So.. no pandas (sensitivity).. what about White Tigers?
Heh, just came across this article (digg I think). I was wondering if this would affect White Tigers in GW like the sensitivity over Pandas affected them in GW (or the lack of them as pets). Is it sensitivity, or is it just because its a law somewhere?
Desert Penguin
Are you sure you can't have White Tigers as pets? Are you sure you haven't tried to charm one?
Vahn Roi
I just want a panda becuase they are so kewl
You mean you haven't found the pandas?
Vahn Roi
there are no for that retarded Frog-seeking one.
Desert Penguin
Okay well theres no Pandas for pets, but can you have White tigers for pets?
I think the fact that Pandas are protected much more heavily by law, as opposed to the white bengal.
And it seems that the white tigers in factions are naturally occuring, not inbreeds ^^;
And it seems that the white tigers in factions are naturally occuring, not inbreeds ^^;
Yes, you can indeed have white tigers as pets.
As for pandas... only the people that haven't found them haven't found them.
As for pandas... only the people that haven't found them haven't found them.
Sir Skullcrasher
You can get White Tiger as pet in game but as for panda, i haven't seen one yet.
i dont get what the big deal is adding a Panda, i mean its just a video game not real life. Hell the more pandas in games mean more minions for my groups minion master. You arent killing them in real life its in game, whats the big deal. Is this another PETA issure, o bother.
Originally Posted by Desert Penguin
Are you sure you can't have White Tigers as pets? Are you sure you haven't tried to charm one?
Which is where my post came in. Seeing as how pandas weren't allowable due to sensitivity issues, would something like this happen to the White Tigers (which are currently charmable) due to sensitivity issues.
As far as the other post, yeah I meant Pandas as pets - there is still the quest with one that can't be attacked, which follows the appropriate Chinese law regarding the killing of pandas.
Disclaimer: I'm not for pandas or against white tigers, just really asking if anyone thinks that sensitivity issues will affect other parts of the game. For example, I'm pretty sure that the Northern Africa, Egyptian based civilizations won't have slaves (which were part of the cultures they are based on historically, whether other tribes or other races) because its a lousy thing to have in a casual game nowadays (sensitivity-wise). The question is how far does sensitivity go in the game.
There's no motive here, just curiosity/pondering.
Originally Posted by MMSDome
i dont get what the big deal is adding a Panda, i mean its just a video game not real life. Hell the more pandas in games mean more minions for my groups minion master. You arent killing them in real life its in game, whats the big deal. Is this another PETA issure, o bother.
Originally Posted by SirJackassIII
There's Chinese law that forbids the killing of Pandas in video games or something. So if ANet wants to sell the game in China, they have to make sure you can't kill Pandas in the game.
Wow. But then... it makes sense... GWars is a global game and does need to take into mind the laws of a great many countries.
Actually, nice job by them to be sensitive to so many issues.
I wanna make Shiro my pet. He'll be my bitch.
Could've made it a mini-pet tho, would make alot of people happy :P
Originally Posted by Overnite
It's pretty much related if the lack of pandas is indeed caused by chinese law, not lazy developers (I think it's the latter). Not including pandas because they may die in a game that's based on killing virtual avatars of real people (at least in PvP) is rather strange, don't you think ?
Aww...i want one so bad T_T
Divinus Stella
They should replace trolls, minos and smites with pandas.
They could all drop awesome loot, but the chinese farmers wouldnt be able to farm them xD, easy solution to the ebay situation.
They could all drop awesome loot, but the chinese farmers wouldnt be able to farm them xD, easy solution to the ebay situation.
Originally Posted by Divinus Stella
They should replace trolls, minos and smites with pandas.
They could all drop awesome loot, but the chinese farmers wouldnt be able to farm them xD, easy solution to the ebay situation. |
Vahn Roi
Originally Posted by MSecorsky
Yes, you can indeed have white tigers as pets.
As for pandas... only the people that haven't found them haven't found them. |
There ARE untargetable pandas in the game if you know where to look... U just cant kill them, and enemy mobs cant kill them either. ^^
P.S. That idea to stop chinese farmers, is quite ammusing!
P.S. That idea to stop chinese farmers, is quite ammusing!
Well it is a fantasy world, so why not just make a creature that looks like a panda but is sufficiently made up that it can't be described as a real panda. Just looks kinda similar.
I don't know, maybe they can put horns on it
I don't know, maybe they can put horns on it
Originally Posted by Vahn Roi
I like the way to try to hint that you yourself have managed to find a panda and cap it. BS
For anyone who has read the article in part, or in full, about the white tiger...another way of looking at the inbreeding and deformities the author calls abhorations, is to look at domesticated dogs...The vast majority of dog breeds are the inbred, deformed descendants of wolves and still have over 95% common DNA. If folks create new "forms" of tiger, the saddest thing is the time and energy not being put into conservation of the species being for me...I capped a white Tiger after training him as a Dire White Tiger and I named him Argus...After reading the article, I might have to change his name to Lenny and buy him a bunny to call "George" to love and pet..."Tell be again about the rabbits, George..." <BANG!> poor, poor kitty...
Originally Posted by TwinRaven
For anyone who has read the article in part, or in full, about the white tiger...another way of looking at the inbreeding and deformities the author calls abhorations, is to look at domesticated dogs...The vast majority of dog breeds are the inbred, deformed descendants of wolves and still have over 95% common DNA. If folks create new "forms" of tiger, the saddest thing is the time and energy not being put into conservation of the species being for me...I capped a white Tiger after training him as a Dire White Tiger and I named him Argus...After reading the article, I might have to change his name to Lenny and buy him a bunny to call "George" to love and pet..."Tell be again about the rabbits, George..." <BANG!> poor, poor kitty...
Manic Smile
just make it a spirit panda that's alredy dead...your not killing gets tired.
Or just make it immortal.
Or just make it immortal.
handsome henry
Someone should make A Panda IWAY team...Don't kill a vitrual panda but go ahead and skin a dog, priorities seem to be out of order, Maybe we should ban the wolf too cause it could be sensitive to ppl who got attacked by wolfs or have dead wolf pets. Then maybe Disney could ban the bear because its too much like Winnie the Pooh, Hell ditch the dune lizard cause it resembles the Geico mastcot, OR BETTER YET LETS JUST TURN THIS GAME INTO SOME DUMB PLAYHOUSE DRESSUP WHERE ALL THESE EMO SENSITIVE WEIRDO CAN RESPECT EACH OTHERS CULTURES NO MATTER HOW ABSURD IT IS WHILE NORMAL PPL HAVE TO BEND OVER TO THIS RIDICULOUS CENSORSHIP.
ahhh.. I feel much better now.
ahhh.. I feel much better now.
prodigy ming
Originally Posted by handsome henry
Someone should make A Panda IWAY team...Don't kill a vitrual panda but go ahead and skin a dog, priorities seem to be out of order, Maybe we should ban the wolf too cause it could be sensitive to ppl who got attacked by wolfs or have dead wolf pets. Then maybe Disney could ban the bear because its too much like Winnie the Pooh, Hell ditch the dune lizard cause it resembles the Geico mastcot, OR BETTER YET LETS JUST TURN THIS GAME INTO SOME DUMB PLAYHOUSE DRESSUP WHERE ALL THESE EMO SENSITIVE WEIRDO CAN RESPECT EACH OTHERS CULTURES NO MATTER HOW ABSURD IT IS WHILE NORMAL PPL HAVE TO BEND OVER TO THIS RIDICULOUS CENSORSHIP.
ahhh.. I feel much better now. |
Normal people huh? so are Chinese not normal now? watch your mouth kid, the problem with free speech and no censorship is that pointless comments like yours get to see the light of day, and thus wasting a few minutes of my life reading your post and lecturing you on it.
plz plz, this was a decent discussion of the topic at hand :-)
besides, I've eaten dog before (not going to say where so as to avoid someone flaming the locale) and I'm 100% American.. well, I do have feather in me, but I suppose that means 110% American:-)
I could see them adding polar bears to the shiverpeaks though :-)... hmm, but the one thing you should remember about bears (pandas or otherwise), from my understanding they are still broken (slowest attack speed with no benefits since the skill they use is a dud), so maybe no panda is a good thing..
besides, I've eaten dog before (not going to say where so as to avoid someone flaming the locale) and I'm 100% American.. well, I do have feather in me, but I suppose that means 110% American:-)
I could see them adding polar bears to the shiverpeaks though :-)... hmm, but the one thing you should remember about bears (pandas or otherwise), from my understanding they are still broken (slowest attack speed with no benefits since the skill they use is a dud), so maybe no panda is a good thing..
Originally Posted by CyberNigma
plz plz, this was a decent discussion of the topic at hand :-)
besides, I've eaten dog before (not going to say where so as to avoid someone flaming the locale) and I'm 100% American.. well, I do have feather in me, but I suppose that means 110% American:-) I could see them adding polar bears to the shiverpeaks though :-)... hmm, but the one thing you should remember about bears (pandas or otherwise), from my understanding they are still broken (slowest attack speed with no benefits since the skill they use is a dud), so maybe no panda is a good thing.. |
As for not using the panda as a fighting creature in the game makes a bit of sense...I mean, they are endangered and mostly quite docile...I vote panda as minipet! or like the bunny or frog...there to see, not to kill. Having a panda in battle just seems a little stupid being mauled by a Koala or torn to shreds by a kangaroo (which, by the way, were once 9ft tall and carnivorous).....def-def-definately a minipet...definately.
Originally Posted by lyra_song
Pandas are valued more than people.
Pandas are for teh jappy stuff. CHARM THE CRAB! (and btw Pandas are not very different from ordinary bears in character, so they even they look cute they are 100% bears)
Originally Posted by Whiplashr
That's kinda true in the states with some pets.. People kill other people every day and most people don't even think about it, or care when people get lenient sentences.. But you'll hear some story of some sick nut killing some kittens or a dog, and people scream bloody murder and want his head. I remember a story locally, where a guy was facing 9 years in prison for killing someones cat. Crazy.
To kill someones beloved pet will send shockwaves through society because this point just hit's home so hard. 'To kill a mockingbird' if you will. For those who don't know what that means.
It is said that to kill a mockingbird is a sin becuase all they do is sing their hearts out for us all day long. It is mostly metephoric in meaning. There has also been film and written material about it (the book is excellent btw). Funnily enough, in reality, mocking birds are as terititorial and aggressive as any wild bird. Still, the point remains.
The only problem is, we live in a world where the value of human life seems to have slipped into a grey area for some. Really quite tragic. Oh well...
The whole panda thing is a sign of the games industry maturing. It's a good thing. I do not know the specifics about the panda law, but I would imagine that their is a lot of meaning in it for the Chinese people. Maybe something that is not so obviously apparent at first.
Having a panda as a mini-pet would be nice though. Have you ever had a party wipe and just seen your pet standing over you (still idling) when all the chaos has lifted? It's makes it seem like they are 'protected' by the game, or that they are just toys (no one 'kills' toys).
I just wish my baby Kuunavang sounded as sweet and soothing as a mockingbird

exiled mat
Greenpeace will come to guildwars if we don't watch out
Greenpeace will come to guildwars if we don't watch out

btw, this wasn't meant as a thread to reverse the panda decision. It's law and its a target country, so I agree it should stay. It was more or less a discussion about how it may pan out into other levels. Is it just about the law or is it about sensitivity. If it's about sensitivity, how far does that go. I think there are people who read topics and respond without reading anything else, so maybe this will help: NO CHANGE IN PANDA STATUS. HOW DOES THIS AFFECT OTHER ISSUES. :-)
I vote to make panda as minipet, i see it as reasonable solution.
handsome henry
Not to be blunt... but your comment is extremely racist and retarded. Not only did you made yourself look like a fool, but you also verbally insulted the Chinese's respect for the pandas. And no, you aren't funny either. Normal people huh? so are Chinese not normal now? watch your mouth kid, the problem with free speech and no censorship is that pointless comments like yours get to see the light of day, and thus wasting a few minutes of my life reading your post and lecturing you on it. 06-17-2006 12:12 AM |
Originally Posted by handsome henry
Your absolutely right, I was being ridiculous and I woulda respected everything you typed until saying "watch your mouth kid" which just pissed me off. Now all i have to say is "watch your mouth gramps".

Ventius Hozza
All I have to say is "I stole Ling Wong"
She's mine, all mine I tells ya.
She's mine, all mine I tells ya.
Ahh it's this thread again, as to say in WoW there is a panda mini pet, one that you can put back in its cage and let it come back out.