Co-Guild Leaders?

Tseng Shinra

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

Siege Turtles [ST]


In light of a recent thread, it would be nice to see the ability for 2 guild leaders, or more than just Guild Leader, Officer, Member catagories. Theres quite a bit that a guild can focus on, not all are strictly PvE, Farmers, RP, PvP it'd be nice to see some sort of better management, especially for larger guilds.

Similarly, with factions, to gain control of a town you're guild/alliance has to be relatively large to farm that much faction, so there has been quite a few mergers that I have seen of two smaller guilds or one smaller guild into a larger one, this would also solve that problem of who should be leader/officer.

Edit: Wrong forum posted in, sorry, could admin move this?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

I'm not sure there should be more than 1 leader, that may lead to trouble especially if two guilds merge that don't really know each other all that well.

As far as more positions, there would need to be some purpose for them otherwise they could just be officers. What's the difference between an "officer" and a "commander" (or whatever the title would be)? If nothing then what's the point? If there are differences, then what would the "commander" have for "power", everything the officer has but no promotions?

Fyre Brand

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

Shadowlight Order [SoR]

@OP ~ Maybe we should have guild "elected republics" or a guild "oligarchy" or maybe we should just leave the system as it is since it's working pretty good.

More specifically secondary leaders are the officers. They can take care of almost every function a guild leader can with a few important exceptions. I like it that way.

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