Looking to cap a couple of Elites in Iron Mines. From Lion's Arch, what's my quickest route?
Thanks in advance for your help!!!
Quickest way to Iron Mines from Cantha?
Definitely a long ways.
From LA, get a run to Beacon's Perch, from Beacons get a run to Droknar's Forge. Then you have two options:
From LA, get a run to Beacon's Perch, from Beacons get a run to Droknar's Forge. Then you have two options:
- From the Forge, follow the questline to Ice Caves of Sorrow, and do that mission to get to Iron Mines
- From Camp Rankor, get a run to Deldrimor Warcamp, from Warcamp get a run to the Granite Citadel, from the Citadel get a run to Copperhammer Mines, and from Copperhammer get a run to Iron Mines (or fight to any of these places if you want to)
Thank you so much!!
No problem.