Looking for a guild to join!



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

im infront of my computer dumbass

Viking brotherhood [VHB]


hiya, im looking for a guild that dose mostly pve, such as farming groups, running, power leveling, and some pvp i need to take my agner out on some one dont i? hehe

my stats....

1.paladin of tyr(lvl 20 w/(anything)(over 1mill of exp, can run, pl, pritty much anything..)
2.neverwinter archer(lvl 2o r/(anything)(over 1mill of exp, can trap, bp, some other happy crap to, oh intrupt to.)
3.veratas minon(lvl 20 N/(anything)(mainly an ss, but can order, mm, sac, taint, 2man UW and solo UW(55) over 1mill of exp)
4.high priest of tyr (lvl 8 Mo/me)(cant do shit.......)

not into that much pvp but i like the occsianly gvg to randon area fights my best record in random areana was 58 wins in a row. in gvg i havent done that in a long time...... hoh i have won it 2 times, and gotten to the last round a few times after that..

any more questions bout my skills just ask me

and dont ask for a run or pl im taking a breack from that fora bit(like a few more days im tired of running everywhere and killing trolls a billon times)

(getting factions soon, havnet had internet in 3months so ima bit lost )



Did I hear 7 heroes?

Join Date: May 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS], Guild Leader (Not Recruiting)

If you're in need of a guild, the dedicated sticky is here: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...ead.php?t=2289