I need to basically rebuild my computer due to the rapidly deteriorating condition of my current computer. However, I’m left in a bit of a quandary – Is it better to try and push for a more upgraded CPU while keeping a similar video card or go for a small upgrade on my CPU while trying to get a more update video card?
I use the comp for games – GW, HL2, BF2, NWN, Oblivion, etc and am looking for performance in them rather than app’s such as Word, Excel, graphic designing, programming, etc
I’m still considering my options – because right now all I probably would need to replace is the MB, which is close to dead. I’m considering whether it would be worth upgrading other components – I currently plan on getting a new HD & PSU with whatever I decide. HD is on its last legs as well (I think), and PSU is working fine, I just want one with more wattage.
Here’s my current system:
AMD 64 3000+
EpoX 8KDA3+ 754-pin MB
GeForce 6600 GT 256 MB AGP Video Card
1 GB Ram (PC 3200)
SoundBlaster Live!3.x
1 * 40 GB Seagate HD
1 * 8.4 GB Seagate
400W PSU
If I just replace the MB with a similar one to what I have now, I wouldn’t need to buy a new video card – just the MB, PSU & HD. This is of course the cheapest option available to me. If I choose to upgrade it will cost more as I’d then be looking to replace more component’s – and this is where I’m not sure if it’s worth it or not.
Right now I get ~40 fps without AA in GW, which drops down to ~20-30 fps with AA on. Now I’m not sure if this is due to the CPU, Video Card or the fact my monitor is ~6-7 years old now and can only be installed as a “standard” monitor. Also to note is in Oblivion fps drops down to ~20-25 if I turn on any AA or HDR or try and play in 1024*768 mode.. I get 25-35 fps in 800*600 mode with its recommended setting’s.
Just so you know, here’s the list of problems I’ve been having:
- My keyboard randomly decides to not work. When this happens the lights on the keyboard go out and nothing I press will work. If I lightly hit (very lightly mind you) the keyboard it generally comes back on. Wiggling the connection plug also will get it working again – this also will make it stop working as the power to the keyboard goes on and off. BTW, I’ve had this happen with 3 different keyboards, so it’s not a keyboard issue.
- My USB ports sometimes decide not to work on bootup. I’ll boot up and have no mouse (it’s a USB mouse). If I pull the plug out and push it back in again, the mouse will work normally. This only ever happens on startup, never afterwards.
- I’ve now started getting random lockups on boot – it’s coming up with an error sitting on the Detecting Memory portion of initial bootup. If I pull the mem boards out and plug them back in it will then work again.
- Also, not sure if this is a problem.. but once the comp is booted up and running it’s sitting on state 50, which is Initialize USB. Not sure if this is relevant or not.. as I only noticed this when I was starting to get the keyboard dropouts..
- I’m now also unable to properly and fully defrag my HD. It gets to the same section every time and just finish’s – same section of the drive no matter what profile or program I use.
- I’m also getting slow load times at bootup – I get to where I log in as my user account and it gets to the desktop fine, but then have to sit and wait ~1 minute or so while it finishes loading drivers/programs – usually sound device & Firewall. While it’s in this “wait” mode.. I am unable to run/load any program.. if I try it just does nothing and will only load once it finishes loading the other stuff first. IE if I double-click my dialup icon before the firewall/sound drivers have loaded.. the dialup will only initialize once the firewall/sound drivers have loaded.
So yeah, that’s just what I can remember that’s going on with my hunk of junk computer right now. I’m debating whether or not I need to replace just the MB and hope the CPU & Video card aren’t damaged.. or just go and replace the works.
I’m just not sure if it’s worth me spending more money on getting a better CPU at expense of not really upgrading my video card much.. or if it’s worth more getting a better video card at expense of the CPU (and getting a better video card with slight increase in CPU is actually cheaper! Heh).
Here’s an idea of the costs and such – please note, these are Australian dollars, not US. The price’s I am quoting are for here.. and I’m not prepared to order from the US. What I’m really after is an opinion on which would be better for games, not the cost factor really.. (Price’s given just for illustrative purposes only!

Option 1 – Better CPU, only slightly (?) better video card:
Shop 1:
AMD 64 Dual-Core 4000+
ASUS A8N-SLI Premium S939 PCIe DDR
PSU - ~500W
WD CAVIAR SE/ 200GB/ 7200RPM/ SATAII/ 3.5in
PCIe 6800 XT 256MB DVI/DVI/TV 350Mhz
Cost $1,316
Or with a Asus EAX 1600 PRO/TD/512; ATI X1600 PRO, Dual VGA
Cost $1,302
Shop 2:
AMD 64 Dual-Core 4200+
ASUS A8N-SLI Premium S939 PCIe DDR
PSU - ~500W
200 GB JS Western Digital SATA II
GF FX 6800 XT 512Mb DDR3 PCIe DVI X2/TV
Cost: $1,367
Cost if use the ATI card above: $1,287
Option 2 – slight increase in CPU (?), but a higher range and cost video card:
Shop 1:
AMD 64 3500+
PSU - ~500W
WD CAVIAR SE/ 200GB/ 7200RPM/ SATAII/ 3.5in
PCIe 7800 GTX OC 256MB DVI/DVI/VIVO 490Mhz
Cost: $1,290
Or - Gigabyte X800XL, 512MB, DUAL256bit, PCIEx16, DDRII
Cost: $1,134
Shop 2:
AMD 64 3500+
PSU - ~500W
200 GB JS Western Digital SATA II
GF FX7800 GT 256MB VIVO PCIe Sli
Cost: $1,168
Or - Gigabyte X800XL, 512MB, DUAL256bit, PCIEx16, DDRII
Cost: $1,072
Now mind you, neither the HD or the Mb’s are set in concrete – These were quoted simply for the fact they are in the correct price bracket. Heck I don’t even know if those MB’s even support SATA 2 HD’s.. if not, I’ll need a whole different HD anyways :P
Now, remembering I’m building for games (silly thing to say, why else would we be reading tech forums for a game anyways if we weren’t interested in games? LOL).. which would give me better performance? Better CPU but crappier vid card or slightly improved CPU but better vid card?
Now I know the better CPU does leave room for more expansion (i.e. better vid card later on..) but fact of the matter is I’m not sure they are worth buying at the current prices (they cost ~$550+ here.. while the 3500+ is only like $300)…. I also know I need to replace my monitor, which I was planning on doing now’ish.. but I can’t afford both the monitor and comp repair/upgrade. And a new monitor is useless without a working comp.. so the monitor will just have to wait till Christmas,, or 1-2 months.. hehehe
Any opinions or advice welcome. Thanx in advance.