Just trying to sell off a few extra items. This will be an auction of sorts, as I will be taking offers. However, if I get a good enough offer, I will sell right away. I will be ending this sale on Sunday, July 17, at about 9pm EST. Of course I reserve the right to not sell if an item doesn't reach my 'reserve', but that shouldn't be a problem. In that case, I'll just sell in-game or give them to guildies
The only thing I am looking for as a trade is a perfect Sword of some sort. Doesn't matter what kind of sword, but it should have a damage modifier attached.
I am in-game every evening EST and all weekend. I can finish the deal at just about any time, just PM me. My in-game name: Wesley Of Florin
Please respond with IGN.
Here's what I've got:
1) 15k - LadySchala
2) 4k - camulus
3) Sold
4) Sold
5) Sold
6) 6k - MAA
7) 12k - camulus
GOLD Axes/Hammers/Shield for sale/trade
bump and edit
Updated bids, bump
.... and bump
2k for #7........ign:Fabualoz Wwarrior
Updated bids
Sale is ending at 8pm EST on Sunday, July 17. Get those bids in before they're gone!!