Factions Skill Confusion


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2006


I purchased the original Guild Wars on its release but I did not play it too much. I’ve now purchased factions and I’m really enjoying it, however I have a question about skills. I played a warrior / monk in the original game and now I’m playing a warrior / monk in factions, I notice that I have some skills from the skill seller that I had with my original character. The quests in factions don’t seem to be giving any skills as rewards. My question is, do I need to play through the original game to unlock skills for my warrior / monk or will I be able to pick them up in factions?

I'm really enjoying factions so I would hate to have to go back to the original land just to get the best from my character, I can't stand the sight of the ruined landscape and the scorpions, elementals, gargoyles etc all drive me round the bend, I hate them!



Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

House Behelit


There are skills available only in prophecies. There are skills available only in factions. And there are core skills which you can get in each campain.


^^ shows what category each skill is in.

In prophecies you can get the majority of skills as quest rewards. In factions, the skills you dont get when you create a character have to be bought.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2006

Thanks, so those who choose to buy only Factions will find themselves at a disadvantage to those who own both products, even when playing in the factions campaign.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005


disadvantage is up for discussion, you can still make good builds with core + one campaign, those with both campaigns however will have complete freedom when it comes to chosing skills

as for answering your skill quest question : factions does not have skillquests, however, you get more XP, gold and sometimes even skillpoints as rewards for quests/mission. Obviously you're supposed to buy skills from the skilltrainer with the gold/skillpoints you get from questing



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

Owning both gives you a wider choice for your characters skills I think, making them more enjoyable. Ive just about finished capping all the core professions skills on my primary account