The Omnitist
A master of quickness, a perfectionist of health, the Omnitist uses his unique abilitys to conquer the mightiest of foe.He can wield his weapon of choice - the Ssaix, with amazing ease and perfection, he can provide himself with extra health, and, move like no other.
The Ssaix
Bruising Damage (Max 8-21)
*Health Gain:
For each point put into Health Gain, you gain an extra 5 health points.
With each point into agility, all your agility skills become more effective.
Quickness of the Ssaix:
With each point into this attribute, you attack 5% faster whilst wielding a Ssaix.
Effectiveness of the Ssaix:
Allocating points into this attribute makes your Ssaix deal more damage.
* = Primary Attribute.
This is my first time at having ago at a new character proffesion, so if anything is missed out or anything wrong, please tell me so, thx :)