Idea For Chat Filtration

GUE Tech

GUE Tech

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005

Sorry if this was idea was mentioned, boo for search here.

How about letting us have a text filter on the client side. So we can adapt to the current trends in spam. Not only for individual taste, but so we don't have to wait for the devs do keep up. I know spam will always be there, but I think it would greatly improve things.

In addition there would be no announcements, it would take the perps longer to figure out that they are being ignored.

Another benefit would be to filter out all but exactly what you wanted to buy.
If you were in the market for something, just tell the filter to ingnore all chat except chat that contains "IDS" for example.

edit..sry I think I put this in the wrong forum

Thanks for moving you guys are quick

GUE Tech

GUE Tech

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005

Am I all alone here? Does this not make any sense?