Annoying Skill Bar Issue
J Marion
I was wondering if anyone else had this problem (this is across all my chars as far as I can tell). This is an occasional problem, but very annoying when it happens. When I click on a skill on my bar in the middle of battle, instead of the spell casting it runs my character backwards! Very frustrating especially when playing monk.

My brother experienced it once, me never tho.
ive had this issue before a few times, but usually my character (monk) will just automatically run forward and not back though. the character i was healing was right next to me too.
i only have it one 1 pc somethimes (maybe it is because its a very bad pc, like the one were i have problems on. you could try to turn your settings lower. On my pc that doesn't help because GW cannot be set lower then the settings i have

And I always thought I had just clicked somewhere on the ground instead of the Skill.
that happens a lot too
Maybe you had moved the skillbar a little upwards, so you click on the tiny gap underneath the skill bar, thus walking to that spot? :1
The question that springs to mind is: have you definately clicked\highlighted the person you are trying to heal? if not, the heal is given to the last character you targeted. Ive seen this a few times myself when playing my 55 nec, instead of casting ps on myself, i run back and cast it on the last npc i talked to.. can be annoying

Teh Diablo
I've clicked my skills before and that happened to me, but when I use 1-8 it works just fine. Just get use to hitting 1-8 its alot easier.