hey guys. I was doing a quest today, and i got a gold armor drop. I identified it, it's a major air rune, i didn't salvage it.
According to the merchant, it's worth 400g. Is that a fluke, or am i missing something? SHould i sell it to a real person? Or should i just sell it to the merchant?
valuable gold rune? huh?
Go see the Rune trader and see how much a Major air Rune cost, if it's under 400 don't salvage it and sell it to the vendor. This is what i do when i find rune that are worth 25gold when you try to sell em.
Yeah, the whole rune trader is out of whack anyways. Some minors cost more than the equivalent major. For example, a minor fire rune cost more to buy than a major fire rune.
The rune trader isn't out of whack. It's all supply and demand.
Originally Posted by AeroLion
The rune trader isn't out of whack. It's all supply and demand.
People buy more minor because most of the people use 1 Superior and 1 minor to avoid low health. ( ex: 1 sup air, 1 minor energy ) btw that doenst specialy mean that if you have more than -75 due to rune, that your build is going to blow.
If people dont want major runes Take them out of the game, runes are the worthless now thz to stupid rune traders

doens't mean because less people use em that we should remove em.