Hey there!!! My suggestion is to roll out Chrismtas and holidy parafanalia durring the month of july and call it christmas in july! Why? because alot of people want
Spiked Eggnogs for drinking title
Candy Canes which are now at an all time high
Christmas cool durring the hot months
A brake from the ordinary
Also! if they do this yearly, they could have One christmas event for EACH Release, one located in Factions, then December in chapter 3 and the next one in july in chapter 4 and so on! Come on think about it ^^
On a SIMILIAR note...
if theres a WINTERSDAY... why shouldnt there be a SUMMERSDAY?
Christmas in July!!!
Melandru versus, ummm.... Balthazar?
Terra Xin
It's not a Chistmas event ITS A WINTERSDAY EVENT!!
Some aren't christians you know...
And you know, I don't like godmodding the GW season, just wait another 6 months...
I believe gaile said something about this subject already... and so have hundreds of other people on this forum.
Some aren't christians you know...
And you know, I don't like godmodding the GW season, just wait another 6 months...
I believe gaile said something about this subject already... and so have hundreds of other people on this forum.