I know this has probably been asked before, but since search is disabled I'm outta luck
If I have a 10/10 wand and a 20/20 off hand, are the percentages cumulative for a combined 30/30 on a single roll or is it sequentially rolled, first the 10 if that fails, then the 20?
Furnace Stoker
Join Date: May 2005
The Seraphim Knights [TSK]
14 Jun 2006 at 22:39 - 2
It's sequential, but whether or not the 1st fails, the second is also rolled, giving you for possibilities.
no effect
effect of wand
effect of offhand
effect of wand and offhand (not stacked, so 20/20 + 10/10 would be 72% of normal speed rather than 70%, 20% + 10% of remaining 80%, or 20%+8%)
Furnace Stoker
Join Date: Oct 2005
Planet Earth, Sol system, Milky Way galaxy
14 Jun 2006 at 23:16 - 3
It is sequential; it "rolls" each chance separately, so the percentages are multiplied, not added. So in your case:
No effect: 72%(both chances fail)
Half Cast or Recharge: 26%(one chance succeeds)
One Quarter Cast or Recharge: 2%(both effects trigger)