Should I give the guild member the boot?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Black Cat Guild


This weekend I had recuritied a new member for our PVE guild. He/She did ask to be invited and said "Hi" in guild chat that first day. However (you knew there had to be one) the account has been logged on for the last 24 hours (everytime I have hopped on) and while I don't require anyone in my guild to be chatty (or talk much), this person hasn't responded to direct whispers.

I worry that the person is using a bot - and I will NOT have this in my guild; however, I am also thinking... what if they just accidently left the game running.

I am leaning toward kicking tonight if the user is still on and not responding.

Do you think I am justified? Or being overly cautious?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


I would wait a day or two and then kick him/her if nothing change.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

Apathy Inc [AI]


my guild leader leaves GW on 24/7 so i think you're a little cautious. but you never know...

<stereotype> does he/she have an asian-sounding name </stereotype>



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


I wouldn't assume they are a bot until you saw them in person behaving like a bot. (Gosh, are they in Elona Reach alot? lol)

If, after a couple of days, they are still online and not responding to direct whispers I don't think you'd have any reason to feel guilty for kicking them. If they had a legit reason for being afk for three days, and they talk to you about it, you can always enroll them again.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

What I find intriguing is why would you assume first and foremost that s/he is a bot?

At times because of these intruding "hi"s I turn off guild chat or even set my status to "Offline" altogether. Don't you think you are being a bit too nosey?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Black Cat Guild


Originally Posted by remmeh
my guild leader leaves GW on 24/7 so i think you're a little cautious. but you never know...

<stereotype> does he/she have an asian-sounding name </stereotype>
Lol, my being over cautious is noted.

No asian sounding name - not even a I-am-trying-to-not-sound-asian-but-fail names that some bots have.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS], Retired Officer


give it some time. it's only been a day. maybe he/she did leave it on.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Black Cat Guild


Originally Posted by generik
What I find intriguing is why would you assume first and foremost that s/he is a bot?

At times because of these intruding "hi"s I turn off guild chat or even set my status to "Offline" altogether. Don't you think you are being a bit too nosey?
Nosey? well... could be! I have a few guild members who after I invited I only speak to about once a month, even though they are on. I don't mind it, some people are private and I respect that.

This is just the first member I have had that stayed logged on ALL the time. Could very well be that is just what they do, if so, I will respect that too.

Just with all the BOT crazieness as of late - I just don't want to have a member that is taking advantage of a 3rd party program and my NPC full guild hall.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Relax Its Just A [GAME]


Originally Posted by TalonTheCat
Nosey? well... could be! I have a few guild members who after I invited I only speak to about once a month, even though they are on. I don't mind it, some people are private and I respect that.

This is just the first member I have had that stayed logged on ALL the time. Could very well be that is just what they do, if so, I will respect that too.

Just with all the BOT crazieness as of late - I just don't want to have a member that is taking advantage of a 3rd party program and my NPC full guild hall.
Do u stay logged on 24/7 to watch him and make sure, how do you know he doesnt have odd sleeping patterns?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Black Cat Guild


Nope, as I said in the first message - when I am logged on - which is usually 3 times a day during the week: 7AM, 6PM and 10PM.

I am fully aware they I could and am over reacting I posted this more out of curiosity of what others would do if they suspected a bot in their guild.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Relax Its Just A [GAME]


I personally leave it be and say, oh well if its a bot hell get banned, if it isnt hes a heavy gamer.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Shyft Machine [MYTH]


Why would a farm bot need to join a guild?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006


Fell asleep on the keyboard...Has all chats disabled...Cant understand you...Is dead...Is a bot. I would wait a day or two and then decide.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Black Cat Guild


Originally Posted by tommarrow
Why would a farm bot need to join a guild?
Trying to "blend in" - use the guild hall - not be a full time botter - just a person using a bot program?

Cottage Pie

Cottage Pie

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

Birmingham, England

Taking Aegis


I'd kick them, why be in a guild if you never speak to anyone?



Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006




If he's not contributing to the guild in anyway I dont see the need to keep him around... that's just my opinion




Join Date: May 2006

Originally Posted by Nite_Creeper
If he's not contributing to the guild in anyway I dont see the need to keep him around... that's just my opinion
^^^ This dude has a point...



Polar Bear Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

check Elona / Droks .. maybe u ll see him



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006


The Infinite Monkeys [TYPE]


On a similar vein, I have a guild member who logs on occasionally, but I never see him. I haven't spoken to him in over a month. When do you decide to boot someone? Do you boot them due to inactivity? Do you boot them because they're never on when anybody else is? Do you boot them because they serve no use to the guild if there's never interaction with them?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Valkyrie Einherjar


Once had someone on for three straight days. At the end, it finally said they were offline.... and hadn't been on in two days! Very confusing.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Eh I forget... o_O

Biscuit of Dewm [MEEP]


Leave a note in the guild announcements for them to contact you! Simple as that, brings most out of the woodworks pretty quick in our guild. Simply talk to him/her and find out if they leave it on (I do).

And generik there is nothing wrong with trying to get to know your guildmates. Ours is like a big family and some of us have actually gone out on a real life limb for these people, even tho they might live hours from us.

But yes there is a difference between being nosey and wanting to know your guildies better. Give him or her more time before you start adding to much pressure, either he/she will fall in with the guild smoothly or that talk will determine if s/he stays or goes.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005


Originally Posted by eudas
On a similar vein, I have a guild member who logs on occasionally, but I never see him. I haven't spoken to him in over a month. When do you decide to boot someone? Do you boot them due to inactivity? Do you boot them because they're never on when anybody else is? Do you boot them because they serve no use to the guild if there's never interaction with them?

in all the guilds i've been in, they seem to have a 2month inactivity = boot rule, unless, you tell them why you're going ineactive and for how long (eg me going inactive for awhile due to university studies or someone else going away for holiday).

us quiet guildies do interact, just rarely >.> i personally know i talk very little when first joining a guild apart from the expected "hello" when first joining, though i do try to help others when they have questions or requests for a guild team or a certain class to help out.

also some people have certain chats turned off so there's no distractions during quests/missions. i remember once i have guild chat off and didn't realise until a guildie PMed me asking why i wasn't at the guild hall preparing for the GvG ^^;;;;;

maybe you just happen to log on around the same time as him/her and so it looks like they're constantly on?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Guild Hall, Vent, Guesting, PvE, or the occasional HA match...

Dark Alley [dR]

Meh they could just be idling in gw. there have been times that ive idle'd in the guild hall and went and watched a movie or something or accidentally fell asleep and hours later, gw is still running.

your best bet is to leave a message in guild announcements as suggested. if they still dont contact you or still dont reply in a few days, then do what you feel like. if its your guild then you can kick or invite whoever you want.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

Forsaken Sanctuary


don't automatically assume he's a bot if he's quite.

my guild used to have a chinese farmer who kept to himself until we needed to buy stuff from him.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006


The Infinite Monkeys [TYPE]


Originally Posted by xuemin

maybe you just happen to log on around the same time as him/her and so it looks like they're constantly on?
actually, i never see him on, but the guild screen says he's logged on within the past couple of weeks. Part of it is, i think he's an aussie, so our time schedules are 8 hours off.

but, if we're not interacting, what's the point of having them in our guild?




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006


The Infinite Monkeys [TYPE]


Originally Posted by nohooiam
don't automatically assume he's a bot if he's quite.

my guild used to have a chinese farmer who kept to himself until we needed to buy stuff from him.


Don Zardeone

Don Zardeone

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005

So wait a minute..
You have a guild and you only have that guild.
You have no secondary fast or slow ways of communication whatsoever?
You only have the guildchat over which you have zero control, zero logging, zero ability to repair if it breaks?

What happens if GW is down for a week, you'll be "cut off' from the guild for an entire week...

I would suggest getting people on msn, icq, yim, AIM, irc whatever. Get a forum, a backupforum a site and all those things.

Once you have an actual clan you can worry about kicking people who don't do anything. Right now, you're asking outsiders for an opinion... which is ok to get an outsider view of your guild but... meh.
You don't know anything about the member and are deciding wether or not to kick him based on replies he may or may not have given due to being afk, afw or mia.

I let GW running all the time. I actually have a nickname: "King of afk". I even have a mule with that name X.x

There are a few reasons to not kick him though...
1. He's online. This simulates activity. Many guilds have a problem with keeping members. They recruit too many diogenic hoppers (clanhoppers who keep hopping between clans until they find on that suits them best. They don't really ever find on though) and then these hoppers leave because they see a lot of members who haven't logged on in months.

2. If you kick him it will display a message saying that you have kicked him. THis message is added into the guild history. Your guild being a pve guild will probably never ever do any GVG. SO your history will display a list of kicked people rathen than GvG wins/losses.
A lot of players, when they join a guild, they look at the guild history. If they see people who got kicked then they get nervous and leave too.
I know some guildleaders who have this problem. They're toying with the idea of disbanding the guild and starting a new one just to clear that history of kicks.

3. If he really was afk or afw then he might show up again. If he then sees that he is kicked he'll think you're a bastard and tell his next guild about it.
You'll then get a bad rep but unless you're holding a town or in the top 50 then reputation is pretty much meaningless anyway -_-



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Black Cat Guild


Not sure why I didn't think of the guild announcement thingy!

As far as why have quiet members? Because not all people are talkative, everyone is different. Will we ever compete for high end stuff as a guild? Nope - but that is OK - I just want to have fun and let everyone have fun at their own pace.

For me it is a matter of not wanting a person who uses a bot in the guild.

I also follow the 2 month "guideline" If a person has not logged onto the game in 2 months, then I will kick them and make room for someone who is going to be at least on.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Black Cat Guild


Originally Posted by Don Zardeone
So wait a minute..
You have a guild and you only have that guild.
You have no secondary fast or slow ways of communication whatsoever?
You only have the guildchat over which you have zero control, zero logging, zero ability to repair if it breaks?

What happens if GW is down for a week, you'll be "cut off' from the guild for an entire week...

I would suggest getting people on msn, icq, yim, AIM, irc whatever. Get a forum, a backupforum a site and all those things.
Guild Website: Check
Team Speak: Check

Don't assume I don't have those things just because I am a PVE/small guild. Plus I am not asking you guys what *I* should do - I am asking what would *you* do if in the same situation. If I wanted to run the guild on the consensus of guru members, I'd be waiting awhile - we can never agree on anything.

eternal pho


Join Date: Nov 2005

The Licious Fame Farmers {TLG}


Just so ull know..a lot of them aren't even chinese bots.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

I'd advise to give it some time as well, since you really don't know what is going on. Even if it turns out to be a bot it won't affect the guild, just that account.

We have quite a few quiet players in our guild, plus being international have various playing times so there are a number of people I rarely interract with.

It seems that some people need to get comfortable in our guild before they open up and start interacting with the rest of the guildies, perhaps they feel a little under-confident as they are playing their first characters - but I wish they wouldn't, we'd all enjoy things more if they'd participate.

As far as a history of boots, our PvE guild has quite a lot as we've been booting the 3 month inactives from WPG then immediately sending invites to our sister allied guild WPG2 plus there were quite a few Factions preview accounts that were invited in then booted out afterwards. So I hope that really isn't a factor for people new to a guild. Not to mention that a guild that boots 2 month inactives could have a farily clean roster but a lot of booted members and which is better, a list of actives or a list of booteds? Also, the log is limited in length so you won't see everyone invited or booted.

Kern Wolf

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006



Boot him, Luke...and learn the POWER of the Dark Side...(lol)

J snukka

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2005

New York

bot or no bot, afk or not. I find it disrespectfull if a players doesn't respond when I pm them a couple of times. So don't feel bad when you kick them today because you gave them a long enough time. Think of it as you kicking a member for not participating with the guild.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

******************* Refuge From Exile [RFE]

There is occasionally a bug where a person, even when logged off, will continue to appear logged on. This afflicted a former guildmate of mine for nearly two months straight, before. I nearly did kick him, too, but thankfully learned of the bug first.

Give it time, and if they still havent logged off / talked in a week, contact Support.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Black Cat Guild


Originally Posted by ubermancer
There is occasionally a bug where a person, even when logged off, will continue to appear logged on. This afflicted a former guildmate of mine for nearly two months straight, before. I nearly did kick him, too, but thankfully learned of the bug first.

Give it time, and if they still havent logged off / talked in a week, contact Support.
I see a couple references to bugs and showing up "online" - it makes sense.

Ok... where is the can of RAID???

(for those non US folks - RAID is bug spray/killer)

J snukka

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2005

New York

maybe you should make a forum for your guild. That will help you keep in touch with your members offline and you will find out who isn't participating in your guild.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Black Cat Guild


Originally Posted by TalonTheCat
Guild Website: Check
Team Speak: Check
Got it!

Don Zardeone

Don Zardeone

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005

But does it have a forum and is there forced registering on the forum?
Do you have everyones msn, icq, whatever?

It's hard to catch an afk person in-game but if you can message him through msn...




Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Wales, UK

Devils Scorpions


Yea, its a bit soon to be kicking.. far too hasty. leave it a week at least.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006

Mina Sucks [Blz]

2 month inactive = boot? mines 2 weeks lol am i being 2 harsh? jus think if you havent been on for 2 weeks and dont post on the forum you must have stopped playin for a while!

I wouldnt boot him jus cos hes online all the time, even not being able to speak to him proves nothing ive whispered people before and they dont reply (maybe busy and forgot, maybe in dist 1 somewhere and dont see it etc) or they could jus leave GW running all the time like someone said, if they are a bot they will be dealt with when the time comes (according to anet they ban thousands of boots)