Exposed Scammer
Hi all.
I never post here and dont like troublemaking but when someone tells me blatantly they are "ripping off noobies" I get mad and this thread, seemed only one I could place my Screenies in to expose this player.
It started with tanzits defender being advertised as I arrived in cantha seeking new armour looks for my Prophecies warrior.
Now we all know many Green Items are way overvalued and overfarmed, but wow.
I had actually never seen Tanzits so asked for a look.
-2 Dam in stance and reduces blind by 20% req 9, not too bad.
But I pointed out (in gamers talk of course) that the desrt collectors carapces were way better and only 2k (if ya buy the Bleached Shells)
His flippant reply was.
"Lol I know im just ripping off noobs" I was so shocked.
Hope I am not breaching forum rules, but click links to view my coversation windows as I ss'd this guys revelation he also had been ripping ppl off over Minipets.........
make your own decisions.
I am just sharing this info so maybe your little brother or sister isnt ripped off when they start playing.
Regards all see ya in the UW or wherever
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Vilaptca: Images removed until the name is removed
I never post here and dont like troublemaking but when someone tells me blatantly they are "ripping off noobies" I get mad and this thread, seemed only one I could place my Screenies in to expose this player.
It started with tanzits defender being advertised as I arrived in cantha seeking new armour looks for my Prophecies warrior.
Now we all know many Green Items are way overvalued and overfarmed, but wow.
I had actually never seen Tanzits so asked for a look.
-2 Dam in stance and reduces blind by 20% req 9, not too bad.
But I pointed out (in gamers talk of course) that the desrt collectors carapces were way better and only 2k (if ya buy the Bleached Shells)
His flippant reply was.
"Lol I know im just ripping off noobs" I was so shocked.
Hope I am not breaching forum rules, but click links to view my coversation windows as I ss'd this guys revelation he also had been ripping ppl off over Minipets.........
make your own decisions.
I am just sharing this info so maybe your little brother or sister isnt ripped off when they start playing.
Regards all see ya in the UW or wherever
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Vilaptca: Images removed until the name is removed
-Old 3FL-
i hate people like that
i hate people like that
Well, that seems to shows how desperate or unaware some players are, unfortunately; minipets, greens, whatever.
A similar thing can be said for people who try to run Canthans from The Marketplace to Kaineng Center for gold, when the run isn't that hard to do by yourself; just a group of afflicted to run past or around, and the Canthan Guards can distract them.
A similar thing can be said for people who try to run Canthans from The Marketplace to Kaineng Center for gold, when the run isn't that hard to do by yourself; just a group of afflicted to run past or around, and the Canthan Guards can distract them.
theres a lot of people like those in gw these days.
i should warn you do. i believe it is against the rules to post up other character names (not yours) unless gotten permission to. :|
i should warn you do. i believe it is against the rules to post up other character names (not yours) unless gotten permission to. :|
The answer is to black out the names and rehost the pictures.
Nocere Moriari
Originally Posted by Opeth11
The answer is to black out the names and rehost the pictures.
Yep that is what u have to do, but i would mencion that the scammers name is similar to the name of a character in a old video game of two italian plummers and that it is not Luigi.....
Or some thing like that, u complie with GWG rules but let people Know
Or some thing like that, u complie with GWG rules but let people Know
Mister O
I will sell him my Tanzit's Defender for 15k, and he can make another extra 15k from it
Get over it? 99% of people in GW will try to sell something for more then they got it for, its called profit.
Almoast every people that says: Current offer is xx are trying to sell crap no ones wants for big amounts of gold.
and its tyria
and its tyria
Eragon Dragonslayer
DUDE!!! i saw that dude yesterday!!!!! he was at ascalon!!!!! then i said "Selling Tanzits Defender 5k!!!!" and got 3 replys and he got owned =D
Sorry, but you do need to remove the name of the 'scammer.'
We don't allow the posting of names.
PM me when you have edited out his name, and I'll open this thread back up.
We don't allow the posting of names.
PM me when you have edited out his name, and I'll open this thread back up.