Drunkard Title

Notorious Rex

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Scars Meadows


Hey, i am going for Drunkard title, and its going well, but i have some questions.

I have been most successful with hunters ale, usually lasting 1 minute each, after i take 3 to get it going.

Here is what i cant understand;

A friend of mine is almost done getting title, and he has resorted to halloween booze. For him, Absinthe gives a wopping 7 minutes. He gave some to me, and after taking one nothing happened, then i took 3 at the same time.... one minute.

I was wondering if different types of booze work differently for diff people. Do different professions get smashed easier? Is it random?

Please, post anything you know that might help. Thanks.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Notorious Rex

I was wondering if different types of booze work differently for diff people. Do different professions get smashed easier? Is it random?

Please, post anything you know that might help. Thanks.
i like these

Spiked Eggnog was obtainable from collectors of Grenth during the Wintersday 2005 update. Spiked Eggnog differs from Eggnog in the way that it gives the screen a purple tint. Spiked Eggnog has also been known to temporarily remove the skills on your Skill Bar.

Drinking a Spiked Eggnog while sober provides a duration of three minutes towards the Drunkard title.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006


I Always Wondered The Same Thing... I As A Warrior Drank 4 At First To Get It Going Then 1 Each Minute After That... I Tried Spiked Egg Nog, But It Only Lasted A Minute. GL With The Title



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006

The Gathering Of The Chosen Few [Ones]


I don't think it depends on the proffesion, I just think that people are timing their noggs and ale differently, maybe someone screwed up in the timing lol. Anyway, I don't plan on going for that title until I have anywhere near enough money to get a bone dragon, crystalline, and drunkard title at the same time, so that will be at the 5th of never lol.