Is there any leeway for getting a grandmaster explorer title?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

Can anyone confirm or deny whether you have to absolutley get 100% of the map, or is there a small percentage leeway.. if so, can anyone confirm how much?


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005


You dont need absolutley 100%, i think the whole map must be like 101%



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

Ive sort of gathered this from the thread dealing with the Tyrian map.. its just that im at 97.7%, I know im going to need at least 99.1%, but how much more??




Join Date: Dec 2005

Il Power Overwhelming Il [HaX]

Though the actual amount is not known, it is true that there is error when you have 100% explored, but the error is so little, it hardly makes a difference. It only counts for the very edges of the maps

Bane of Worlds

Bane of Worlds

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006



ummm you might have a better chance of achieving this if you actually compare maps with someone who has 100%
try this forum



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by Eve The Sorceress
ummm you might have a better chance of achieving this if you actually compare maps with someone who has 100%
try this forum
Yeah.. this is the thread Im following.. I have quite a good map already which im using for comparison purposes.. it was more just a question of how close i need to get.. 99.4 ... 99.7... if anyone noticed while they were mapping, that would be great



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


Perhaps I misunderstand, but you NEED to get 100%. It's just that even after you get 100% there will be as much as .9% of the map still uncovered.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by Mournblade
Perhaps I misunderstand, but you NEED to get 100%. It's just that even after you get 100% there will be as much as .9% of the map still uncovered.
*sigh* oh well, guess ill keep plodding along then.. thanks for the input guys n girls

Hephaestus Ram

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005



I sure hope so because I'm at 99.1% and the only areas I can see that are
left are.... the Aurora Glade areas behind the Demagogue, Dunes area that
you have to Nec. Transverse to, and THK area outside the fort. Since I can't
find anyone that will hold those missions open while I map I'm in a bit of a



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


You can do Dunes and THK with henchies. Heck, I did THK with henchies - cleared to the fort so Jalis ran to his spot, then I just ran out of the fort with Sprint and got the whole back area mapped before he got attacked and killed. :P

For Dunes, fight your way into the main fort, but don't kill the enemy ghost. Go around him and try to aggro one of the forgotten or a scarab outside the fort. Kill it and then use necrotic traversal to hop over for some neato mapping. (I've also been lucky enough on this mission to kill the enemy ghost and then just rush out of the open gates with sprint. For some reason nobody ever attacked my ghost and I ran around between the forts until I got killed.)



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Camp Rankor

No Diplomacy Only War [nDoW] No Diplomacy Only Slackers [nDoS] Looking for an Alliance.


For THK try gettting a group to go chest hunting there, they do the mission then they chest hunt outside the fort afterwards without talking to the king. We do it everytime we do the mission.

Alot of times the chests outside the fort and down the hill drop Gold Mursaat Hammers, bows and runes.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Urmston, Manchester, UK

Greener Pastures [DVDF]


Originally Posted by Mournblade
For Dunes, fight your way into the main fort, but don't kill the enemy ghost. Go around him and try to aggro one of the forgotten or a scarab outside the fort. Kill it and then use necrotic traversal to hop over for some neato mapping. (I've also been lucky enough on this mission to kill the enemy ghost and then just rush out of the open gates with sprint. For some reason nobody ever attacked my ghost and I ran around between the forts until I got killed.)
This has worked for me twice before but after trying 3 times a few days ago with a) nothing spawning, b) it being enchanted armours, c) nothing spawning, we simply fought the attackers very fast then did the exploring.
I soloed the north and east gates (warriors ftw), while my friends covered the south gate. In 3 mins we were done and went running round outside

Runner Of Fate

Runner Of Fate

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006


Guild Of Pain


I did some of this stuff posted here..

I was wundering (i know its wondering, its the way I talk STFU!)
if anyone can help me get some of the stuff, I got MOST of ascalonish area, and im only at 63.5 or sumtin....I did droknar's run, and other runs



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by Mournblade
You can do Dunes and THK with henchies. Heck, I did THK with henchies - cleared to the fort so Jalis ran to his spot, then I just ran out of the fort with Sprint and got the whole back area mapped before he got attacked and killed. :P

For Dunes, fight your way into the main fort, but don't kill the enemy ghost. Go around him and try to aggro one of the forgotten or a scarab outside the fort. Kill it and then use necrotic traversal to hop over for some neato mapping. (I've also been lucky enough on this mission to kill the enemy ghost and then just rush out of the open gates with sprint. For some reason nobody ever attacked my ghost and I ran around between the forts until I got killed.)
the same thing happened to me for the Dunes.. the enemies just sat around looking at my ghost, probably having a fat chat, and I was able to map the whole back area within the 10 minutes

I tell you a funny story about THK though, i went in with henchies, got to the point where you kill the first boss before the waves of musaat hit.. all henchies were dead, so it was just me and the king axing away, unfortunately I died, but as the message popped up to say your party was defeated, the king killed the boss, and ressed the whole team with the cutscene! I left the "return to outpost" message up, and went running about outside.. ol' kingy got killed in the end, and I was still able to finish up mapping without worrying about times, or deaths or anything! It was awesome!! BTW, im now at 98.1% need to have a good scan of my maps tonight again



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


Game anomalies FTW! =D Thats pretty cool - did you get a screenshot?

I'm at 97.7% for now. I manage to earn .1 or .2 in the hour I get to play each night, but it's getting harder and harder to reach some of my missing places. :\


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Originally Posted by Runner Of Fate
I did some of this stuff posted here..

I was wundering (i know its wondering, its the way I talk STFU!)
if anyone can help me get some of the stuff, I got MOST of ascalonish area, and im only at 63.5 or sumtin....I did droknar's run, and other runs
The best advice I can give you is to keep track of where you go (I made a list of everywhere and crossed them off as I went) and hug the perimiter walls everywhere you go and work your way inward. Once you get up to around 96 - 97%, use the map comparison thing to find all those little .1% areas that aren't so easy to see by just looking at your map.

Hephaestus Ram

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005



Originally Posted by Mournblade
You can do Dunes and THK with henchies. Heck, I did THK with henchies - cleared to the fort so Jalis ran to his spot, then I just ran out of the fort with Sprint and got the whole back area mapped before he got attacked and killed. :P

For Dunes, fight your way into the main fort, but don't kill the enemy ghost. Go around him and try to aggro one of the forgotten or a scarab outside the fort. Kill it and then use necrotic traversal to hop over for some neato mapping. (I've also been lucky enough on this mission to kill the enemy ghost and then just rush out of the open gates with sprint. For some reason nobody ever attacked my ghost and I ran around between the forts until I got killed.)
Thanks Mournblade.... tried THK and Dunes with henches and got 100% today.
THK went smooth, had no problem using both Sprint and Charge to get it done.
Dunes was a little tricky as a W/N I didn't have much ranged fire power to
get a body to use, but managed. No one mentioned the other 18 animated
armor bows I'd run into. But it's cool, 3/4 of the way throught the bonus area
I got 100%.
So yeah Slainster I can confirm that there is some leeway, I still had some of
Dunes and Aurora Glade to do at least when I got 100%.

Thanks again for the advice.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by Hephaestus Ram
Thanks Mournblade.... tried THK and Dunes with henches and got 100% today.
THK went smooth, had no problem using both Sprint and Charge to get it done.
Dunes was a little tricky as a W/N I didn't have much ranged fire power to
get a body to use, but managed. No one mentioned the other 18 animated
armor bows I'd run into. But it's cool, 3/4 of the way throught the bonus area
I got 100%.
So yeah Slainster I can confirm that there is some leeway, I still had some of
Dunes and Aurora Glade to do at least when I got 100%.

Thanks again for the advice.
thats good news! Congrats on reaching Grandmaster status!

I reached 98.7% last night, my problem is this last few % seem to be hidden in the walls! Any chance you could post a couple of close ups of your map?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


Congrats on the Grandmaster!

Go check out the Tyrian Explorers League - there are tons of maps you can compare yours against in there.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



Grats on the grandmaster.
I'm at 99.4 now and I think top part of THK and Hell's Precipice will get to me to a 100 but as people say, its getting harder.

Hephaestus Ram

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005



I think part of the problem is that "clearing the fog" doens't necessarily mean
that the area is mapped out. For instance, when I did the Arid Sea I skimmed
it just enough to clear all the fog. When I started having trouble completing
the title, I went back to it and redid the "open" areas in a 3/4 aggro bubble
grid pattern and I got another .2% even though there was no fog to clear.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

Nooooooo... dont be saying that!!!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005


Yep. there's about 1% leeway.

This is by far the easiest way of getting 100%:
Just make sure your own screenshot has the clouds in a similar position.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by Buzzer
Yep. there's about 1% leeway.

This is by far the easiest way of getting 100%:
Just make sure your own screenshot has the clouds in a similar position.
thanks for that, Ill check this out tonight, im at 99.4% so nearly done now, and i know of a couple of spots that will add andother couple of points already.. so hopefully with this article Ill get there a lot quicker!