killing sunreach warmaker?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006

just wondering HOW THE HELL DO YOU KILL THIS GUY lol. i wanna cap charge for my warrior, but i went kurzick instead of luxon. oh how i wish i went luxon now, capping charge on the luxon side is easy, just kill jacqui the reaver..(jacqui is in a group of like 3 or 4 guys).

so far, i've got -60%DP and i've only killed TWO of the guys in his group (and there's a LOT of them). i dont know whats going wrong, i've heard of people 2-manning this guy, yet i get raped when i got a full group of henchies. yes, i know henchies arent the greatest, but if someone can do it with 2 guys, it seems like it would be do-able with 8.

any tips on how to kill this beast of a boss?

Edit**..oh wow..RIGHT after i posted this, the next attempt i went, somehow my little group of henchies managed to take out like all of this guy's healers, along with the rest of the casters before we died. the next attempt we got him because there was only sunreach, and a warrior warden. gg me..oh well, guess posting on this forum gave me a little bit of luck somehow :P



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

theres a few skill bars.....

neways you can still change to luxon even if you're kurzick...



Not far from Elite

Join Date: Apr 2006



i have a build that can kill all the guys up to sunreaches group but i keep getting powned by this stuipd elements. glad to see you were able to atlease kill a few of them.

ya i think this is a 2 person job. -(