Connection to the friends server lost?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2006


Prid of Ankh Morpork [Prid]


About 5 minutes ago I tried to open my friends window and I got the message "Your connection to the friends server has been lost" and a green re-connect button. When I clicked the button another window with my login appeared and asked for my password.

Has anyone else had this happen?
It's just worrying me a little because I was in the middle of a trade, and I know there are trade hacks in other games, that can give other people access to your account.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006



I've had that once, don't remember if I had to relog to fix it tho... It's not a 'omg I've been hacked!'-alarm worthy in any case.



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

It happened to me last night. No big deal, but being paranoid I won't enter my password in the pop-up box. Would rather log out an back in. I think this may be a bug introduced by the latest upgrade.

Just because you are paranoid doesn't meen they aren't out to get you.

Bladed Aatxe

Bladed Aatxe

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

I used to get that message all the time. Its annoying because it makes you appear offline so you can't receive whispers. I bought a new router and I haven't gotten the message since. I guess my old router just dropped the connection or something...I dunno much about that kind of thing. Hope that helps...