Guild Wars, a game of balanceness and fairness every, character is no stronger than the other (besides levels), every profession has its weaknesses and strength's. Now I've seen many posts in the past and even some right now about "Cookie Cutter Builds", builds that people think are unfair and take no skill. And everyone even agrees with ANET that this is a skill based game not a "phat gear with uber weapons game". But these builds are totally fine and are good that people can use their minds to configure useful and working strategys to win matches or farm areas. Say IWAY a build that totally whooped, so called balanced teams, but wait balanced must usually be cookie cutter too with their boon prot,bonder,thumper,shock warrior,SS Necro,Orders ect.. Popular and well used builds that are called cookie cutter just because they are effective. From what I hear only good builds are the ones you make yourself, but again wait a moment what if someone sees your build and thinks it's effective and starts using it himself and then the next and then the next and then the next, till everyone uses that build and it becomes cookie cutter.
There really is no cheap or easy to play build because it has its weaknesses and counters to it, and either way playing the build or countering it takes skill.
There is nothing wrong with "cookie cutter builds" or your very own builds, they are all balanced and not cheap.
Over and out.