Question about Zodiac Shield ! desperate for answer x_x



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Hey there,
Ive seen a lot of zodiac shields come by on the forums.

Ive seen the half moon skin for zodiac shield before but is it true there is another skin? or even more then 2?

And what is a perfect zodiac shields ?
Ive seen ones with Dmg reduction+Health mods on them (while enchanted/health^50 etc)?
But ive also seen a zodiac shield that had only a Always +30 health mod without drawbacks.

And if one would be found, how much would the shield with the always +30 health be?

I hope im making sense and i hope someone can answer me.

Thnx in advance!!!


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006


Elite Renegades


i thought that u can get the same bonus as anyh other shields. -2 received with +45 health whilst -enchanted/stance. or +30 health always or -3 & +60 health whilst hexed. theres also -5 receieved with 20% chance.
i have 1 with +59 health and -5 received 19% whilst hexed. hope that makes sense.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


Zodiac IS the skin, so there is only one skin for a zodiac shield.

A 'perfect' shield is a shield with the max stats of whatever types are possible (+45hps while enchanted or in stance, +60hps while hexed, -2damage while enchanted or in stance, +5 armor (20% chance), etc.) and a req of 7.

Marth Reynolds

Marth Reynolds

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

The Netherlands

The Lore Enforcers


don't forget that shields can have an max +10 armor boost vs a race of enemys or a certain form of dmg. and there can even be found shields who make conditions last shorter (i tought 20% was max for shields but i'm not sure)