so far there have been two opposing sides in each game (eg kurzick and luxon)
i just thought it would be really cool if in one game the sides were holy and demonic - one having armour looking like demons - skulls and horned helms etc, and the other having holy warrior helms etc.. you could do thinks like have a hammer that looked like a big cross etc... might be a bit iffy pc-ness wise, but i think it could be really cool.
two sides
This has been done to death in other games. Kurzick and Luxon make the game original.
Yeah, I like the whole Luxon and Kurzick thing. It's got a woderful sense of realism to it.
Holy and demonic? Nowadays, it just sounds cheesy to me. If you really want to look at it from the good and evil perspective, just remember that the Kurzicks kill baby turtles.
Holy and demonic? Nowadays, it just sounds cheesy to me. If you really want to look at it from the good and evil perspective, just remember that the Kurzicks kill baby turtles.
Luxon/Kurzick > Holy/Demonic because it causes a balance.
Neither one is "good" or "evil"
Neither one is "good" or "evil"