Do you have an idea for your character's biography, but can't seem to find the words to make it your own? Or maybe you have a great idea and have started, but don't have the time to write down what you've thought up? Well then, you've come to the right place! I am offering a service that has never been done here before: putting the story behind a favorite character - yours!
I will need the following for your biography:
Character Name
Character Age (not hours from the game, please!)
Profession (in Primary/Secondary format, please!)
Usual Weapon*
Hair and Eye Color and Skintone*
Armor type*
Campaign (Prophecies, Factions, etc.)
Character Quirks
Your Ideas for a Biography
Desired Length
(* can be accessable through a screenshot)
Please keep in mind that I cannot write you a book, although if you'd like I can continue with a biography I have already started. Also keep in mind that this is a service, and I will be expecting some type of payment, as will be listed below.
1-3 pragraphs - 500 gold
4-6 paragraphs - 1,000 gold
7-10 paragraphs - 1,500 gold
Anything that exceeds ten paragraphs: Notification of cost will be messaged to you.
(one paragraph is equal to four or more sentences, anything under that amount will be free of charge)
Wammo Iway
Short Sword
Brown, green, light
In the peaceful village of Ashford...
1 paragraph
Wammo grew up in Ashford, a quiet little town outside of Ascalon City. He liked to run around shouting "I will avenge you!" when the gaurds killed Skales, and run off into the middle of the biggest herd, randomly slashing his sword around. This usually killed him, and it was the painful task of Lina, the Ressurecting Shrine keeper, to bring him back again. Joining the army never changed him, and today you can find Wammo in the Arenas, wearing his presear armor, shouting "IWAY!!" when his allies are still alive, and when dead, yelling "rez me u stoopid monk!!".
Have a great day!
Have an idea for your character's bio, but can't find the words?
Storm Crow
Hmmm, this sounds intresting.
Poision Archer
Brown, blue, tannish
During the Searing
Dodging charr arrows....
1 paragraph
Also she is, well when I'm talking, very sassy and sarcastic so put that in. Thank you!
Poision Archer
Brown, blue, tannish
During the Searing
Dodging charr arrows....
1 paragraph
Also she is, well when I'm talking, very sassy and sarcastic so put that in. Thank you!
oh wait, nevermind, thanks though.
Storm Crow
Another thing: only serious inquires, please. -.-