Does anyone really want new professions?
Sofia Sofia Sofia
I don't.
Why? Well, first off, I'ev looked through a lot of these new profession idea threads and I can't find a single idea that would really be a truly unique character class.
Now, think about all the character classes from all the RPGs you've played. Don't the 8 professions of guild wars pretty much cover them all already?
Any new classes would probably be infringing on territory of existing classes I think.
I mean, just look at what we got with Factions. The Ritualist is kind of unique, but the Assassin's role is somewhat muddled.
So I for one vote for no new classes in Chapter 3!
Give us new races, or attributes or... hats or whatever (maybe even a server without error 007?)
Why? Well, first off, I'ev looked through a lot of these new profession idea threads and I can't find a single idea that would really be a truly unique character class.
Now, think about all the character classes from all the RPGs you've played. Don't the 8 professions of guild wars pretty much cover them all already?
Any new classes would probably be infringing on territory of existing classes I think.
I mean, just look at what we got with Factions. The Ritualist is kind of unique, but the Assassin's role is somewhat muddled.
So I for one vote for no new classes in Chapter 3!
Give us new races, or attributes or... hats or whatever (maybe even a server without error 007?)
Its a little late to say no classes for Chapter 3....seeing as its already got around 8 months development time under its belt already.
But, they did tell us that there will be future chapters that do not include new professions. Think about it this way, 2 new professions every 6 months? I'm sure they'd run out of ideas, or there would just be so many professions that players would probably complain.
Though if you look at games like Neverwinter Nights, that use the D&D system, there are many different classes to play, and many of them do have small crossovers, but they are all still quite unique. We only have 8 right now, how many does D&D have?
In my opinion, I like new professions. I'm excited to see what Chapter 3 has to offer. But I also agree that an expansion without new professions and just new content would be just as great. And both have been promised to us. Since its your choice to buy an expansion or even to merge it into your other accounts, you can pick and choose whether you want to buy Chapter 3 with its 2 new professions, or if you want to wait for Chapter 4 and hope that its a new chapter with just a large amount of new content.
Whatever they come out with, I'm looking forward to both. Mostly because I'm hoping a no new profession chapter will include either a massive amount of content (very large new map, weapons, armor, exciting quests) or will be cheaper in price.
But, they did tell us that there will be future chapters that do not include new professions. Think about it this way, 2 new professions every 6 months? I'm sure they'd run out of ideas, or there would just be so many professions that players would probably complain.
Though if you look at games like Neverwinter Nights, that use the D&D system, there are many different classes to play, and many of them do have small crossovers, but they are all still quite unique. We only have 8 right now, how many does D&D have?
In my opinion, I like new professions. I'm excited to see what Chapter 3 has to offer. But I also agree that an expansion without new professions and just new content would be just as great. And both have been promised to us. Since its your choice to buy an expansion or even to merge it into your other accounts, you can pick and choose whether you want to buy Chapter 3 with its 2 new professions, or if you want to wait for Chapter 4 and hope that its a new chapter with just a large amount of new content.
Whatever they come out with, I'm looking forward to both. Mostly because I'm hoping a no new profession chapter will include either a massive amount of content (very large new map, weapons, armor, exciting quests) or will be cheaper in price.
It's an invalid assumption that a player has any other expansion then the "current" version of guildwars.
Long time players will have a lot to choose from and may feel blown away by chapter 5 for example, but I think a lot of players may only have 1-3 chapters.
It's people that feel they have to unlock 100% per job via PvE that going to really feel the pain if they started GuildWars latter on.
I'm also looking for new jobs. Not only that the radio interview with one of the co-founders mention that all "expansion" jobs are far mor specialized and hard er to play vs the "core" professions which will always have a wide varity of play styles within that profession.
Also there were doging the question about the "new" professions in latter chapters. Aka little to hardly anything new for them. Maybe some armor and some skills? that would be about it. I think there going to maintain the expansion jobs to be able to hold there own in reguards to design of the class as to what there specialized in but that be about it. Where we should see new stuff over time in the core jobs to broaden there playability.
Long time players will have a lot to choose from and may feel blown away by chapter 5 for example, but I think a lot of players may only have 1-3 chapters.
It's people that feel they have to unlock 100% per job via PvE that going to really feel the pain if they started GuildWars latter on.
I'm also looking for new jobs. Not only that the radio interview with one of the co-founders mention that all "expansion" jobs are far mor specialized and hard er to play vs the "core" professions which will always have a wide varity of play styles within that profession.
Also there were doging the question about the "new" professions in latter chapters. Aka little to hardly anything new for them. Maybe some armor and some skills? that would be about it. I think there going to maintain the expansion jobs to be able to hold there own in reguards to design of the class as to what there specialized in but that be about it. Where we should see new stuff over time in the core jobs to broaden there playability.
I think you are in a minority here XD
Guild Wars will pretty much never be static at the rate that it is going... Skill balances, new classes... even if someone doesn't bother with the new expansions, he will run into the new classes eventually.
Guild Wars will pretty much never be static at the rate that it is going... Skill balances, new classes... even if someone doesn't bother with the new expansions, he will run into the new classes eventually.
Isgorathe Huang
I do agree that the Factions expansion was a bit of a let down, in the fact that areas which badly needed improving (e.g. guild menus) were ignored. After all, this is GUILD wars, and the guild system seems to have been largely neglected - what do we have now, alliances? That's just an extended guild system, anyone could have thought of that.
I assume that creating new professions and making improvements to existing features are not mutually exclusive, and I hope that in the future anet will not let itself down in the latter area.
I assume that creating new professions and making improvements to existing features are not mutually exclusive, and I hope that in the future anet will not let itself down in the latter area.
Boomer the Gnome
New professions not really.
Give warriors a TWO HANDED weapons attribute. 'nuff said.
Because theres no feeling like having a weapon larger then you are.
I myself was expecting future races. Like the dwarves, or tengu. Heck even alternate humans. Like you could start from Kurzick or Luxon or Kryta. That'd be pretty cool. But then they'd have to mod the heck out of the game.
I just dislike the lack of culture clash in guildwars. All these different races/cultures and you can't be apart of it.
It'd be cool to have Krytans running around in Kurzick, or Luxons in the Shiverpeak mountains. Maybe even play evil races like the Charr.. then have PVP zones in areas were good and evil duke it out like in City of Heroes. That'd be pretty cool and also put a new meaning to guild wars as you would get the baltazhar faction for killing a player character.
Because all of us don't have the essence to play the Hall of Heroes and just want to do thus. Go unto a zone and attack other players with this no nonsense objectives.
Give warriors a TWO HANDED weapons attribute. 'nuff said.
Because theres no feeling like having a weapon larger then you are.
I myself was expecting future races. Like the dwarves, or tengu. Heck even alternate humans. Like you could start from Kurzick or Luxon or Kryta. That'd be pretty cool. But then they'd have to mod the heck out of the game.
I just dislike the lack of culture clash in guildwars. All these different races/cultures and you can't be apart of it.
It'd be cool to have Krytans running around in Kurzick, or Luxons in the Shiverpeak mountains. Maybe even play evil races like the Charr.. then have PVP zones in areas were good and evil duke it out like in City of Heroes. That'd be pretty cool and also put a new meaning to guild wars as you would get the baltazhar faction for killing a player character.
Because all of us don't have the essence to play the Hall of Heroes and just want to do thus. Go unto a zone and attack other players with this no nonsense objectives.
I think they might in the end allow you to make a char with as many profession's as you want (i.e. you setup the attribute skills, say 6 or 7 of them, strength, healing, fire, death, wilderness survival, etc) in one of the later chapters.
If you still only have 200 attribute points it will be a game of skill due to the fact of all the different skill's/spells you will be able to pick, and there will be a lot of unique builds (ton loads really).
You never know, it may or may not happen.
If you still only have 200 attribute points it will be a game of skill due to the fact of all the different skill's/spells you will be able to pick, and there will be a lot of unique builds (ton loads really).
You never know, it may or may not happen.
i have 8 characters on the go.. and must be honest the upkeep is hard work.. im reaching a point of choosing my favourite 4 and only concentrating on them..
I simply like the options of having more. So, I'm wanting more classes and since Anet pretty much said they wouldn't add elves (heard that somewhere, don't remember where) I pretty much wouldn't care about other races but know many others want them.
I agree that adding new skill sets (not just new skills) would be nice.
2 handed weapons to warriors
single handed blunt weapons
crossbows (as a non-ranger skill line - since they are easier to use and fire)
But others such sets that completely alter a class into something else with a single skill line. Something that might turn a ranger (or the assassin) into a "rogue" with trap disarming and "sneak attacks" for example (grasping there, but you get the idea).
I agree that adding new skill sets (not just new skills) would be nice.
2 handed weapons to warriors
single handed blunt weapons
crossbows (as a non-ranger skill line - since they are easier to use and fire)
But others such sets that completely alter a class into something else with a single skill line. Something that might turn a ranger (or the assassin) into a "rogue" with trap disarming and "sneak attacks" for example (grasping there, but you get the idea).
I'd prefer new attribute lines over new professions
I think for chapter 4, instead of adding new classes, they should give the current classes new skill sets. Like give monks martial arts or give elementalists elemental pets/summons.
I'd also prefer new attribute lines over new professions. In my personal opinion, the two new professions were the worst thing to happen since IWAY in Guild Wars' history (although I don't mind because I'm probably the only person that dislikes them). The prophecies professions are amazing and they could do with beng beefed out a little such as one new attribute line per class for variation. Like a previous poster said, dual-wielding warriors would be a good addition - on the other hand, thinking up a new attribute for elementalists would prove diffcult since there are only 4 elements. I'd rather have quality over quantity any day.
i personly think that anet has limited themsevles with the set up they have. However I want to see if they can really come up with new class. How they are going to be different i don't know.
I'd rather see a max of 10 Professions (8 is enough tbh) since anymore than that and you'd just have too much variation. How the hell are they gonna balance it out? Mesmer, Rangers, Necros, Assassins and Ritualists are/were shunned classes. Ranger was suddenly made popular by Rangerspike then more so by Barrage/Pet, Necros true powers came out with the AoE proving how useless Eles were in comparison to SS, Assassins have too crap armour and too many bad players, Mesmers... no fancy effects... they do 'nothing' so no-one takes em, Ritualists i dunno, but i can take a guess they're not exactly sort after.
The more they add the less unique they get and the larger parties you'll need to give them all a fair chance. How easy is it for an Assassin to get a group in the Fire Islands if there are plenty of people around? I can guess pretty impossible, crappy armour, melee range and Wild Blow to completely remove evasive stances...
The more they add the less unique they get and the larger parties you'll need to give them all a fair chance. How easy is it for an Assassin to get a group in the Fire Islands if there are plenty of people around? I can guess pretty impossible, crappy armour, melee range and Wild Blow to completely remove evasive stances...
Originally Posted by Vilaptca
Though if you look at games like Neverwinter Nights, that use the D&D system, there are many different classes to play, and many of them do have small crossovers, but they are all still quite unique. We only have 8 right now, how many does D&D have?
GW, good as it is, lacks *MANY* features found in a P&P game like D&D, and that limits the kinds of classes that make sense.
Well, Sofia, I think the real problem with more new professions is where do you fit them into the "standard group" in the mid to high game?
The Rit has managed to earn a place, at least sometimes. But the assassin is usually left on the bench when it is time for a serious group.
I would really like to see new professions, but can they have a role to play? My assassin, I like him a lot. But the assassin henches nearly all the time.
Larger groups are probably not the answer, since the new slots would still be filled by the conventional characters.
The Rit has managed to earn a place, at least sometimes. But the assassin is usually left on the bench when it is time for a serious group.
I would really like to see new professions, but can they have a role to play? My assassin, I like him a lot. But the assassin henches nearly all the time.
Larger groups are probably not the answer, since the new slots would still be filled by the conventional characters.
New professions will start to resemble older ones, but with different artwork.
So my suggestions is to allow us to play non-human toons. I, for one, would love to play a Naga. Essentially, all these "professions" would be is different character art; no new game mechanics required. Art already exists for:
1) Dwarves
2) Tengu (note Silverwing as a henchman)
3) Naga/Serpent people
Heck, we could even let people play Charr!
Same stats as humans, just different art.
I would pay $50 to play a Crystal Desert Serpent or Jade Sea Naga as an elementalist/ranger with a Dune Lizard pet.
So my suggestions is to allow us to play non-human toons. I, for one, would love to play a Naga. Essentially, all these "professions" would be is different character art; no new game mechanics required. Art already exists for:
1) Dwarves
2) Tengu (note Silverwing as a henchman)
3) Naga/Serpent people
Heck, we could even let people play Charr!

Same stats as humans, just different art.
I would pay $50 to play a Crystal Desert Serpent or Jade Sea Naga as an elementalist/ranger with a Dune Lizard pet.
Originally Posted by Evilsod
Assassins have too crap armour and too many bad players, Mesmers... no fancy effects... they do 'nothing' so no-one takes em, Ritualists i dunno, but i can take a guess they're not exactly sort after.
Although I have to admit, the Assassin needs some serious help, beyond the poor tactics of its players.

I do see groups advertising for Ritualists now, especially in Tyria. Usually, they're wanted for protection/healing, though many people now realize that a good Ritualist can out-spike and out-AoE even the best mage.
It takes time for people to learn how a new class can be best used. I suspect Ritualists will eventually become as popular as Rangers.
I would much rather have more skill lines for each existing profession rather than completely new professions.
Classes are nice. I hope races aren't added to the game.
i would love to see some new content and proffesions, but i have enough for this time with factions and soon guildwars prohecies (i don't have it yet because i don't have enough money

Tuoba Hturt Eht
I like new Professions, more choices for the players.
Of course, new attributes for existing professions is always good.
Races is good as well, even more options, hopefully we will see that happen some time in the future.
Actually, we already have "races" in the game.
"Ascalonian" vs "Canthan"
It is kinda like "Western men" vs "Asian men"
Of course, new attributes for existing professions is always good.
Races is good as well, even more options, hopefully we will see that happen some time in the future.
Actually, we already have "races" in the game.
"Ascalonian" vs "Canthan"
It is kinda like "Western men" vs "Asian men"
Quantum Duck
I don't think they will be running out of good ideas any time soon. They did a good job with the 6 core professions, and came up with some nice niche roles for the 2 Factions professions. There are still plenty of niche rolls out there they can make something for.
Since at best, you can only have 8 skill equip at time, and you can always go with the route of adding more skill lines or sub-classes to exisiting classes (Assume all will be evenly covered) , so there are not that much need for new classes, especially considering it would bog down on many ascept of game.
But, with out new class, you are missing the potiental for new weapons/armor style, new combination and new builds, new playing style, and overall, the feeling of "New and Fresh", which make a great marketing tagline to attract player. Also it just seem better to package it all into a new Prof, instead of spreading it out to the old. Also while things like new weapons skills and such are easier to add to exisiting, things like Mount, engineering skills, music skills, and other stuff will be more unfitting, which would seem to go better in a new class.
So on the gound that it probably would make more people buy the expansion, would mostlikly see more new prof in the future. (that, or race with new prof)
But, with out new class, you are missing the potiental for new weapons/armor style, new combination and new builds, new playing style, and overall, the feeling of "New and Fresh", which make a great marketing tagline to attract player. Also it just seem better to package it all into a new Prof, instead of spreading it out to the old. Also while things like new weapons skills and such are easier to add to exisiting, things like Mount, engineering skills, music skills, and other stuff will be more unfitting, which would seem to go better in a new class.
So on the gound that it probably would make more people buy the expansion, would mostlikly see more new prof in the future. (that, or race with new prof)
Pandora's box
Actually I"m still waiting for a real fighter class. The warrior class we have now relies too much on enemies who damage themselves in melee with all kinds of nasty backfires, plus some skills which more look like assassins final moves than warrior skills (almost everything that uses adraline). So when will the real fighter arise, the one who simply inflicts dmg by attacking?
One of my wishes is the introduction of the palladin to this game. Don't mix him up with a mo/wa... The Pally has to serve the good side and does not kill without the blessings of his liege; his skills would be used against him if he started to farm for profit
So new chr's? Yes, certainly! I hope every new chapter has 1 new melee class chr
One of my wishes is the introduction of the palladin to this game. Don't mix him up with a mo/wa... The Pally has to serve the good side and does not kill without the blessings of his liege; his skills would be used against him if he started to farm for profit

So new chr's? Yes, certainly! I hope every new chapter has 1 new melee class chr

I agree with the OP. We're going to have 10 classes here! Its gradually going to get harder and harder to find a specific class for a group. I say just add new skills, weapons, mods etc to the new classes.
Coming up with new roles is just a matter of invention, If you read any of my class concepts you will see that totaly new gameplay mechanics are presented in each, from instant movements in a line dealing damage to targets, to characters that are totaly divergent of the Class identification.
Some people just want another variation, some want something totaly different. The point of new classes is to provide as many enjoyable alternatives as possible, just because your content and wish to use what we have doesn't mean that many others are, nor that there shouldn't be new classes just because you like what you have. If you happy with what you got then you can stick with that, there are plenty of people who would like something different, and some like me who still don't have a favorite, who need something else.
Just because there is 100+ bad ideas in the concept class section doesn't mean Anet couldn't create a good alternate class, they certainly have better developers than a bunch of forum jockies, and even a few of us can come up with some good ideas.
I agree, Assassin isn't as original as I would like either, they gave him alot of different moves that warrior, in actuality he is more like a melee/hex/caster unit, but you can't realy use all of that together effectively, and probably the biggest difference, Teleporting, is so seldom that it doesn't play a significant role in Assassins Identity, truth be told, it is better for classes other than Assassin who would rarely need to use it, Assassins can't get enough use out of them for Teleport moves to compensate.
That is a balance issue that Anet deems functional, wile not being a significant damage alteration, teleporting is severly limited in use so Assassin is basicly a funky warrior with less armor. When I came up with ideas for Assassin in the past I included a few more original capabilities which would have made Assassin more then unique from warrior, Anet decided they didn't want to do that I guess. There are only so many things they can make, and some of them would require additions to the game mechanics.
I think the real issue here is whether or not Anet will make new classes original and effective enough to be worth it, if they arn't going to be good an unique, then they may as well not exsist, or in Assassins case improved. It would be great to have new ways to play the game, new tactics to ensue, and new character identities to model, the more options there are the more people who will find their favorite and enjoy it. Just as long as they can make these new classes great, deserving of GW, I don't care if they add 12 and more.
Some people just want another variation, some want something totaly different. The point of new classes is to provide as many enjoyable alternatives as possible, just because your content and wish to use what we have doesn't mean that many others are, nor that there shouldn't be new classes just because you like what you have. If you happy with what you got then you can stick with that, there are plenty of people who would like something different, and some like me who still don't have a favorite, who need something else.
Just because there is 100+ bad ideas in the concept class section doesn't mean Anet couldn't create a good alternate class, they certainly have better developers than a bunch of forum jockies, and even a few of us can come up with some good ideas.
I agree, Assassin isn't as original as I would like either, they gave him alot of different moves that warrior, in actuality he is more like a melee/hex/caster unit, but you can't realy use all of that together effectively, and probably the biggest difference, Teleporting, is so seldom that it doesn't play a significant role in Assassins Identity, truth be told, it is better for classes other than Assassin who would rarely need to use it, Assassins can't get enough use out of them for Teleport moves to compensate.
That is a balance issue that Anet deems functional, wile not being a significant damage alteration, teleporting is severly limited in use so Assassin is basicly a funky warrior with less armor. When I came up with ideas for Assassin in the past I included a few more original capabilities which would have made Assassin more then unique from warrior, Anet decided they didn't want to do that I guess. There are only so many things they can make, and some of them would require additions to the game mechanics.
I think the real issue here is whether or not Anet will make new classes original and effective enough to be worth it, if they arn't going to be good an unique, then they may as well not exsist, or in Assassins case improved. It would be great to have new ways to play the game, new tactics to ensue, and new character identities to model, the more options there are the more people who will find their favorite and enjoy it. Just as long as they can make these new classes great, deserving of GW, I don't care if they add 12 and more.
I Don't think that they should add a lot of new classes either. I Agree that it'd be better if they just added new skill lines/attributes to existing classes, but I also think that they should add new body-type options for the classes. So for example, you could make a spear-wielding warrior with a physique similar to a ranger, an assassin that uses shurikens as a weapon, a ranger that uses pistols/rifles like my gunslinger concept, or (as was mentioned) a martial artist monk.
Honestly, if they decided to just add a new heavy armored spear-using class (or any class very similar to another), it'd be pretty rediculous, since it's just a warrior with a new weapon.
I Say we should get new body-type options for the existing classes, because a lot of the reason for new classes (in my oppinion) is for a new character appearance.
Honestly, if they decided to just add a new heavy armored spear-using class (or any class very similar to another), it'd be pretty rediculous, since it's just a warrior with a new weapon.
I Say we should get new body-type options for the existing classes, because a lot of the reason for new classes (in my oppinion) is for a new character appearance.