Server has been disconnecting me, while I been trying to go out to Gyala Hatchery to.. watch Reefclaw die a few times. And my guildies cant enter ToA..
I think that this is caused by the glitches, monster drops, henchmen drops.
Im just warning you guys and girls out there farming FoW and others to take advantage of this. Prepare for a Re-roll!
I would like to edit: This is kind of a big deal thing. Everyone is farming FoW.. alot.
Even seen "LFG FoW mob farm" I mean..
What will happen? Prices will drop, everyone will get rich, and this fast.
People will start having their "Special spots" to farm it out.
And this will ruin the economy. Its like having bots running in and out of Elona. So yes, this is a big deal. I have gotten one shard. One green shield (reefclaw) and Im not farming anymore, becouse who knows, ANet is not that dumb not to realise that this is ruining the economy.
Henchmen do drop gold also, all you have to do is call target, they die, and you pick up the gold.
Repeating this a few times you got 1k easy.
Even if you do share this in party.
If anyone thinks "well this is great, I can farm shards without doing anything" go ahead. But what will happen when they drop in price, and are worth 300g at the end?
You will end up getting all the shards you need for the nice FoW-not-worth-the-gold armor.
And in that time, ANET will probably have an update about this.
IE: Updated AI of monsters, they now do not attack eachother.
That would make the shards go up in price, and you already sold all you had, becouse it was a good deal, 50 shards in about 20 runs to FoW, Ill sell them. Thats what everyone is doing.
And you will loose the gold anyway.
This is what happens, its like buying shards at merchant for 1k each, and not even that since the drops are about 2-3 shards each run you are doing to FoW as we speak.
Ruining the economy is not what we need. We got the bots still there to ruin it for us.
Edit again

How lazy have we gotten, that lazy, that we need a bug to do the work for us too?
Noo no, this is not suposed to be there. This is a bug.
And it is only fair, for all, to reroll.
And I hope, that they will. I have gotten my nice items yeah, but I rather lose them with along with a re-roll than keeping them and dont let others have this opportunety.
We got to play fair.
EDIT: A quote that made me happy to see:
Enter the Fissure by yourself.
Run to the spot in front of the Forge where a small band of Shadows stands.
Wait three minutes.
Come back and tell me you still feel the same way.
Thank you Rent.
I edit again, ladder matches? Was there NO ladder matches at all under the rune crash?
Yes there was. So dont say they cant reroll for that.
And for those who say, back to my farming.. I pity the fool.
I think I got a small idea of what will happen.

Wait and see.
EDIT last time
They fixed it, no roll-back all happy

No more loot from mobs vs mobs or henchies
YEII you go ANET! Love you