Of course by default the game is in US English because that is what the developers are familiar with, and it is no worse than British English. Honestly, if you cannot understand simple differences in "verb forms and other constructions" between the two, you're probably an idiot - I've never had any trouble with British English myself, when I recognize it. Arguing "-our" over "-or" and the like is simply pedantic and the difference is something I'd never even take notice of. US English is no more a bastardization of British English than British English is a bastardization of Latin - our language is just as valid as yours and for the most part, much the same. Please, enough with the British bitterness.
Sorry, but comments about American ways and their lack of supposed "sophistication" in comparison with those of the European (language, humor, etc.) are getting very tiring and are actually generally very ignorant and ridiculous.
Your Feedback Sought: Localization
I dont really know if this fit here. But i've found an error in the translation of Mend Ailment to Spanish.
In the english version Mend Condition reads "Remove one condition(bla bla) from target other ally" and Mend Ailment reads "Remove one condition(bla bla) from target ally".
In the Spanish version both reads the same. In both it says "...from target other ally...". ("de OTRO aliado"). the word OTRO should be removed from Mend Ailment (Cause it can target urself).
I'm sure i've seen some more, but i dont know if i should write them here or not (If not, pls tell me where
I hope it helps
I dont really know if this fit here. But i've found an error in the translation of Mend Ailment to Spanish.
In the english version Mend Condition reads "Remove one condition(bla bla) from target other ally" and Mend Ailment reads "Remove one condition(bla bla) from target ally".
In the Spanish version both reads the same. In both it says "...from target other ally...". ("de OTRO aliado"). the word OTRO should be removed from Mend Ailment (Cause it can target urself).
I'm sure i've seen some more, but i dont know if i should write them here or not (If not, pls tell me where
I hope it helps
Well, here comes chapter two (I think i will ask for an empoyment after this xD
). Tomorrow, not monk classes
Life Vicariously ("Transferencia de vida" in Spanish)(The translation its not literal, but i like it this way, so i will not complain about it
(In english it would be "Life transfer")
In English it says "Whenever target ally hits a foe you gain X health"
In Spanish it says "Siempre que alguien golpee a un enemigo ganas x de vida".
That "alguien" its like "anyone". In english it would be "Whenever anyone hits a foe...". That would be great
. Instead of "alguien" it should say "el aliado objetivo".
Life Barrier ("Barrera de vida" in Spanish).
In English it says "the damage is reduced by 40%".
In Spanish it says "el daño se reduce al 40%" that in english would be "TO 40%". (In spanish it seems as 40% of the damage and in english its "damage - 40% of the damage".) And its not the same
. (Dunno which its correct).
Holy Veil ("Velo sagrado" in Spanish)
This is a "gramatical" problem, not of the translation, it says in Spanish "..Los maleficios que usen sobre el objetivo..." it should say ("Los maleficios que se usen sobre el objetivo..." (Altough i would prefer sometinn as "Los maleficios que se invoquen sobre el objetivo..." cause "invocar" its "to cast" and "usar" its "to use".)
Unyielding aura ("Aura de persistencia" in Spanish)
This one is really a mess
in english "..that party member dies and leaves an exploited corpse". That means that the corpse its already exploited and u cannot use it again. (Correct me if im wrong). and then it concludes "Deaths while enchanted dont incur a death penalty".
In spanish it says "..ese aliado muere " That means "..that ally dies", and then it says " No se penalizará por resucitar si el Aura es el que causa la muerto y deja un cadaver explotable " That means "Deaths dont incur a death penalty IF THEY ARE CAUSED BY THE AURA AND THEY LEAVE AN EXPLOITABLE CORPSE". Thats 3 errors in one sentence.
-First its confusing by the aura actually beeing the cause of deaths (i dont understand from the spanish version if deaths caused by damage while enchanted are included in the no penalty offer)
-Second it says that they need to be exploitable corpses when they die or they will have penalty (Corpses that ARE NOT EXPLOITED and can be exploited) wich its completly created from the translator imagination
-Third, it says nothinn about the "already exploited condition" of the corpses.
The Translation should be sometinn like this "bla bla bla... ese aliado muere y deja un cadaver explotable. No se penalizaran las muertes que se produzcan mientras el encantamiento se encuentre activo".
I hope its all clear. If u have any questions or i should send this somewhere else. Just tell me

Life Vicariously ("Transferencia de vida" in Spanish)(The translation its not literal, but i like it this way, so i will not complain about it
In English it says "Whenever target ally hits a foe you gain X health"
In Spanish it says "Siempre que alguien golpee a un enemigo ganas x de vida".
That "alguien" its like "anyone". In english it would be "Whenever anyone hits a foe...". That would be great
Life Barrier ("Barrera de vida" in Spanish).
In English it says "the damage is reduced by 40%".
In Spanish it says "el daño se reduce al 40%" that in english would be "TO 40%". (In spanish it seems as 40% of the damage and in english its "damage - 40% of the damage".) And its not the same
Holy Veil ("Velo sagrado" in Spanish)
This is a "gramatical" problem, not of the translation, it says in Spanish "..Los maleficios que usen sobre el objetivo..." it should say ("Los maleficios que se usen sobre el objetivo..." (Altough i would prefer sometinn as "Los maleficios que se invoquen sobre el objetivo..." cause "invocar" its "to cast" and "usar" its "to use".)
Unyielding aura ("Aura de persistencia" in Spanish)
This one is really a mess
in english "..that party member dies and leaves an exploited corpse". That means that the corpse its already exploited and u cannot use it again. (Correct me if im wrong). and then it concludes "Deaths while enchanted dont incur a death penalty".
In spanish it says "..ese aliado muere " That means "..that ally dies", and then it says " No se penalizará por resucitar si el Aura es el que causa la muerto y deja un cadaver explotable " That means "Deaths dont incur a death penalty IF THEY ARE CAUSED BY THE AURA AND THEY LEAVE AN EXPLOITABLE CORPSE". Thats 3 errors in one sentence.
-First its confusing by the aura actually beeing the cause of deaths (i dont understand from the spanish version if deaths caused by damage while enchanted are included in the no penalty offer)
-Second it says that they need to be exploitable corpses when they die or they will have penalty (Corpses that ARE NOT EXPLOITED and can be exploited) wich its completly created from the translator imagination
-Third, it says nothinn about the "already exploited condition" of the corpses.
The Translation should be sometinn like this "bla bla bla... ese aliado muere y deja un cadaver explotable. No se penalizaran las muertes que se produzcan mientras el encantamiento se encuentre activo".
I hope its all clear. If u have any questions or i should send this somewhere else. Just tell me
Sir Mad
As said before, I have a french version of GW but I use the english interface. I wandered around holding CTRL (on the right side - translate to the default laguage) and noticed the titles are messed up in french.
If you have a male character, then the titles of both males and females will show up as a male title. If your are on a female character, they'll show up as a female title. This is something that definitely has to be based on the gender of the person you're looking at, not on your own gender.
If you have a male character, then the titles of both males and females will show up as a male title. If your are on a female character, they'll show up as a female title. This is something that definitely has to be based on the gender of the person you're looking at, not on your own gender.
Well, Here comes the chapter three of the Spanish version.
Im surprised, cause i could find only 2 more errors (Theres more errors in the monk than in all the other classes
Shield Bash ("Golpe de escudo" in Spanish)
This is a little grammar error. When it says "Si estés llevando un escudo..." it should say "Si estás llevando un escudo...". I think the translator was thinkinn in a more literal way from the original english "While wielding" its "Mientras estés llevando un escudo...". But if u use "Si" (Wich means If) u must change the word.
Arcane Mimicry ("Imitación arcana" in Spanish)
This is my true favourite.... the translator must have been drunk XD.
English "Spell. For X seconds Arcane Mimicry becomes the non-Form elite skill from target other ally." (Or in a simpler way, u steal an elite skill from ur friend)
Spanish "Conjuro. Durante X segundos otro aliado dispondrá de una habilidad de élite del enemigo gracias a la imitación arcana"
That in english means "Spell. For X seconds another ally can use an elite skill from target foe thanks to the arcane mimicry (An ally steals an elite skill from ur enemy, wtf
The correct translation should be sometinn like this "Conjuro. Durante X segundos la imitiación arcana es sustituida por la habilidad de élite del enemigo objetivo. La imitación arcana no funciona sobre Here should come the name of the form abilities in spanish, i dont know how do u plan to translate them (ide "Form skills" in spanish").
Right now, this its all ive found. If i see more, ill tell u
(Again, if i should feedback this anywhere else instead of here, just tell me)
Im surprised, cause i could find only 2 more errors (Theres more errors in the monk than in all the other classes
Shield Bash ("Golpe de escudo" in Spanish)
This is a little grammar error. When it says "Si estés llevando un escudo..." it should say "Si estás llevando un escudo...". I think the translator was thinkinn in a more literal way from the original english "While wielding" its "Mientras estés llevando un escudo...". But if u use "Si" (Wich means If) u must change the word.
Arcane Mimicry ("Imitación arcana" in Spanish)
This is my true favourite.... the translator must have been drunk XD.
English "Spell. For X seconds Arcane Mimicry becomes the non-Form elite skill from target other ally." (Or in a simpler way, u steal an elite skill from ur friend)
Spanish "Conjuro. Durante X segundos otro aliado dispondrá de una habilidad de élite del enemigo gracias a la imitación arcana"
That in english means "Spell. For X seconds another ally can use an elite skill from target foe thanks to the arcane mimicry (An ally steals an elite skill from ur enemy, wtf
The correct translation should be sometinn like this "Conjuro. Durante X segundos la imitiación arcana es sustituida por la habilidad de élite del enemigo objetivo. La imitación arcana no funciona sobre Here should come the name of the form abilities in spanish, i dont know how do u plan to translate them (ide "Form skills" in spanish").
Right now, this its all ive found. If i see more, ill tell u
(Again, if i should feedback this anywhere else instead of here, just tell me)