Increase burning duration by 50% mod
The Great Al
If other professions can have bleeding and poison lengthening mods, why can't elementalists have something similar? I know that those mods are only 33%, but burning usually only lasts for 3 or 4 seconds. This seems like a pretty obvious mod that should be in the game.
Bleeding: lose 6 hp per second, easily removed or counteracted
Poison: lose 8 hp per second, easily removed or counteracted
Burning: lose 14 hp per second, most of the time does not last long enough to be removed. At 3 seconds it takes away 42 hp. 33% increase makes it 56 damage. Why do you want to make it overpowered?
Poison: lose 8 hp per second, easily removed or counteracted
Burning: lose 14 hp per second, most of the time does not last long enough to be removed. At 3 seconds it takes away 42 hp. 33% increase makes it 56 damage. Why do you want to make it overpowered?
Originally Posted by Helios
Bleeding: lose 6 hp per second, easily removed or counteracted
Poison: lose 8 hp per second, easily removed or counteracted Burning: lose 14 hp per second, most of the time does not last long enough to be removed and requires more healing than the above. At 3 seconds it takes away 42 hp on top of the already high damage. Why do you want to make it overpowered? |
an extra 50% would be nice. /signed.
/signed for same reasons as above
Originally Posted by Arkantos
84hp/6seconds, easily countered with 1 orison of healing.
an extra 50% would be nice. /signed. |
Two, you're forgetting the initial damage. Rank 16 Rodgort's Invocation + that? That's 200 damage already. Or what if I put Mark of Rodgort on you and cast Inferno at rank 16 fire damage? That's 226 damage. Don't forget, your monk is healing other people, too.
It ain't broke, so don't fix it.
Originally Posted by Helios
One, learn your math. 3 + (3 x 0.5)= 4.5
Two, you're forgetting the initial damage. Rank 16 Rodgort's Invocation + that? That's 200 damage already. Or what if I put Mark of Rodgort on you and cast Inferno at rank 16 fire damage? That's 226 damage. Don't forget, your monk is healing other people, too. It ain't broke, so don't fix it. |

226 damage, which can becountered with a prot monk. Yes, your monk is healing other people, but they'll heal you after they see the damage done unless there busy with someone else.
It doesnt matter if its broken or not, many skills have been "fixed" even though they were fine.
20% maybe?
Originally Posted by Opeth11
20% maybe?
Eh, maybe the game engine will round it up onto 1 second. =D
It's just that some people may have problems with balance when it comes to 50%. Just hindsite, nothing else.
It's just that some people may have problems with balance when it comes to 50%. Just hindsite, nothing else.
Originally Posted by Arkantos
Sorry, its almost 5 in the morning
Originally Posted by Arkantos
226 damage, which can becountered with a prot monk. Yes, your monk is healing other people, but they'll heal you after they see the damage done unless there busy with someone else.
It doesnt matter if its broken or not, many skills have been "fixed" even though they were fine. |
Originally Posted by Helios
Speaking of which, sorry if I came off real cranky.
Well, from personal playing experience, I feel its sometimes too easy to kill with an elementalist, thus not warranting a buff in burning length. |

Elementalists are, very good damage dealers if you know how to play the class. I dont play ele very often, but when I do I notice I do massive damage

Originally Posted by Opeth 11
It's just that some people may have problems with balance when it comes to 50%. Just hindsite, nothing else.

Say your a warrior using sever, bleeding duration is 20 seconds. 20+(20x3.3)=6.6 seconds. 6.6% to about 1 second with 33%. Wheres the balance there?
The Great Al
well the only reason I stated 50% was because the duration is so low to begin with. I think Burning Speed puts enemies on fire for 9 or 10 seconds, and 50% of that would be a 5 second increase. Most of the other fire spells only have 3-4 seconds of burning. Less than 50% would be laughable and unusable.
If you want to keep people burning just use Mark of Rodgort, then just use flare, any other fire spell, or your normal fire weapon to keep them burning permenatly. Burning is about the worst degen in the game, that is why it is short. Fast damage is an asset all in it's own, damage over a longer period of time allows for more time to heal the damage delt, so even if you bleed twice as much damage with a long bleeding skill, burning does the damage fast enough to be difficult to counter, and fast enough to get the damage in even if the enemy tries to remove it.
There already are some powerful burning skills, I say leave them the way they are. If there were skills that set enemies on fire without initial fire damage, then I could understand if they burned for 4-6 seconds, but the ones we have are a great balance of damage and degen.
There already are some powerful burning skills, I say leave them the way they are. If there were skills that set enemies on fire without initial fire damage, then I could understand if they burned for 4-6 seconds, but the ones we have are a great balance of damage and degen.
It probably wouldn't hurt too much to have a mod increasing Burning duration. But isn't the main reason that there isn't one because all the duration-increasing mods are for the non-caster professions? It may not always be fair, but for the most part it makes sense.
Makes it easier for me to Plague Touch the burn onto those who burn my Touch Ranger.
Makes it easier for me to Plague Touch the burn onto those who burn my Touch Ranger.

There's no burn duration modifier because there's so many spells that can cause burning, that it's not needed. *looks at skillz list*
Bed of Coals, Burning Speed, Incendiary Bonds, Mind Burn, Searing Heat, Smoldering Embers, Rodgort's Invocation, Immolate, and Teinai's Heat.
That's nine skills that put the burn on enemies. As previously stated though, you can use Mark of Rodgort and spam flare to keep the heat on your foes. I wouldn't recommend it personally, because burn sucks anyways, but if you're obsessed with long burning durations, there's a full roster of burn skills for you right there.
Personally I would only seriously consider using Rodgort's Invocation and Immolate(it's got a decent recharge, and is only 10 energy). The others are crap imo, but I'm not the one who wants burn durations increased :/
Bed of Coals, Burning Speed, Incendiary Bonds, Mind Burn, Searing Heat, Smoldering Embers, Rodgort's Invocation, Immolate, and Teinai's Heat.
That's nine skills that put the burn on enemies. As previously stated though, you can use Mark of Rodgort and spam flare to keep the heat on your foes. I wouldn't recommend it personally, because burn sucks anyways, but if you're obsessed with long burning durations, there's a full roster of burn skills for you right there.
Personally I would only seriously consider using Rodgort's Invocation and Immolate(it's got a decent recharge, and is only 10 energy). The others are crap imo, but I'm not the one who wants burn durations increased :/
Aarroe of Gilgamesh
i wouldnt mind a 33% mod to match everything else for the weapons that can already fit condition mods onto them. this would seemingly only benefit rangers with their few burning preps which don't apply to axes, swords, etc. as far as making this a staff mod... no thanks, no way to balance this without making cold snares into conditions, adding a weakness mod for enervating charge, thinking some similar buffs out for the other skills, and other caster classes.
my 2 cents, i think a 20% longer curse wrapping would be a much better solution. if anything at all needs buffed.
my 2 cents, i think a 20% longer curse wrapping would be a much better solution. if anything at all needs buffed.
considering burning usually lasts around 3-5 seconds the mod would be garbage anyway so unsigned.