Updates and Card Releases
2006/10/26: New release. Available at Included in this package:
- First release of the vB mod for sofBBcode (with a clean and simple installer)
- demo Wiki tag included and available in the vB mod
- pre-release cards (and minicards) for Nightfall skills (based on WPE stats)
2006/06/20: Random Sealed Deck Updated (Link & Mirror):
- New feature : dynamic link to guild wiki & gwfreaks (when more information, or related content is needed)
- New feature : fuzzy search in skill names (ex: melan* -shot)
- New feature : optional control of random seed (can be used to reproduce a random selection)
- New display format : when the icon is clicked a text tooltip appears with more controls (show minicard, show full card, external link to guild wiki, external link to gwfreaks, external link to SoF Database)
- New display format : icons without name now have a tiny text tooltip with the skill name
- Two new repositories (courtesy of Clint O and Zero Moonshadow )
2006/06/18: Random Sealed Deck Updated (Link & Mirror):
- New feature added (campaign filters)
- New feature added (skills are now sorted by attribute)
2006/06/17: Project Part C is now official. An online illustration of you what you can do with minicards and tooltips can be found here. The full distribution package (cards, minicards, icons, tooltip source) can be found on here
2006/06/11: First official release. The distribution package can be found on here.
- New GW:F icons included
- Minor bug fixes on script description
- New layout with profession icons and skill type icons
2006/06/11: Random Sealed Deck Updated (Link & Mirror)
- New GW:F icons included
- Guild Wars Guru offered to be our first host (hopefully more to come) so all features of the Sealed Deck Generator have been unlocked.
GW Skill cards & Sealed Deck Generator by FrogDevourer Table of Content - Introduction & Sealed Deck - Project Part A: GW Skill Cards - Project Part B: Random deck generator - Distribution - Contribute - Credits - Frequently Asked Questions Introduction & Sealed Deck Many people compare Guild Wars to a collectible card game (CCGs) such as Magic the Gathering. With hundreds of skills from many professions, there's indeed a lot of collecting to do. But so far, Guild Wars been a collectible skill game. No card. Yet half the fun in CCGs comes from the card themselves. Collecting them, playing with them, and of course, the so addictive booster pack gamble: will I get the ultra rare card in this random pack? Even worse, we're missing a very interesting tournament format: Sealed Deck. Rather than reinventing the wheel, I'll quote ANet's official article about the backstage event from March 2006. Quote:
This aim of this project is twofold: to provide an online software able to generate random Sealed Decks (random pools of GW skills), and a complete collection of GW skill cards with up-to-date stats, texts and descriptions. Each half of this project is entirely autonomous, and it can exist without the other half. Project Part A: GW Skill Cards To test out the sealed play concept ANet created decks of sealed Guild Wars skill cards. You can find a photo of the original GW cards on the official website: I found this idea quite thrilling but to be honest the original GW cards were a bit bland. The game and this format deserved something a little more eye catching. As an old CCG player, it was hard for me to resist the idea. Long story made short, creating an automated but intelligent image manipulation bot had been on my dusty project list for months, so I unearthed this project. I spent some time working on a fast image generator that could be populated by external skill databases to make a complete set for GW skill cards. Thanks to the dedicated work of many people from the Servants of Fortuna [SoF], I have access to such a flexible and up-to-date skill database. The result is a collection of almost 800 skill cards like these: (model: Makkert's ranger) (model: Lasareth's warrior) (model: my warrior) More samples on Imageshack: Even more samples: A few more numbers to illustrate this project: ~800 skill cards ~90 character models ~60 backgrounds (per profession) ~1 MB of XML db ~50 MB of pictures (jpg, average quality) ~15 min to rebuild an entire card set once the database is updated Project Part B: Random Deck Generator This online tool is a simple generator of random GW sealed decks. Sealed decks are random pools of GW skills. They can be as small as a skillset, typically when you want to play with 8 random skills, or as large as a complete skillset of ~800 skills. Choose your tournament settings, generate one sealed deck for each participant, let them build their own skillset, and have them fight one another with this limited amount of skills. Organizing tournaments and casual fights with a limited/sealed format has never been so easy. The random generator can create skill pools with simple rules (e.g: give me 25 random skills from each profession) or with customizable, flexible and somewhat complex rules (e.g: I want 3 random warrior elites, 10 basic necro skills, and 25 random skills from both professions plus 30 skills from any profession). It is even able to create random skillsets like Nash's old Ultimate Build Generator. Sealed decks can be displayed in many formats, some of them being forum/website friendly. It provides a link to each GW card in order to give an accurate description of each skill. But enough talk, a couple of clicks are worth more than an essay. Check out the 4 functions of this online tool: CLICK HERE for the original random generator with a *lot* of selectors for you to customize your own tournament rules. A mirror can be found here. CLICK HERE to build random skillsets for purely random character builds. This function is copycat of Nash's Ultimate Build Generator, and a proof that selecting 8 random skills from two professions can come up with better skillsets than what you can see in nightmare PuGs of hell. ^_^ A mirror can be found here. CLICK HERE to display one random skill card with each reload : discover each and every skill. Read them in detail, and learn tidbits of GW knowledge with each reload. Of course, don't forget to show off you knowledge with GW skill trivias. This function will be activated only when at least one card repository is active (none at the moment, see section distribution). A mirror can be found here. CLICK HERE to dump a list of all skills of one or two professions. Initially designed as a way to display many GW cards in a single page. A mirror can be found here. CLICK HERE to get all features in one page. A mirror can be found here. Distribution The GW skill cards are freely available to the community. Due to bandwidth concerns, you will not find them on the Servants of Fortuna website. Here is a list of GW fansites who are hosting or using these cards: - Guild Wars Guru - Hopefully more to come... If you're willing to host them on your personal site, on your guild site, or on a larger GW fan site, I invite you to contact me (FrogDevourer) through the Servants of Fortuna forum, and I'll give you private access to the latest GW skill card package. Note that this package is *not* available to the average GW fan unless he's offering to host and to mirror GW cards. The bandwidth necessary for that would be enough to melt both my site, and my guild's. The terms and conditions are simple: to be eligible you must accept to host *only* the latest release (expect a new set with each skill balance update from ANet), and to make it available to the community free of charge. You are free to make what you want of these cards as long as you don't alter them, and as long as no commercial activity is based on this project. A few lines of credits with a link to this page would be appreciated. In return, your mirror will be listed in this page (optionally with your logo) and if you want, your repository will be listed in the random deck generator. Contribute You can help this project. Because my spare time is very limited I need a lot of help to improve this contribution to the GW community. I trust there are many skilled and dedicated people out there who would be able to: - Host and mirror : we need high bandwidth hosts and mirrors, preferably with a large GW audience. The more the better. The larger the audience of these cards, the more accurate the feedback will be. See above for the terms and conditions. If you are interested, please contact FrogDevourer - Proof card texts & descriptions : despite the outstanding job from the database maintainers, some errors remain. Wrong statistics, wrong or incomplete acquisition info (bosses, quests)... If you find an error, report it (on this site, in any official fansite forum thread, by PM...). Just make sure you're using the latest card release beforehand (see below). Feedback on the SoF skill database can be posted in this thread. - Find the best tournament settings : the random deck generator is very flexible, yet it's also way too complex for the average GW player. To make it more user friendly and simple to use, it needs a handful of well-chosen presets that can be used as standard or default formats. So if you play with this software and if you find the perfect settings for a fun and challenging tournament format, please report it and this setting will be included in future versions. Your favourite Sealed Deck settings can be posted in this thread. - Provide high quality models : if these cards are popular, future release may include more models from each profession. If you want to see your character included in a GW card, have a look at the screenshot specifications below and submit yours in this thread of the SoF forum. Low quality shots who cannot be used will be ignored. Conversely, guilds who provided enough high quality material may see their cape used a background for some of their models. - Send feedback, comments and suggestions: because two heads can come up with better ideas than one, any feedback from card users and collectors is welcome. Constructive criticisms as well. Feedback on the Sealed Deck Generator can be posted in this thread. Feedback on card graphics can be posted in this thread. - Organize and promote Sealed Deck tournaments: because it is fun, yet challenging. Luck can affect your chances of victories but even the worst players need skill to win. - Advertisement: because such a project needs to reach a critical mass before it's viable. Advertise the skill cards or the generator, or both. Contact the webmasters of your favourite fan site and bug them until they accept to have a look at this project. ^_^ You can direct them to this official page Character model specifications Character specs: - Have fun with emotes and shooting angles (however divine auras *can't* be used for these cards) - PvE or throwaway PvP characters - Rare armor or not (your character's face and skin is as important as their armor) - Undyed or custom dye (preferably not black so that I can identify dyable areas and change the armor color if need be) - With or without helm - No cape on the character itself - Front shots are good, but don't hesitate to make something different if you have a cool idea The screenshot background is somewhat important. If it's well chosen, the blue screening process is almost automatic, and I can move to the next screenshot in a couple of minutes. If the background is poor, I have to edit the picture manually pixel by pixel. The best backgrounds are: - As uniform as possible (typically sand, snow, sea or sky) - With a base colour different from your armor/face/hair color (e.g: if you have white hair don't use snow) Screenshot specs: - Crop images if you can - Convert the bmp into a high quality format (png or *uncompressed* jpeg) - Watch out for poor lighting (underground, cave and indoor screenshots are often unusable) - Use the best visual settings your computer can support Credits This project is fan-driven and fan-oriented. Initiated by FrogDevourer as a contribution to the outstanding GW community, it is maintained with a very limited amount of spare time, and its creation was possible only thanks to the contribution of many people. - The skill database used to make these cards is internally hosted by the Servants of Fortuna. The database PHP/SQL engine was created by Beqxter and Vykara. The database was populated by *many* SoF contributors. - Most skill icons used come the official fan kit, save a handful that were unsuable for obscure reasons. Missing icons were collected from popular fan sites (GWO, GWG, GWFreaks). - Most character models used were provided by Servants of Fortuna. To round up the first release, some shots were collected from fan site forums and GuildWiki. - Graphical components used to make these cards are copyrighted by ANet and NCSoft. |