Role Players Unite! - Guild Wars Role-Player's District Site

Vyktor Morte

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

Crimson Lukoi


Hello, I am Vyktor Morte, Guild Leader of the Crimson Lukoi. I bring you information regarding a new website dedicated fully to Guild Wars Role Players!

I am fairly new to Guild Wars, having been playing since May of this year. I have had a rather difficult time finding others to role play with. I created my guild for the sheer purpose of seeing how the process worked, so I only have two members at this time. I am not seeking alliances at this time, merely trying to locate others to Role Play with.

Which brings me to my purpose for this post. I located a website called Guild Wars RPA, but it appears that only a handful of RP guilds use the site. So I took it upon myself to create a new website, dedicated to Guild Wars Role Players whether they are in a role playing guild or not! Here is a link:

The site is called Guild Wars Role-Player's District, in honor of the petition for role playing disitricts that I found here on this forum. It is my sincere hope that this site will become a hub for all Role Players in Guild Wars. I encourage you to stop by, check it out, and even register on the forums. The site is not dedicated to one specific guild, rather, it is meant to cater to ALL role players. Please feel free to pass the URL on to your friends.

I will also be seeking assistance from others who express interest in helping to moderate the forums or offer assistance on expanding upon the site once it gains more of a following. The site will be updated regularily with news, information, screen shots, and much more in support of the Role Playing community.

I encourage any role player, casual or dedicated, to use the Guild Wars Role-Player's District site! The forum will be a great place to organize and coordinate outside the game for role playing events, locating rp groups, sharing stories, or just plain having fun!

I can be contacted as Vyktor Morte or Rafe Peral in the game. I look forward to meeting many like-minded players!