that that was someone I don't know in observer mode. I just thought it was funny. PM her!
Did you even read the message? Do we speak the same language?
And I don't see anyones name at all but the one in obsever mode, but ty all the same.
Did you even read the message? Do we speak the same language?
And I don't see anyones name at all but the one in obsever mode, but ty all the same.